Bike Sizing Tips, Fresh Bike Builds, Plus Listener Questions on Tires, MTB Trips & More!... Ep. 144 [Podcast]

MTB Podcast

MTB Podcast 134 - Listen on YouTube


Today on the podcast, the boys discuss some quick tips on bike sizing and how Jeff has been destroying his body before chopping it up about some fresh bikes they have been riding and jumping into some listener questions ranging from who would fight Mike Tyson for $10,000 to what to do with your half used tires and everything in between. Tune in!


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no I'm good 144 this is the freaking podcast for
that ladies and gentlemen welcome to episode 144 of the MTB podcast presented
and hosted by worldwide Cyclery I am Jeff I'm Liam and I'm Trevor and Jared
is still out he's actually back from his honeymoon but he's he's on a honeymoon hangover is that a thing never been on
one Dono yeah me neither but that's what he's on the thing yeah I think so travel yeah international travel home with a
comfortable stomach after y he drank too much olive oil trying to keep his olive oil voice ready to go probably did
ingest too much olive oil probably too much beer too probably too much beer he did go to U October Fest yeah definitely
too much beer yeah well in this episode we will discuss dot dot dot I forgot to write the intro not the first time that
this has happened um a quick tip on bike sizing what bike what bike size to buy
and uh Liam's refresh bike Trevor's new bike a bunch of listener questions that
destroying his body yeah that's in there that is in there if you're watching this on YouTube you might notice that I have
uh gauze and tape all over my hands which I'll discuss later but more importantly Zach's words
of wisdom go ahead Wills say something positive and you might just see something positive yep pretty good
pretty good didn't you call him the most positive pessimist or something today I call yeah I called him the most most positively pessimist person
here because of some comment he made yeah I mean there few of the guys are going to the Dodger Padre's playoff game
tomorrow um they got some tickets so there few people here who like baseball and know what it is the three people who
know what baseball is and there's at what 20 Innings and you know seven scores um couple touchdowns something
like that do you know anything about baseball I I played I played baseball I know about baseball to know what's going
on yeah okay baseball's the only sport I actually like played till like still high school um he was like yeah no
tomorrow's going to be awesome if we make it there but he's just so happy about it
he's like yeah I don't know if we make it you know what I mean you never know what's going to happen got to wake up first yeah or we could you know die a
car accident like okay Zach well it's all over the place you
never know never know what you're going to get Daniel's fun fact read it off Trevor 40 40 is the only number that is
spelled with letters arranged in alphabetic order well if I didn't learn that today
I don't know what I would have done useful or should we call them useful facts or I guess that's why
they're fun facts maybe we should call them Daniel's useless fun facts yeah I don't I don't see any way
of that benefiting my life unless you're on like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire sometime I should use it as a pickup
line just roll up to a girl at a bar slam your drink down 40 it's the only
number is B off Bell quarter good work like yeah I'll see
myself out now good work oh good work fantastic testimonials
did you did you pce this one in I I had a note but did you do that I don't know who did that Jared set up his talk and
then he left all right he did he set it up and then he said he had a stomach ache so these dudes are great fun to listen to Just A group of dudes who love
mountain bikes and love to ride catch up on the latest and greatest things currently happening in the industry
here's some tech talk on parts or get awesomer awesomer awesome listener questions answered that's all we've been
wondering ourselves this is hard to read someone didn't freed this well my my fantastic
testimonial actually I had a different take on this whole topic today um one uh
we got a really good review from a guy in Hawaii who's just absolutely stoked because we actually have free shipping
to Alaska and Hawaii and he wrote a whole paragraph saying how awesome that was because every other place on the
planet has fine print that says not including Alaska and Hawaii that's cool they probably do get screwed by everybody for that yeah they probably do
Yeah we actually have free shipping to all the States including Alaska and Hawaii Puerto Rico um well I don't think
so but I'm can't remember off top of my head I can't either yeah it's always a question when question customer service
and email us well it's technically not state but it's a whatever yeah I don't know I don't know how to go over the Puerto Rico question I have I I wasn't
prepared for that um it's probably on our FAQ on our site next episode I will I will jump into that um but speaking of
testimonials I had a favor to ask all of you listeners Andor Watchers depending on how you're consuming this podcast we
have literally thousands and thousands of positive reviews all over the place but one place it is this weird website
called trust pilot which is kind of one of those weird scammy it's almost a new age Better Business Bureau where if you
have a business people can go there and complain and then they go to you as the business and they say hey if you
subscribe for $150 a month in order to reply to reviews and uh then then you can debate reviews or counter reviews or
remove things you think are spam but you have to pay us to do that and register as a business on you it's kind of total BS to be honest and um let me just
explain in our business so we we process well over a couple hundred thousand orders a year and with that many orders
there's always going to be some small percentage of people who are uh impossible to please you could call them
irate irrational uh border line Psychopathic I don't know any other any
other choice words you might call these types of people but we love our customers the kind of people that we
love 99.99% of our customers and then there's a portion of people who are just the
kind of people who leave onear reviews for every business they interact with their whole life can't please everybody
can't please everybody and we got a handful of those whack jobs on trust pilot if you want to go and read their reviews you will see exactly what I mean
it's the kind of reviews you read and you just go oh well not considering that guy's opinion place an order on Friday
at 7:00 p.m. didn't go out for 3 Days didn't get my question answer way weirder way weirder people when let me
give you an example one guy one star review all over the place we had a bike
that was I think it was 20 or 30% off it was a it was a closeout situation there's a lot of those this year and it
had gone out of stock the day after it had gone out of stock in all sizes we have this automatic thing that says like
put your email in to be notified if this ever comes back in stock and uh he did that and then called us and he got some
email notification and then we said oh yeah that's discontinu it's not coming back in stock and he goes on this
massive tiate about how we're fishing for people's emails with fake
discounts nice just totally nuts like screaming over the phone about this and then leaves one star reviews all over
the place that we're fishing for people's emails with fake pricing on products we don't have in stock like this is the kind of stuff I'm talking
about y so my favorite ask is if you just Google worldwide cyy trust pilot if
you wouldn't mind dropping us a positive review I would really appreciate that and it would help us cover up some of
those uh wack jobs as I like to call them yeah whenever I'm looking whenever I'm looking at a review site or Yelp or
whatever like yeah sometimes it can get pretty toxic on there and you see the bad star reviews and horrible complaints
and I really try to not look at those at all well then you also click on that person's yel profile and all they leave
they 9 onear one five star1 star one five star and probably what they're
complaining about is actually not that big a deal and there's 99 other five star reviews where they had excellent
service and that's probably what you're going to get so take it with a grain of salt yep all the smart rational people
out there understand all this stuff yeah and that's the 99.99% of our
customers um well next segment bikes and rides we've been enjoying bikes Liam go
ahead what have you been riding bikes what bikes and rides have you been enjoying lately well
uh I've gone through a bit of a bike Shuffle in the last few weeks you
have and and the season surprise I mean never happened no hasn't I mean my rail
29 I had that for a year and a half that's ancient in my book um still
really great bike but so that one was just time for it to move on right it needs a new home
um then I also sold the ASR cuz it was end of season and I just wanted to sell that and then ended up coming into
another ASR frame from a buddy of mine so I built back up an ASR but this time a little bit different so this one has
Fox suspension uh same suspension that Jeff has on his ASR it's a 34 stepcast
grip SL damper and a float SL rear shock um yeah just kind of built it up
basically be like my old ASR uh just a slightly beefier like everything put
code brakes on it I put code rsc's a code stealth ultimate rsc's yeah code code stealth ultimates yeah yeah um 160
rotors though uh I think it's a cool setup I love it of course you do yeah you love
things like that you were just telling me the other day you wanted to put a a float X on an ASR yeah yeah and a 134 or
something rad and I and I was arguing with you and said we'll agree to disagree because that to me makes no
sense that's fair that's fair I wouldn't over bike my suspension on a bike that is designed to be weight and slightly
not very stiff hear me out the I had the brakes so this is a zero cost install
yeah that's you got a reason second part it was I I did the math and I think it was 88 gram or 85 gr to go from Level
ultimate to Pistons to Code Ultimate four Pistons 85
grams that's there's a tire Vari hard to believe that it was only 85 grams but
still every gam counts samam website gave me the facts I yeah see I don't
know I think I want to wait to myself well I didn't care that much also he has he has the uh the 160 rotors on there
too so it's not like you have this that's where most of the weights crazy bite too it's like going to be like pretty manageable power I guess we'll
have to see when you ride it but small rotor no adapters for like a 180 mil rotor right so like say I did those old
brakes with 180 Ms and adapters that could be 80 g right there you know what's funny is I can I can make these
comments but I almost bet you if I rode your bike with those codes I'd want them on my ASR whenever you ride a bike with
more powerful brakes than you're used to you just kind of come back going I really want those breakes and I I rode
it over the weekend without the breaks I had the two pots on still and we rode just a stupid skitter trail that we
don't ride that often um Jorge with codes on his ASR couldn't stop and
Tomahawk down the trail nice so it's just I don't know sometimes we ride these bikes in stupid spots and yeah you
and in that case you need um so yeah I've been liking that bike a lot it's fun it's fast it's like simple way more
simple than my old ASR which I'm kind of into um you know you have go from nine batteries to having one battery yeah cuz
you're old one you had flight attendant on it flight attendant power meter zip tire pressure sensors everything so you
got no tire pressure sensors no flight attendant none of that no uh no cable
actuated lockout no cable actuated lock out no no electronic lockout uh Fox
transfer SL cable actu post and then I just have have two batteries now yeah I
guess two I've got a controller for my sxx and the derailer so yeah pretty sweet it looks
super good in my opinion too he got the gold fork and Kashima sha Kashima um
dropper post too and his his frame was custom painted so it's like just a unique build too it just looks cool yep
and then been riding a rascal V2 as well that's been super fun kind of making it
a little bit more beefy as the kind of the Revel Rascal V2 is that the one with the Lewis breaks on it yep it has Lewis
breaks on it right now um so far so good during the testing phase of those super good I haven't bled them once since the
initial install they're great nice yeah powerful super powerful powerful like
codes more I'd say they're more powerful than codes um and they're a bit more onoff which is a little harder for me to
get used to but that's a me thing that's not like a some people like that some people love it right um but it's harder
when you're going from like a swam brake to like that and it just instant bites that front wheel and it almost like pulls you you know it's just going to
take some time yeah I'm after like you know a one downhill on it I'm used to it it's just you know hopping straight on
it a little bit so yeah it's been super fun cool you ridden the Lewis brakes yet I haven't but I've felt them on Liam's
bike and they do feel super good and the lever feel is weightless feels like
there's no resistance whatsoever which is kind of crazy I think that would take a bit getting used to and figuring out
where it bites and stuff and but I think once you got used to it man I think you would love it um I can't think of a negative for that really I mean the new
codes are pretty good and then the uh the haze dominions are also very good as well but I think I like the lever feel
of the just from the parking lot test of the uh the um the Le brakes a little bit
better yeah yeah I kind of want to put those Lewis brakes on my Banshee I just
want the banse already has czys on it mostly the int suspension but it'd be a
cool bike to just test sort of off-the-wall small brand products on he
they look sweet they they look all machined and yeah they look really super cool looks like super good with all the
trail one stuff as well like just matches super nice it just looks very highend so it's cool I'm going to get a
Blog out soon and working on getting them on the site so cool very cool well
Trevor very nice we were going to have this as a topic here but we can just go right into it what bike and rides have you been
enjoying lately so yeah I was again on my my40 for almost two years actually
which is a long time especially with how much I ride and how hard I ride so that was time for a little break on that and
kind of figuring out what bike I want to choose next and um I've kind of been
going between an ASR and I've also been trying the furbit and Druid V2 um which is a 130 150 travel bike
High pivot um which is something like way different Jared had one of them before
he just raved about it they've been selling made a whole YouTube video about it yep they've been uh they've been
selling on the site really good I've been building up a bunch of them so I've been pretty curious about how they ride so we have a demo bike and put my wheels
on it and some beefy tires and been going on some some rides and I just took it to Big Bear for closing day which was
I was a little bit skeptical like you know 130 bike at Big Bear and at the bike park and hitting jumps I was I was
so impressed it was really cool um to just ride jumps go to Flat you know like
or case a jump but um it just gave a really stable platform Corners like
unlike a bike I've never I've never cornered a bike so well than that bike um I don't maybe it's the chain stay
growing or whatever but it puts me in a really good position and the the bottom bracket feels like it's in a good place
too where it just it's just stuck to the ground so yeah super impressed with that
um it's a little bit tough to Pedal like if you were to do a big pedal ride I don't know if I'd really like that just
cuz um like the friction is not that much friction with the with the idler pulley
guide but um you do feel it a little bit if you had like a a dirty drivet train
or something it would probably be like a little nasty so yeah I think they claim like clean drivet train it's like a 10
watt decrease which isn't huge if you're not ring would you mind more on a long
Fire Road climb or a technical single track climb that was also long yeah I
think I think like if I was doing single track I'd get kind of annoyed with it on a fire Road it's kind of whatever yeah
um I think that where the bike is designed like up in Canada in BC you're doing these huge fire Road climbs going
to the top of a super steep hill and then just bombing down cool downhill and like a LOM Trail or something I think
that bike would be excellent for that I think that for around here we do such long traverses and rides in single track
could be tough for that but it's really cool that you can take a 130 travel bike and ride it hard at a bike park yeah or
or any Trail and it really just feels great so got to do a little bit more experimenting with that but super happy
with first couple rides I've done on it yeah nice yeah forbidden on fire it's really cool yeah they're killing it
right now making awesome bikes and people are very interested and the bikes look good and work good and people are
ling them so yeah I've never ridden a bike that feels that way it almost feels like bottomless for a 130 bike there's
no there no like harsh bottom out when you do bottom out and you have a really stable platform and yeah super cool H
makes me want to try one might have to do that yeah I might have to do thatz
God those bikes look so good I know and this one like the the stacks pretty high this one's an S3 so the uh the reach is
480 so works pretty good for me 480 in the large mhm S3 LGE get a S2 and we can
trade off a little bit have it as a demo but we can have a little setup now talking an now talking hey perfect
transition into my tip of bike sizing which I just threw on here because I was messaging someone about it on Instagram
today because he' asked me about the sizing of that ASR and I replied back and just said yeah I you know generally
prefer a bike that has a 470 reach with a 32 mil stem plus or minus a little bit
depending on what kind of bike it is and in saying that I realized that's actually kind of a useful tip and the
tip to be a little bit more broad is to know what reach and stem length you like
cuz that's where that really comes down you know I I think people you know if you're going to ride mountain bikes and
switch your bikes out buy new bikes you should start to really pay attention to what bike feels really good to you and
then go okay what reach does this bike have and what stem length do I have on here and okay that's a good starting
point to know because then if you go to another brand and they call it S12 and3 or another brand that calls it small medium large and another brand calls it
small medium large and they're 25 mm different per size in the last brand you looked at I just think all of that
should just be size should be reach related um and I just think people should try and figure out what reach
they like and what stem length I was literally I don't know it could be the same person I just well they didn't ask me about ASR but I just some guy on
Instagram asked me the same thing basically as A7 it's got to be one of the most common questions a 2017 YT
kapper I believe and was like Hey I want to get an XL and I was like he's like a friend of
mine as well and I was like well 2017 large is like a 2022 plus medium
right like look at your reach look at your wheelbase and now look at what modern bikes are going to match that
yeah because from what's 2017 that was that's almost eight years ago um as far
as product cycle goes changed a lot changed a lot since then so like yeah a large from then is like today's medium
maybe even smaller yeah um so I was like look at those numbers you know reach
wheelbase um and then kind of go from there and you know see what you want because yeah and even today standards a
large from one company is not a large from the other company that's the biggest problem is that none of these
you know small through double XL make any sense when it's different between all these different you and I kind of float medium large depending on the
brand depending on the brand Trevor kind of floats large XL depending on the brand like yeah and also what you're
writing for what do you want what's your terrain it's pretty crazy how how much that makes your your riding experience
different too cuz absolutely like when I got to Big Bear like got to get a couple downhill runs in and I was like man my
front end feels super low like this doesn't feel natural I'm used to having some Riser bars on here and little bit
like a high a high stack and just I'm I'm pretty tall and uh first thing I did
was I put more pressure in the fork which made the fork not dive in as as much because I was riding it so low
which again is like kind of a stack thing and reach thing um and then I I I also raised the um my steer tube a
little bit by 10 M and boom good to go felt comfortable immediately was able to
turn better like ride faster ride with more confidence and little things like that if you just pay attention to it
makes a huge difference yeah yeah even putting I just put a 150 air shaft in that rasco V2 and it instantly went from
the 150 trail bike to like I could kind of push this pretty good Truro yeah
that's the most ridiculous word just gives you a little bit more confidence which goes a long way yeah I mean 140 or
150 you're not really it's not going to lose anything on a climb you're not going to like you know I'm not racing that bike uphill anyways yeah so it's
like why would you not just it's not no heavier you just literally are adding a little bit height to it a little bit
slack a little bit wheelbase a little bit of height yeah I mean being comfortable on the bike I just think is one of the it's Paramount it's so
important yeah cuz if you're if you're comfortable on the bike then you're going to have way more fun out there and
ride faster and you know ride with less nerves and yeah everything's going to be
good so yeah put put in the time and effort to be comfortable on the bike and make little tweaks like you were talking about and all those tweaks are free yeah
add a spacer add some air pressure yeah yeah don't be afraid to do it like once to the car I put some air pressure and I'm like you know we're here I'm just
going to change this now you know like I have an all set with me I'm just going to I'm going to raise the bars a little bit it's going to take me two minutes
and good to go you weren't lazy was not L don't be lazy nice work don't be lazy make make your make your experience for
the rest of the day better cuz and and maybe it's not better and go back you know but at least you tried it yep yeah
good tips hopefully this was helpful for our fellow mountain bikers hope so and if not well we tried yeah Le at least we
put our best effort U bikes and rides I've been enjoying have been nothing
because uh what did I do well okay that's not totally true stop destroying your body yeah I've messed up my body
once again I finally recovered from The Adventure Race and then I got on a plane went to Pennsylvania to visit our shop
out there and I did go on one mountain bike ride out there I rode in a place called Camp Mack with uh the Gretna crew
so Mount Gretna is this place in Pennsylvania and they have an incredibly engaged weekly ride group and they they
don't always ride Mount Greta which I thought but no they actually spread their wings a little bit and go to some different spots and I rode with that
group which man it was maybe 20 people it's pretty it's a pretty big group most time I'm out there I tried and get it on
that ride cuz Jason are logestic Scout there he rides with them religiously on the Thursdays and um super fun and I
rode a ranger just one of the demo bikes that we had Rebel Ranger and it was perfect for out there and it was
actually a really fun place to ride and yeah it was a good ride it was it was a good fun time and I was like oh that was
awesome was good to go to group rad yeah and Pennsylvania is just so different and there was a lot of Fall Foliage so a
lot of leaves on the ground we actually rode some secret lers oh L yeah some of
the guys the uh who were sort of guiding the route was you split the group in two at one point cuz there was some really
steep shoot and there was literally a steep secret ler that he sent us all
down it was it was rad I was not expecting to go ride something like that when I went out there but yeah it was really cool so that was a fun ride and
then uh I came back to California Friday night and uh Saturday morning drove up
to Mammoth Mammoth Mountain with for a family vacation and on the way up to Mammoth uh while driving Taylor goes hey
there's the obstacle course racing World Championships in Mammoth this weekend I
was like oh that's awesome see if we can sign up for something and so she found one race we could sign up for that last
minute which was essentially the last race of the festival uh of the event which was on Sunday and it was a charity
run and it was untimed open course and you just got to run the entire obstacle
course that all the World Championships happened on and and attempt all those obstacles um but it was just untimed and
for fun and for charity so we signed up for that which ended up being four miles 1100 feet you kind of went straight up a
ski run to start out with and bunch of random stuff if you've ever done obstacle course race they make you climb over walls they make you do a bunch of
uh elaborate monkey bar- like things and there was a lot of that stuff and the way it works is you get this wristband
and they cut the wristband off if you can't complete an obstacle and if you remain with the wristband at the Finish
then you get the 100% completion and so uh I was pretty determined to see if I
could do that and I was getting one for the next obstacles and then I kept trying some that were extremely hard and
uh then I started my hand started bleeding which is a very common thing in this sport because there was blood all over a lot of these obstacles and I
managed to uh rip every callus off of both of my hands and my hands are now
completely destroyed and in hindsight that probably wasn't very smart because it's very painful and now like
immobilized heing for 10 to two weeks 10 days yeah I honestly don't know how long this is going to keep me off the bike
cuz I'm going to say two weeks minimum probably two weeks yeah so my hands are absolutely wrecked but I did complete
every single obstacle so good job Jeff at what cost unknown but you got your little
participation trophy yeah yeah I did I pretty much
did it was fun man you had to you had to climb ropes you had to do all these crazy ninja warrior like obstacles there
was sandbag carries and big aluminum slab walls that you had to climb up and
oh it was it was a ton of fun but yeah absolutely wrecked my hands um just in pursuit of uh saying I completed all the
obstacles which once again in hindsight maybe not was wasn't the best idea Taylor she did about half of them she
pushed herself really hard she climbed a 25 foot vertical rope which was pretty crazy took her a couple tries she was
like shaking after it and she is so sore cuz she doesn't do upper body workouts
like that so she can't even lift her arms up just so s so it's it's a hell of
a sport to go into uh if off the couch off the couch yeah especially if you don't train for that sort of thing so
yeah I kind of uh am now back to square one on the recovery train and um at least I can run just can't really hold
on to a handlebar for a while so oh well or do or do like many things like does it hurt to like squeeze your hands right
now oh yeah yeah I can I can't make a grip like tighter than that no chance did you see the pictures yeah I
saw the pictures it looks like someone took a small spoon and just scooped downwards
and just pulled the whole callus off and it's literally every single one of the calluses in hand definitely which most
people who ride bikes will know they have you know generally I have three right cuz my index finger is always on the brake lever so I have three calluses
so each every single one is cleaved off yeah solid good job yeah yep yeah it's
good stuff another week just another weekend oh boy all
right well let's roll into and now a word from our sponsors feeling overwhelmed by endless political chatter
and virtue signaling well it's time to dive into all the worldwide Cyclery content nothing but pure mountain bikes
with our absolute promise to keep it fun PG-13 and always always free of even a
queef of anything political we have a podcast YouTube channel and a website full of well written in-depth articles
about all things mountain bikes and now back to the show listener questions we
got a nice batch here Trevor why don't you read this first one off who from the worldwide Cyclery staff would fight Mike
Tyson for $10,000 and what would their walk out music be I mean I only know one
person that will probably agree to that low of a number Weaver we guaranteed yeah he's not the toughest guy but he'll
do a lot of things for money doesn't matter how tough you are fight Mike Tyson he literally will stand up get hit
get his $10,000 and his walk out music will definitely be Taylor Swift I don't know any yeah I don't know any Taylor
Swift songs maybe Miley Cyrus no he would do Miley Cyrus for sure Miley Cyrus I was thinking of like a tough
song not but he would definitely walk out to m one of those two I was thinking of like DMX like r r he doesn't even
know what DMX is yeah you're right yeah you're totally right about that he no idea no idea but it would be like party
in the US it would honestly be kind of interesting to see Mike Tyson fight a general guy right now just to see what
would happen interesting just look up one punch knockout and that'll be the fight look like yeah but maybe he would play around with him a little you know
gut punches it's like a lion versus a mouse yeah yeah yeah give him a couple gut punches wasn't Mike Tyson going to
fight somebody Jake Paul why did that ever happen I think it's happening God that would be I think it's happening I
don't know I have no clue I just I just hope he doesn't ruin his legacy cuz he's such such a legend you know like I don't
know how staged it is and stuff you know like there's a lot of money on the line yeah is is Jake Paul like a boxing WWE
fighter or is he a real boxer I think he's I think he's like a wrestler turned boxer yeah I don't know someone I've
heard is like somewhat legit but Mike Tyson is like he's the goat right so yeah but we digress yes have any of you
guys ever tested out a spring deck coil spring what are your thoughts on it my answer is no my answer is
yes my answer is no but I've know a lot of people who have run them ah okay yeah
it's pretty good um I had one on a sp130 can you please explain listeners what it
is spring deck spring is a coil spring that you put on a coil rearshock damper
uh and the spring deex comes in like a range say it's like a 300 to
340 uh spring rate range and you can basically slide an adjuster and it allows the spring to either compress
more or compress less based on what you're trying to achieve so it's a slightly adjustable coil spring um you
know so say you are in between a 300 or 325 you can kind of bounce back and
forth and see what you might like yeah it's not a huge range difference it's not like it's a 300 to 400 it's like
what Liam said it's not it's just little incremental steps but it's really good for testing suspension if you want to
try something out or um tuning your suspension to like a specific area you can have it a little bit better for a
certain area you essentially test two different spring rates without having to take the whole rear shock off the bike yeah normally but normally you're
testing like let's say like a 400 to 450 or 450 to to like 475 or whatever you
know it's just like a little bit less than that so yeah it's just a fine little fine tuning device yeah I think
it's good I'm not 100% sure if it's better than like a just proper spring that's in your spring rate but that
being said it's a great way to buy one spring kind of see where you're at and then maybe buy the expensive one after
that isn't I mean I guess to me the irony would be that the cost of two
Springs would be less than one spring deex it depends some of those SLS Springs are expensive I don't know oh
the SLS ones are you're right like the it would be more expensive than just two basic steel Springs yeah I believe it
would but it wouldn't yeah maybe not less than like SLS spring or like the other ones were carrying super alloy
racing or SAR Springs those are pretty pricey but they're super good quality and like no binding on them there's no
binding they're rated to like a really precise number cuz that's the other thing is like the cheaper the spring
it's not actually a 300 it could be a 280 it could be a 320 yeah somebody tested a lot of that stuff exact they
weren't accurate they're not they're not that accurate so yeah usually when you pay for a more expensive spring you are
getting a more accurate number of what you're getting yeah all right cool well here's a downeyville question perfect
for YouTube LS speak for yourself buddy I'm planning a trip to downeyville for Mid October I
know I have like a week to plan and yeah this will come out in a week so you're probably going to be there
but uh I'm not too familiar with the area do you guys have any good suggestions for cabin campsites in the
KOA area what I don't know what that means La KOA he says Allah KOA area KOA
like Allah cart Allah KOA area you know KOA like that what rides would suggest what shuttle toughest I've ridden
without dying is slick Rock and Moab others the others with me are better the writers than I am um there's the there's
some cocine cabins up by Si City there's some cabins right outside of downeyville
across the highway and I don't know what they're called you could probably get like an Airbnb out there no problem and you can probably get Airbnb this time
I got an Airbnb when I went out there and it was great went with four buddies and it was perfect yeah so that I mean
the rides the classic down the downeyville classic downhill run is like
if you're riding it as a normal ride it will probably take you an hour and a half to two hours such a fun shutle run
um there's also oh man I'm blanking on the names of the other Loops you can do around there
um go to The Bike Shop in town uh asking what rides they do and I believe they
also do shuttles so that'll kind of be your One-Stop shop yeah and then the riding there isn't overly gnarly it's
actually just really good trail the whole time it's nothing I mean the only thing gnarly that I would say is that
they're at the bottom of the trail next to the river there is a bit of exposure so you just want to make sure you're not like clipping your handlebars or
clipping a pedal on some of those sections or maybe walk them just to be safe cuz it is pretty gnarly in that section but the rest of it is totally
fine way less gnarly than slick Rock and Moab yeah my opinion so I'm guess very
different though very couldn't be more different yeah if you're not if you're on a trail bike the waterfall section's
not all that hard either it's difficult when you're under biking it like how we do at the classic but if you're on a
trail bike like you should be able to smash right through it yeah don't follow our our race setups for downeyville you will not have as good of a time as you
would on the on a conventional Trail or Enduro type bike you'll have a you'll have a great time on that guaranteed
yeah it's just a really good place to take a vacation to ride mountain bikes cuz super fun area inred think's my
favorite place in California yeah definitely like pay for a shuttle um it's definitely the the way to go
instead of you you're not you're not going to be pedaling it it's too big and um to self shuttle is kind of a logistic
nightmare so um I would go for a shuttle for sure yeah sweet all right next question has
anyone actually seen Jeff do one of these Adventure races seems like he's just trying to look like a tough guy
he's probably off glamping with his pal Elon do you know how these you know how these C CEO types be
that's a great question it's a great question I would you fake your hands yeah it's just fake bandages fake photos
and everything I would uh I would much rather be glamping with Elon than doing
the Adventure Race yeah yeah Jeff's a humble guy he does some crazy stuff and doesn't really
share to the world what he does or post on social media or anything like that we had like a we had a sale for Jeff
survive yeah we did um which kind of explained what you did normally you do stuff like that and we barely even know
so let alone the general public like hey if you talked to Jeff this week I'm like no he's you know in another country
doing some crazy thing oh okay I didn't know yeah I did the three hardest things I've ever done in my life all this year
I don't really know why that ended up just stacking up like that but it just kind of happened um but I would love to
go glamping with Elon so Elon if you're listening sup dude Su dude sliding's
been on elon's on the edge these days very controversial getting on the edge he's going hard right now yeah yeah um
he's on the edge and I don't know is he the fun funnest person to glamp with no no way but he would still be interesting
to speak to he knows a lot of interesting things that I would love to implore about besides your hands and the
I guess I guess your condition before this uh obstacle race you did were you feeling fully recovered from your
previous Adventure Race yeah yeah it was yeah coming into Pennsylvania I was uh
yeah all those weird clogged eyelid problems that I had those were all finally cleared up um and uh yeah my my
gut came back to normal which was good my uh my might be TMI but my fart started smelling the usual again but
after a thing like that Adventure Race it really just throws your stomach for a rch so yeah I was I was feeling great and then I destroyed my hands at obso
race but um that week prior to that it was good I was I was feeling just fine so uh yeah but uh maybe I'll let people
know about what Adventure races I'm doing um once I get some on the calendar for next year and this guy can come or
he can come and participate yeah or maybe instead of racing it super competitively you can do
it just casually and then Vlog it or something that would be cool yeah I I
sometimes have these like ideas where oh this would be so fun to record this or that and then comes down to it I just
don't really care do it it's Harden and it kind of ruin your ruins your experience a lot yeah it does I I also
just spend so much time around technology all day for work that when I go ride bikes or do something like an
adventure rise or something else I just don't really want to be messing with my phone cameras I just want toide and Solace I heard something
pretty interesting because Bernard Kerr has a pretty successful Vlog on YouTube um it's pretty good it's really good
it's entertaining and he does a good job with it but he he records everything and
like during a race weekend not in a race weekend whatever like he documents a lot of the stuff like Post run recording the
GoPro like all all the stuff and people were asking like or I saw a comment saying like do you think you would place
better if you didn't have have a vlog like if you were like fully focused on racing and not turning on and off your
GoPro and explaining what's happening and showing the atmosphere like I think it'd be better if you were just fully
focused you know so kind of interesting yeah it is for sure yeah yeah sometime I
mean this job though you know it's it's a balance right you have someone like Rich rude that doesn't do any social
media besides like repost and photos and he wins L stuff and then you have Charlie Murray who or Jack Meyer on the
Enduro side like I I get more Enduro content from them and I know what's going on from their YouTube channels and
I do the actual Warner Brothers ews programming yeah yeah you know what I mean so it's like and they're able to
win too and and they're and they're doing good they're still you know maybe they don't be Richie every time but like they're right there so I mean content
creation as a professional athlete is a huge piece of the puzzle these days yeah especially in a things the sport like
mountain biking where you're not just going to you're not just going to have enough cash laying around and not do any extra credit work yeah unless you're
winning everything like Richie Ruden and it's like yeah you don't need a vlog dude but uh you're good every every
every single person that rampage this year has a vlog for building and the week leading up and everything it's
insane like there's like 25 videos last night on YouTube you really got to be a Die Hard fan to watch all those you know
yeah like you know I watch two of them and like cool that's enough because it's just relatively the same thing so it's
tough but yeah all right next question little nice little
did the president/owner or CEO of Rebel bikes recently change and if so why uh
yes it did he did Adam stepped down from CEO you know I just realized would be a
good idea for this would be to just reference Adam's Instagram post where he talked about it oh there you go Link in
the description next question let me see if I can find it
uh I think you're way too Adam's a cool guy he his in his Instagram is pretty
pretty entertaining too he just is always doing some some cool stuff in Colorado living his best life super nice
guy I got to meet him in Sedona and when he came to the shop as well and yeah I really like Adam yeah yeah he's a good
dude and uh yeah if you ever want to listen to the podcast he was on I don't remember which two of them yeah two
different ones two of them yeah it was really cool he talked a lot about founding Revel bike design manufacturing
tons of tons of really good stuff um maybe will get him back on the pot at some other point for whatever he's doing
next future endeavors um or we could get the new CEO Ben which we also know now and he's an awesome dude and we were
just at Revel in July under under Ben's leadership and everything's humming along and doing just great and yeah it's
all good yeah people CEOs leave all the time some people I think I think my take on it uh just being friends with Adam I
think he you know built the company did an incredible job but he seems to get much more excitement out of starting
things and that building process which is pretty common for a lot of entrepreneurs it's really fun and exciting to start and build and see
something come to fruition and it's less fun to operate a real business yeah don't you kind of call those serial
entrepreneurs in a way exactly yeah you like the building it selling it off moving on yeah and anyone who's been
entirely responsible for operating a real business will know that yeah it's certainly not the most fun position and
it's is kind of more fun to have a few friends and start something from the ground up and get some momentum going
and stuff and just get all that going that's exciting yeah and then operating a real business and dealing with real problems is not so much fun but uh yeah
he did post about it if you want to if you want to check him out adam. Miller 907 on Instagram back in April 2022 he
wrote a couple little paragraphs about that 2022 2 April soorry April 22nd 2024 I
was gonna say I was like that happened this year yeah April 22 of 2024 yeah that's what I meant to
say um yeah there you go yeah but yeah essentially that's I believe what the
gist of what he said so the sogg just we know I don't if there was any public
announcements other than what Adam put on his Instagram which is good I don't I don't think there really was so cool well uh fat biking isn't my jam
here in Ontario Canada during the winter it's pretty snowy and cold eh that means
- 35 35 and he's in Canada so I don't know if that's Celsius or Fahrenheit but
3 fat biking cold is that is that is cold where would you recommend me to go
kick up some dirt come winter months January through March looking for some uro XC well I would say good old sunny
Southern California is probably the best place in the world to ride best place to quite uh Phoenix is quite good Tucson is
quite good those would be my three kind of locations head to the Dez you so
you've ridden have you ridden much stuff around the Phoenix area um I've ridden yeah
I know you wrote tucon last year mhm yeah quite a bit in Phoenix okay so if you so you've good you have a good base
here you've ridden basically a whole ton of stuff in Southern California cuz you live here and you've ridden the Phoenix area and the Tucson area Tucson Sedona
Flag Staff like a lot of stuff in Arizon so where would you go if you were in Ontario when it was 35 and you had to
take a winter riding trip honestly Phoenix would be a good place I would pick Phoenix because you're kind of
close to everything and there's a lot of there's a lot of riding like in the general Phenix area but if you wanted to take a little detour to Tucson or a
detour to Sedona it's awesome and super Scenic and um you wouldn't be able to go all the way up to Flagstaff snowing up
there as well but and Sedona is sometimes snowy sometimes not but um yeah if it rains there which it does in
the winter time it's pretty awesome actually temperatures are cool and uh you'll you will be very happy you're not
in Ontario that's for sure yeah I did a a couple years ago uh just a little
backpacking and packrafting trip just outside of Phoenix in early February and it was amazing it's a perfect
temperature for that yeah I love Phoenix in the desert in that time of year it's so awesome yeah it is really good little
chilly at night perfect during the day yeah the riding there is all extremely technical it's uh it's very Rocky and
there's Cactus everywhere too sometimes and so you have to be kind of aware definitely not don't bring a fat bike
got bring some tough casing tires and and a little bit of a skill and you'll have a have and some Fitness too because
it does take some Fitness to ride out there y but you'll have a good time yeah Phoenix also has everything it's big big
city so there's great food and lodging and flights and yeah that that was my other thing was like Phoenix is easy to
get to right so easy to get to and be in for you know two months or so yeah their
Airport's great like even my mom lives in Tucson and I fly into Phoenix cuz it's just better than Tucson yeah it's
crazy all right this is next question had me had me laughing help I'm drowning
and used rubbers dear MTB podcast I have an embarrassing amount of half-used tires that let's be honest I'm never
going to run again I feel terrible just chucking them in the landfill do you have any suggestions give them away
recycle thanks so much your most esteemed listener Mattis mud PS I have
pics what kind of pics Matt pics of his used rubber pile we so we actually
talking about this before we started recording the podcast and we don't really have a good answer and we are now
just punting this question from one listener to all the listeners because I don't understand how you would recycle
something such as mountain bike tires and if they're you know chemically recyclable in a way that works or can
you give them to a normal recycling center or what you should do with them so please email us the answer to podcast
at worldwide cycler because if there is a good solution we would love to promote it and talk about it and advise people to do that with their old tires and do
it with our own old tires but more of a nerdy answer that someone's going to so yes of course you can recycle those or
reuse them and give us some long drawn out explanation we just want to know how to do it yeah yeah where where do we
send them you know does a tire brand do it you know does a normal recycling plant accept stuff like this separately
do you take them to tire shop like America's Tire or something like that I don't know yeah yep yeah didn't so you
saw a thing that said tire recycling station in Whistler in the Whistler um I took a photo of it in the Whistler
Village right right at the bottom of the lift they had two posts that said Maxis tire recycling station and it was just
stacked up with 10 or so tires that were just roached right there and so I don't know what they're doing that is Canada
maybe there's different laws different processes um but what did say Maxis so
either Maxis is just putting that there and then bringing it to a local recycling place or maybe Maxis has a
program that we're unaware of but I think we've asked before yeah yeah we have I mean I've I've talked to Andrew
the head of Max North America and he was he was actually really interested in that topic and I asked him about it and
he was just kind of mentioned he's actively really interested in it and doesn't have a solution yet but that was
a couple years ago when I had the conversation with Schwab might do something in Europe but not in the
US again now now you get into like you know semi-political country stuff and
how you recycle stuff and all that yeah it's like if you if we throw tires in the recycle here that we have like
where's it actually going think we can like yeah I don't know think we storm the trash yeah yeah well hopefully
somebody can email us to podcast at worldwide and tell us what we should do and then we can tell as useful
and and we can also learn for learn for ourselves we trying to learn here we go through a lot of tires here at the shop and it be cool to be a little bit more
sustainable with that the way I personally do it is I only use tires about 25% of their life and then I
donate them to one of the various staff members and it's their problem the last
time I see those tires Jeff you're really throwing that tire away looks brand new yep you can
have it cool somebody always gets use out of the tires after I use them yep
Jeff's uh used rubbers they always get taken around here speaking of tires we
have a quick question about Tire widths this customer or listener lives in Orange County and rides a mix of
everything how do you choose between a 2.4 2.5 2.6 Tire width is it terrain SL
dirt specific personal preferences advantages or disadvantages of each thanks for doing what you do um Kettle
Kettle skidmark shorts and Trail one grips are legit that's actually a really good
question because all the time we talk about Tire uh basically the model of the tire
and the casing and the casing and all these other things and we just have sort of a overarching behind the scenes
assumption people know what width to buy yeah we never really address that sometimes the combo we want is only
available in one width yeah or like so take two six for instance most of the combos that were riding aren't available
in the 26 yeah 25 and 24 for the most part well
generally the tire manufacturer is going to make the model tires in the widths
that are applicable to its tread pattern so they're going to make an XC tire and widths that Mak sense for XT and an
Enduro tire and widths and casings that Mak sense for Enduro yeah that doesn't always ring true but most of the time it
most of the time yeah yeah yeah plus spikes really threw wrench into all that
yeah and like you have a 26 Recon you have a 26 asy but like the the casing
and the rubber type usually aren't it's a little bit more like standardized on those it's not quite like getting down
the nitty-gritty like a Max grip double down in a 26 I don't think that exists yeah the the more like performance-
based ones are like pretty kind of set in stone a little bit 254 yeah um that is interesting though
yeah to I guess to I guess if we stay high level on this one the the width you
choose is more related to the bike you're on so XC yeah stay in high level
we'll go we'll go one level down later but XC bikes are generally going to run
let's say 2.0 to 2.35 I well if you're going pre 2022
yeah after 2022 on 23 to 25 even on XC
XC yeah all the specialized Riders have been winning most of them have been winning on a 25 Captain this year it's
huge just low pressure I'm guessing low pressure big volume low tread pattern
yeah it's going to roll faster absorb more bumps so that that is kind of like the reason why you would run a bigger
profile Tire versus a smaller profile is the air volume and pressure you can run cuz a big volume Tire can have bigger
contact patch you can kind of run a lower pressure and it's going to absorb more but for my personal opinion I think
24 is probably where I find the balance of enough Air volume that it feels good
and I get the bump absorption and I don't hit Rim all the time but it's also not too big where I lose feeling of the
bike in the trail and the terrain so sometimes I'll go 25 in the front but that's like front only um and that's
mainly because as guy comes in a 255 and that's basically all I run on a trail bike or and Dr bike but yeah to me that
two four wi it's like the perfect Middle Ground if I go larger than that it'll get a little bit more tire roll and I
kind of get more vague feeling to the trail you go like two three I feel like I just hit rim and it feels a little
harsher than normal so that's how I choose it is something you have to kind
of play with too it's worth just like trying a different tire with every time just to see what you like and what you don't like and what's going to work for
you try try someone else's have to use rubbers that's in a two5 or 26 and you know bad idea actually see how see how
you like it yeah that is kind of a hard question to be honest cuz it's gotten so
confusing CU people make 2.5 CrossCountry tires which would never make sense in a million years if you
just went back 10 years ago yeah um that tire didn't exist and then the whole plus bike fad that happened and sort of
came and went they made all of these XC tires in 2.8 and that's even more confusing to look at yeah like I've done
like I've I've experimented with experimented with that a little bit running like a 26 tire and you have a
huge contact patch and you have a ton of front traction and you can kind of go wherever you want but you it's very vague and you lose a lot of like that
sensitivity and if you go to like back to a 23 like a knobby 23 Tire it's very
precise and accurate and a lot of racers like it because of that yeah um again it's super personal yeah I will also say
another uh another tip if you just go to our website everything is sorted by bestselling Rank and you can see the
most popular TI that people buy which is actually pretty useful and by far and way it's 2.4s and 2.5S and if you look
at them it's minion DHR 2s uh Recons as guys uh the Continental cryptol 2.4
that's in there as guys are in two FS CU as guys don't come in two fours for some reason no two fours two five two five
mainly in a couple 2 six variants so basically everybody that's Trail SL uro
riding which is the vast majority of our customer and listener base is 2.4 and 2.5 yeah it's pretty rare to go I mean I
can't remember the last time I ran something bigger than 25 or smaller than 24 like I'm always in 2.4 it's also
pretty normal to run a higher volume wider front tire and a lower volume like skinnier rear tire just helps with
turning a little bit and we're talking like only difference between like a two5 front and two4 rear yeah sometimes two
five front 23 maybe but like going bigger than that you're going to also start getting some weird vagueness
between the two tires so yeah um yeah all right cool one more
Tire question one more Tire question we'll finish off on another one last one rip it I'm an XT racer weighs about 140
lbs I have 2.4 in tires on 30 m internal rims I've been running my tires around 20 psi I ride mainly flowy chills but
they have quite a few rocks and I a pretty aggressive Rider so I don't want to be denting my rims how can I run my
pressure is it beneficial to run lower tire pressures in 20 much love love the podcast um very much a Liam
question yeah uh with a nuanced answer I'm sure yeah I
mean the again like tire pressure is just all about testing and it's free to test get yourself a digital gauge run a
trail maybe not this rockiest Trail you can find but run a trail go down to 18 in the front see how it feels go 19 go
20 Go 21 go 22 and do the same thing in the back um personally two4 Tire 30 in
30 mil internal Rim 20 psi is on the lower side and if you're not running
inserts you're definitely getting close to Rolling that tire off the room and denting it and or pinch flatting it all
the above um but again it's just kind of kind of trying it like the XC roll cup
guys they most of them do run inserts these days but some of those guys are running like
four 16 PSI some of the girls that maybe you know they weigh quite a bit less 110
to 130 lbs I don't know exactly what they weigh but they I've seen them run like 14 PSI on those tires um that's
insane they don't have to replace the rims or they're getting them replac if they Dent um you know the tires only
have to Last One race maximize traction so they're maximizing traction but you can go lower um at a detriment to
wearing Parts out faster but I would say try try out the insert path especially on the XC bike like a really lightweight
insert allows you to run a a a low PSI which really makes a huge
like the Victoria airliner light is a pretty good one um you can run a little bit lower pressure gives you some Rim
protection gets you a little support keeps that squirming feeling under control cuz if you're running ATM PSI
without an insert you're just going to roll that thing off the rim like if you hit a corner hard at all you have to
change up your riding sort of pumping around ruts or like a quick pump to Bunny Hop sideways like it just the
tires just roll your riding style has to correlate with that low of a PSI if you're if you're ripping Corners like
that it's not going to you when earlier in the year when I was running as pins with inserts I was running about 19
front 21 PSI rear but yeah I had to totally change my riding star I couldn't be aggressive in Corners pump stuff and
be careful on jumps not to G out too hard or else that tire does weird things and it's pretty unpredictable got to be
smooth but then the rest of the time it's epic yeah but yeah you're doing a flat just uh drifty loose Corner that we
have around here and it's great I have tons of traction it actually makes a low profile XC Tire work so yeah yeah well
it's a lot of Tire tacky Tire talk tips tacky Tire talk tips that's a good one
and with that we thank you for listening and or watching thus far we genuinely appreciate it it would mean a world to
us if you could just Google World by Cyclery trust pilot and drop us a festar review there uh so we could hide some of
those wack job reviews that I mentioned about earlier and can we frame a few of those put them around the office there
there is some very obscure ones that are probably framing but I don't know I'd
rather forget encounters with people such as that I might frame it at my
desk thank you very much we appreciate it and we will talk to you guys in the next episode thank you see you love you
bye [Music]

October 14, 2024

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