Jeff Survived A 6 Day Adv. Race, New Fox Neo Shocks & Intriguing Listener Questions! Ep. 143


MTB Podcast 134 - Listen on YouTube


Today on the podcast, Jeff dives right into how he survived a grueling 6 day adventure race wile Liam and Trevor relive their recent trip up to Whistler. The guys also discuss some intriguing new products from Fox and tackle all the listener questions, discussing everything from the best wheels for downhill riding to whether to upgrade your fork damper, plus a lighthearted debate on boxers, briefs, or going commando. Tune in for an action-packed episode!


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all right welcome to episode 143 of the MTB podcast presented and hosted by
worldwide Cyclery I am Jeff I'm Liam and I'm Trevor and in this episode
unfortunately you don't hear Jared's olive oil voice because he is probably drinking olive oil on his honeymoon
right now people drink olive oil people drink right he's probably the guy who drink
probably does yeah just got married yeah that's why he's on a honeymoon pretty cool that's
usually pretty cool that's Trevor's quote you got married oh pretty cool walks
away oh man in this episode we discuss how I somehow survived a six day long
Adventure Race the new Fox Float X and dhx Neo shocks Liam and Trevor's
Whistler bike park trip and of course listener questions ranging from the
strongest wheel for downhill riding should you upgrade your older Fork damper boxers briefs or Commando and
everything in between interesting stuff interesting stuff very interesting stuff let get
into it let's uh let's hit Zach's words of wisdom which I heard him authentically say today he didn't even Google it or he might have Googled it
but I think it was just in his head though it might have been you don't actually know nothing's original right nothing is original everything has
already been said once but what did he say hard work beats talent but as sure as nice to have
talent yeah yeah I think he just genu genuinely believes that and it's kind of true too yeah just kind of pulled it off
the cuff today but if you can have talent and hard work then you're going to succeed in life Wow for sure easier
than people without Talent or without hard work yeah not as not as uh incredible but
also cool is Daniel's fun fact this one was definitely googled this was definitely Googled I don't think he
would go ahead and read that one Trevor what is it the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog uses every letter in
the English alphabet
wow that's that's straight just reminds me of the Owen Wilson thing you like you
hear something like that and you're like wow wow wow wow wow well that's enough
for some random facts from Zach and Daniel or words of wisdom rather um now
let's talk about my new ASR did I already talk about my ASR I don't think we did I think we you haven't you actually haven't been on podcast on
podcast in a long time how's it feel to be back it feels great it's good to have you um yeah thanks man yeah I figured
you would say glad rude yeah thanks Trevor I'm glad I'm alive too why would
I say something rude I don't know man you should never know never know with you got keep PG-13 on this guy you know
this is a PG-13 podcast for everyone listening by the way if you didn't already know that you can listen to this
with your kids because we always keep it PG-13 occasionally we have a guest on here
like wde Simmons who uh cannot help but cannot help but speak like a sailor and then we just have to add a bunch of
bleeps but most of the time there's no bleeps there might be the occasional innuendo which is what makes it PG-13
not PG right yeah and every once in a while one of us will like slip one out
but yeah that's how she goes you know yeah for the most part this is a PG-13 podcast we aim to be PG-13 every episode
I honestly think that is helpful cuz people do want to listen to mountain bike podcast and there's kids around so was your Adventure Race
PG-13 uh yeah I mean I think I think for the most part I mean adventure racing
when you hit the Transitions and you change from one sport to the next there's often some like nudity and public parks and things like that cuz
people are just in a mess of like racing and and mindset and mindset so maybe
that part wasn't PG-13 but for the most part it was it was yeah PG-13 it was good outdoor fun um it was a six day
long race that consisted of mountain bike a bunch of mountain biking uh bunch of trail running all orientering so all
map Encompass navigation no GPS allowed uh we did some rock climbing we did a huge slab climb which was pretty rad um
and a ton of white water paddling in pack rafts um yeah when you get to the Rock climbs or the slab climbs you said
you roped in for some of them yeah the rock for sure the rock climbs were 510 and then the guides no yeah there's like
a there's like a safety guide the bottom so it's funny you ask cuz actually so the slab climb which was like 5 days in
into the race um the slab climb is so the race is obviously running non-stop
for 144 hours we got to the slab climb at 4 a.m. 4:15 a.m. and we were wrecked
we were like 5 days into this race um we' barely slept and they did a cognitive test and so you you had the
way they did it was they go around your team of four and you have to go down by seven so first person says okay what's
100 - 7 93 and then like you go around the team and I failed yeah I feel like
most people would fail that dude I I think most teams failed the leading team failed like three times I mean I don't
even know if I could do that after a six hour ride you or just right now I mean I could probably do it right now but you
could take your time like you can count on your fingers like you can be paid that would help a lot yeah but yeah even
like I you know change the subject but I did a six hour ride this weekend and I was toast after I I don't think I was
subtracting seven from anything yeah the the idea which which
is good because the the concept is basically being able to break down a problem like that into you know fours
and threes and and just thinking in a way that solves a problem and your brain
is not good at doing such thinking when you're completely sleep deprived so if you fail essentially the first time you
fail your team has to take a 5-minute nap before you can test again and then if you fail a second time it's a 10-minute nap and third time 20-minute
nap so I think a ton of teams failed I know the leading team failed three times which cuz they probably just wrecked they're just going so hard they just
could putting things straight um but yeah it it is tough when you're that sleep deprived that is the exact kind of
thing that your brain just doesn't work well on so yeah before you left for your trip you sent me your itinerary and I
was pretty astonished with how extreme some of the segments were like your
first event was like was it 100 mile mountain bike ride yeah and then
straight into what let me let me bring up the I feel like you're kind of shirt coating this a
little bit you're making it sound super fun and easy and um even your first day I I think most people would not even be
able to complete the first day let alone a week of stuff like this Jeff Jeff has been back at the shop for a full week
and he's still I'm still a bit of a Delirious yeah moping around his I think his brain's back now yeah he's still
slow he has weird recovery issues I haven't seen you nap yesterday or today
but last week I think you napped every day yeah I did in in hindsight so um so
what happened that race it's 144 hours and we slept a total of 8 hours so 8
hours total over 6 days and it that wasn't intentional we you know we
learned a lot what we learned is we definitely should have slept at least 2 hours per night cuz everyone's kind of
useless between basically 4:00 a.m. and sunrise like you just can't think straight and even if a couple people on
the team are still somewhat coherent um and they kind of pull the rest of the team through it's like you're not you're
never going to work together as a team if one or two people are somewhat coherent usually no one's coherent until
sunrise comes again so we should have slept more that it's just hard like when you get out there you have all these cut
offs during the race so the way these races are designed um this one the race director specifically said he thought
only 30% of teams would complete the course so in adventure racing you're you're orientering from checkpoint to
checkpoint all map en compass and what happens is you have different cut offs that you have to make at the transition
areas and you to figure out as a team your pace and you have to understand your pace and say are we going fast
enough to get all the checkpoints getting all the checkpoints and finishing in the time limit it's called cleaning the course so he he estimated
30% of people would clean the course everyone's going to finish in time but they're just not going to clean it they're not going to get all the
checkpoints and checkpoints are worth more than time so if you roll in on the last minute which we basically did but
we had all the checkpoints we we went into 11th Place out of 30 um but a lot
of teams finished ahead of us but we got all the checkpoints cuz we were we were the last full course team the last team
to clean the course and uh you know of course we you know would have been nice just sleep more or whatever but we're
like on the edge of we're we're good enough that we could barely clean the course and be in that you know sort of
elite ranking of the 30% of teams that did but we're not good enough to do it smoothly yeah comp for time yeah or comp
for time yeah we we just barely cleaned the course and uh yeah it was it was rough like we we were doing well and we
made one big navigation error and it cost us like 6 hours and we thought we'd totally thrown in the toal like ruined
our chances and we're going to miss the next cut off and then um then it turned out we got to the TA and we didn't miss
it but it's like well now you're so close you basically can only sleep for 15 minutes and we wanted to sleep for like two hours and so stuff like that
happens that's insane so the race ended up being 365 miles 40,000 ft of elevation um and that split between all
the different sports but yeah the very first leg like you're talking about the race started at 5:30 p.m. and it went
straight into a 90m mountain bike ride which went to basically Sunrise the next day and then that transition was um
setting up you got to your paddle bags of the transition set up your pack rafts you disassembled you put your bikes on the pack raft and then you paddled the
Columbia River Gorge for I don't know it was like 15 miles and the last five of it was in just this ripping headwind and
adventure racing is just brutal the sports just kind of designed to be miserable and like no one succeed at it
um I don't know it's just part part of the game so so you you built your ASR
around kind of the Adventure Race I guess yeah if you people want to check it out we just made a video on it for on
the worldwide Channel but um did you have was that successful like did everything go well with that like did
you have any Mechanicals out there or anything go wrong or right luckily no Mechanicals on the bikes um we had a so
we had a co-ed team you have to have a co-ed team in adventure racing to um to compete and the the female on our team
Natalie she was awesome but she took a pretty gnarly crash on the mountain bike ride at like 4 in the morning ripping
through sing single track with lights on what a surprise um but her bike didn't break she bunked her head a little bit
slow us down for about half an hour um but she you know toughed it out and everything um but that was like the only
bike incident we had otherwise everything was was pretty Rock Solid so you guys are probably like
more uh expert mountain bikers than probably a lot of those guys huh yeah I think so I think our our we definitely
have an advantage on on the bike side which was good um and then not like we
have a disadvantage on the paddling side like none of us are good paddlers for sure um but yeah bikes worked well that
ASR I mean I kind of built it knowing I was going to use it for this race specifically yeah like you said made the YouTube video about it and man I was
just inspired by Liams ASR that he built and all the rides you were doing on yours and they did downeyville and I was
like man I really want one of those bikes they're just like so fast and light and yeah I loved that thing so I
was stoked I was like really happy with that bike and our whole team had no bike issues and all bikes worked well so
that was yeah I'm very grateful for that I'm just thinking to myself like you're totally sleep deprived dumb exhausted
and you just want to just kind of give up and let's say you get like a flat tire oh like your motivation would just
be so low to to fix that or to even fix any kind of mechanical out there would be kind of a nightmare I think yeah yeah
you're right I didn't even I didn't even like think about that honestly the biggest problem with the bikes was the the last couple days of the race um we
had some pretty long Fire Road sense and everyone just kept falling asleep which
is like just not safe right I was I was just unreal to me I was trying to sing
as loud as I could Bohemian rap city just stay awake cuz I just kept falling asleep wow and I was like God this is so
dangerous um they different that's just like part part of that game so man it
was it was crazy it was it was such a fun time I had I had a really good race I enjoyed myself um you know you go
through so many trials and tribulations in a race that long every team has something go wrong um but it is just the
craziest sport like it's crazy that people participate in it and like it and I think I had a good race this time
because my expectations were right my gear was dialed training was pretty dialed and I just kind of like my
expectations of how miserable and disastrous this was going to be were were just right cuz like I've done these
now so like I just know coming into them like oh we're going to paddle in a headwind yeah of course like oh we're going to go all through the night and be
sleep deprived oh we're going to do some stuff that we're going to be you know cursing the race director's name like why would you send us up this hill at
this time or like it's just part of the sport so I think expectations coming into any like big event like that sets
you U right so yeah it was good but man what what an incredible experience and
yeah stoked to have the bike workout well and yeah just it was a freaking good race it's called America's toughest
Race So sounds about right yeah it was it was brutal are you passed the point of not wanting to do it anymore and have
you signed up for another one you know what's funny is uh uh coming into it and like leading up to this race I was like
man I don't know if I ever want to do this again because like I've just burned out on adventure racing I actually had so much fun doing this race it like
reignited me to want to do more of the wow yeah yeah I know I was kind of surprised I I actually had so much fun I
was like I kind of wanted like it it is so hard on the body the preparation's insane the how hard it is on your body
during the race and then post race recovery which I'm still struggling through right now I'm wearing glasses if
you're watching this on YouTube cuz I can't really wear my cont conts cuz my eyelids are all swollen with like internal sty um just like weird problems
that pop up when you don't shower for six days and don't go in any shelter um
but I don't know I kind of wanted to do these races again and I was like man these are just actually really fun
especially once you once you have like all the gear and like we've gotten better at it over the years of doing it
like better at Transitions and better at just the sport in general and you know we're actually like decent at it like
we're good enough to do the full course so I don't know it's pretty fun I actually enjoyed myself so I was
motivated to do more surprisingly very cool that's that's refreshing to hear good on you yeah like your your mental
attitude needs to be is like so important and stuff like that yeah it really is to have your to have your attitude still be good after kind of
pushing yourself to the absolute limit is I think commendable yeah yeah thanks even on like normal rides you know
people like oh you know like over four hours is naring like after 4 hours it's just all mental mhm in of that it's just
like the days just go on and it just becomes more obviously your body's going to break down everyone's going to feel
bad just like how well can you put up with that and mentally like push yourself and like have good you know
Vibes during it when stuff doesn't go right yeah I mean it really is a a mental challenge of staying positive
like can you keep your mind set in the right spot to make sure you stay positive to when things get really hard
you don't become demoralized but you rather become motivated and ambitious and you kind of laugh at how hard they
are you're like oh this is actually so miserable that it's funny and I want to keep going because of it um like you
have to stay in that mentality and then when you feel just bonked and dead and sleep deprived you have to trust in your
body's ability to recover like okay if I just like lower the heart rate stay in zone one and zone two for a few hours
you know take some more deep breaths like take a five minute nap like I will recover and I'll feel good you know or
I'll feel good once the sun comes up or I'll feel good if I just calm down for a few hours like you just have to trust in
all that and that just down for a few hours not a few minutes yeah a few hours
different like type three type three type three yeah yeah yeah but like I
guess you do something so hard that it makes everything else just everything is kind of easy it's never nothing's ever going to be that physically or mentally
demanding for you probably yeah I think that's kind of the point right like I think the point of doing these like crazy Ultra endurance events or any type
of something that really pushes you to the Limit physically and mentally is to see just what you can do and experience
that and it makes the rest of Life feel very very like table like oh I could I can really get through the rest of life
like it makes what you know maybe the normal person might freak out over like yeah that's nothing it's all good work
out yeah yeah it really just helps your perspective on life in general yeah and what you can do to manage through things
but yeah it was an amazing time I I really enjoyed it um I I kind of think other people should try adventure racing
cuz I just think like it's a it's an interesting sport to like push your body and see what you can do and I think as
far as like I think mountain bikers should should look into it because that's one of the harder things about it
a lot of people because you have to know how to do all this stuff but Mount biking is a huge aspect of it and one of
the things people are not the best at right so yeah it's a big learning curve in terms of gear and equipment and being
able to ride and ride at night and ride that long of distances and ride sleep deprived yeah um but if you already know
how to mountain bike well it's definitely like you can learn how to paddle and you can learn how to climb and you can learn how to trail run and
stuff like that so yeah when are you guys going to do one when you Sun us up I'm when I'm forced to
yeah just like we've been running a little bit lately and like uh a little bit a little bit little bit guys doing
the weekly run Club the weekly run club and uh it's just a bit forced you know and it's good for you and change it up a
little bit and change up the cardio system a little bit too and yeah it's not super fun but we we're we're doing
it and it's cool maybe we're secretly getting ready for an Adventure Race yeah
perfect you guys got to run on the trails man yeah I mean I guess you're doing like the social thing I I run on
Trails if I run outside of this I run trail only yeah yeah so many nice trails
to run out here yeah but glad to see you guys doing something other than just riding bikes you don't want you don't
want to end up like that Meme you know where it's like I got into cycling and then it's like 6 months later and the guy's like super scrawny as no muscles
that well we work out to to prevent that yeah exactly yeah oh man well you while
I was doing that Adventure Race you guys are doing something quite the opposite straight Hedonism up there in Whistler just shredding bike park laps just yeah
got in three full big days at Whistler bike park uh last week and yeah our
hands were pretty toast Jeff it was nly I was actually thinking about you the whole time we were just taking the
chair lift up every single time and just like floating over jumps and throwing whips and stuff and yeah super fun and
in the bottom we'd be like oh I can't even pull my hand off the bar and and we're just like Jeff's like dying
currently like we don't know where he's at like he's he could be you know in having an issue and we're just like
ripping bike park lap yeah yeah yeah I I took my sp sp40 there and Liam took his
rail 29 and it was uh just enough to to work it it was manageable and we were
pretty much just riding aine and dirt Merchant like the best two two best jump trip in the world just yeah they really
lap after lap after lap like yeah well should we do it again like yes I think on day two we did 18 laps and I'm going
to say 16 of them were probably between aine our Merchant yeah we had like one
warm up we did like one Tech Trail yeah I think we went up to the top once and
like we rode yeah slayer can lower Canadian open or something like that like everything else was aine Dart
Merchant yeah my my forums got completely destroyed like to the point where they were inflamed and and uh like
tendered to the touch yeah and we got back to our to our Mondo that we were staying at and I was bonked yeah I was I
had to put my hands up on the on the bed just to drain them a little bit because they were so destroyed I was pretty
shocked that that happened you can still see yeah William had his watch rub his
oh dude that literally happened to me last time I went to Whistler yeah just from all the breaking bumps and holding on yeah it be cool to be up there for a
while so you're once your hands got used to it and your forarms get used to it and your body just the break BPS are so
two days and then then like two days off and then got like two more days in maybe done like a trail ride or something
instead of B park by day three like we could barely hang on yep I'm remember feeling and you're like the differences
well it's kind of all these things combined like one there's big holes this time of year on aine dirt Merchant like
some of the holes we were trying to avoid were like 29in wheel eating big you know just massive and then it's
super hard packed so that has a big part of it right it's not like a fluffy Trail it's like really hard pack fast and then
you doing it so much you know every single bump and every single jump and stuff so then you're trying to go faster
and faster so you're like you know doing 30 m hour through these BMS hitting these holes you don't really do that any
anywhere else nowhere else are you doing 30 hitting jumps and BMS and also riding
through basically curbs yeah going that fast the only place to do that is a motocross track
on a motocross bike that's the only way to train for it talk to other people and they're like it's not as harsh of a bump
though yeah it's definitely not as harsh like there's so much suspension on a dirt bike that it kind of just like
soaks it up a little bit better but on a little trail bike at Whistler it's like you hit you f every bump so you were on
your Yeti s sp40 with a 160 Fork 160 Fork I had the EXT suspension on it so I
had a coil shock and then the 160 EXT Fork as well and then some Michelin like
Enduro casing tires and um yeah had no issues I broke one spoke while we were there um that was it everything was
pretty solid no crashes or anything almost had a crash on my very first lap re were riding was it a crank it up
Crank It Up warm up warm up Tri was a little I was like getting bored and I hit a little side hit it was it was
raining I hit a little side hit and there was roots and my rear tire just left the
chat and Liam was right behind me and he's like whoa Trevor just like out from the right side of the trail directly
across the left side of the trail and U yeah didn't really have any moments after that so that was cool yeah there
definitely something to get you got to warm up properly for that that's so funny cuz that I always think that
that's a great Trail to warm up on and like if you're tired just go ride that trail but it is kind of dangerous because you get lazy and like you either
like try and mess around too much and go off the side of the trail or you just or you just kind of like get lazy and then
next thing you know you're like not paying attention and you like Buck yourself or something yeah last time I was there we had a my roommate had all
of our sisters there and they're like you know they they ride basically like Crank It Up see more butts most of the
day so we're doing a couple end of the day laps with them but all of us we're like insiding each other and trying to take each other out and stuff and like
three people crashed yeah like that we might we might have had a you know a beer in the village and then went up for
like two more laps and yeah everyone crashed yeah yeah would you would you go
back with the Enduro bikes again or would you rather build a downhill bike or rent a downhill bike cuz a lot of
people ask that a lot of people don't even have like an endural bike they have like a trail bike and then it's like well should I just cuz you can rent nice
downhill bikes there you definitely can I mean I'm you know jaded and bougie and
don't want to rent a bike but I think the endural bike's pretty much fine um I
had a 38 170 on the front double down downhill casing tires um I'd say that's
fine and especially for most people uh but if you were to build a perfect Park bike it would be like a 180 rear travel
with a dual Crown I think that would be the best cuz i' I have written a full downhill race bike there at Crest line
and it's too much in my opinion unless you're full charging Tech Trails the whole time like on the jump Trails it's
really hard to maintain speed and like hold the momentum I actually preferred having my bike for the jump lines and
stuff um and the flow trails and tight turns and stuff like that um and we weren't really riding a ton of tech
Trails anyway because um a lot of the times it was just too wet and the Rocks were slippery and The Roots were
slippery and we just don't really ride that enough to be comfortable on it and to have if you had a downhill bike there
you could yeah really charge those like double black kind of tech Trails but we were not charging those at all we're
kind of just making it through them um and I think to if you had a downhill bike on like aine and stuff yeah sure
it' be fun you can kind of land flat and stuff and maybe would be better on the brake bumps but I like to be able to
pump and scrub and all that stuff so that was that was cool i' I'd like to go
back and do Whistler and only spend like one day in the park and like three days trail riding yeah um there's so much
more trail riding that I think ien been done and I've been missing out on a Mecca of mountain biking up there insane
and then Squamish has four zones and then Northshore has four zones and then there's all of Vancouver Island that's
just just a whole another world and it's like yeah a little over the best place for a mountain bike trip destination
yeah so yeah it was a blast would you ever go there and lock out your rear shock with the new
live valve Neo Wireless Fox I mean if you're doing pedal laps in
Squamish it could probably come in handy like yeah you know I'd love to try it personally just just to see did you ride
it yet we had none of us have R it it's just like what the classic Fox announcement like hey we have these two new rear shocks that have brake sensors
that like automatically lock out kind of you adjust it during the app give us the rundown so yeah Fox just came out with
um their updated live valve using Neo which is their kind of battery and
connection technology and it uh it can it translates the connection super fast
so it's fully wireless system as well fully Wireless yeah that's the kind of the the big the big one for sure but
yeah there's two brake sensors front and rear and the front brake sensor measures like bump Force um and also pitch of
your bike and the rear just measures the pitch of your bike so it kind of locks and unlocks your shock based off of the
bump force and the pitch but basically it can open and close so fast and there's only an open and close mode um
that when your fork hits a bump it automatically opening the rear shock for that bump before it even hits it um so
pretty cool they say it's millisecond fast like 100 times faster than Bluetooth yeah and it the the sensors
they say are reading 400 times a second and it can open and close the valve at 170th a second so however fast that
means very fast if you click a Neo transfer post and you really trigger
finger it it uh it's very fast so I'd imagine if a computer can do it it can go even faster than that but um it's
it's uh I'm excited about it because it was developed with a gravity kind of orientation or gravity Focus under uh
like Richie and ASA and a couple other riders that have been winning on it so that's pretty cool and winning uro races
winning Duro races and World Cup World Champs Nico and ASA have been running it
for two years now on their bikes MH battery in each technically I did write it I did one lap on it last year in
complete prototype mode yeah but well once we have a more production worthy
test and let people know how it works but it's coming out on right now at least for floex and dhx coils so yeah
gravity oriented trail bike Enduro sty style riding and or downhill with the dhx a little bit and um that's just
pretty cool I just like how it's just that so it's just a two brake sensors and the and the actual shock it's not
it's like completely different than flight attendant it's not a whole entire system um so it's simp more simple in
that regard and it's uh it's always going to be kind of working in that gravity kind of sense I feel like the flight attendant more suited towards the
XC style of things even though they first started with like the zebs and stuff but I think that um it makes the
flight attendant makes more sense for XC like how you had your ASR setup just makes a ton of sense um but you yeah you
the last thing you want is your fork to be locked out when you hit a bump right like you don't want that so the Fork's always going to be open and and supple
and your shock's going to be reacting to what your Fork's hitting so yeah it's lot of lot of cool claims and I want to
like test it in real life to see how it is but definitely yeah I think it's definitely trail bike focused the way it
it doesn't do anything to your fork Fork's always open you know it basically just locks out your rear uh when you're
riding smooth terrain or flat and then you know in it reads senses and then yeah it's easier to get into the system
than flight attendant yeah so I wonder how I guess my only thought is like imagine you know Whistler is a perfect
example like big long smooth lips like you wouldn't want your rear shock to just like lock out as you entering that
yeah you'd have to see there is you just get used to it tun in the app as well you can do um so that's why I want to
try it like they were they were claiming some pretty crazy stuff where they were saying it'll be open as you enter corner
but as your bike pitches up and you exit the corner it'll stiffen up so you can like pump out of it and carry more speed
like mid Corner which is like seems like a wild claim to me and kind of mess up your kind of feeling and your flow of
riding right especially downhill stuff but again if it's being developed by these guys who are the best in the world
and winning races it's got to be good so yeah you can also just like you have some faith my friend I do have some but
is Fox there's also like a ton of different Tunes in the app that you can put on so you can have it more like
oriented to like staying open instead of staying closed or there a tons of different Tunes you can do with it and
it's all you can like share Tunes as well or download tunes from other riders or top Riders and stuff so that stuff's
kind of cool to me buy my Tunes buy my Tunes only Tunes patented Tunes speaking
of tunes and now a word from our sponsors pardon the interruption Jeff again I just wanted to say thank you for
listening and thank you for shopping with Worldwide Cyclery Kettle mountain and Trail 1 if you ever shop with us you
are supporting a small group of individuals who are passionate about what we're doing and trying really hard to create good customer experiences and
make fantastic products and we appreciate that and appreciate you and supporting us that's all I got and now
back to the show listener questions I'm going to read this one off because guess who it's for Liam uh you it's for you oh
okay first word is Liam I'm talking to you that's what this guy writes Liam I'm
talking to you what are your main tips on how to build stupid strong wheels and what brands do you recommend I'm 6'2 200
lb and run Kush cor with DH casing looking for a Dependable wheel set for Seasons seasons of rough DH riding PS
please make a detailed wheel building video If You Love Me cheers boys love a pot you didn't even leave your name how
am I supposed to know who you are man hopefully hopefully he listens to
this because yeah it's a good question well there's kind of two ways I would prefer to go alloy but I don't know if
I'd say alloy is for Seasons plural I'd say alloy would get you through like a
very solid season of DH racing as long as you're you know like minus a massive case or you
know a big catastrophic air right um and a tricky question because like now is
good but you got to replace the rim here and there but it's also only 150 bucks to replace exactly you know um so I
would personally go DT Swift 350 Hub uh dtswiss competition Spokes and dtswiss
541 Rim ex 541 uh that would be the strongest wheel um a lot of the wheel
that's basically the setup that Aaron Gwyn rode like the entire Leo gang track on when that tire fell off right not the
541 I believe he was on the 511 oh was it okay yeah they've came since came out with a stronger one um because that was
like eight years ago now um they've came out with a stronger one with the wider Rim lip called the 541 same profile is a
5'11 it just lowly has more material and bigger Rim lip so you don't pinch as easy um but a lot of the wheel strength
comes to spoke tension and keeping up on your spoke tension yeah like rims rims
are not that strong actually um just on their own right so a lot of that comes
to maintenancing your wheel you know after a couple days of bike park taking off making sure it's brought back up to
tension and there's even tension that's another big part binging even tension like your wheel doesn't actually have to
be that straight for mountain bike but if the tension's perfectly even it's never going to like not never but it'll
stay that way for a lot lot longer so you'd sacrifice a little bit of wobbling in the chewing process in order to get
more even tension across all the spokes correct especially on the rear especially for a bike park bike do you
agree with that Trevor I agree 100% because if you have a loose spoke it all that force is going to go straight to
that loose spoke and all those other spokes are they don't care yeah yeah yeah it's a puzzle so like you're only
as strong as your weakest link right so yeah just make sure when it's first built up that that tension is even and
strong and like Liam said retention it after like a couple rides because it's going to lose a bunch of tension um and
I also agree with Liam's choice of wheel almost exactly I would say if you wanted to just buy a wheel and not have anyone
build it up for you the um FR 1500 wheel set from DT Swiss comes like that but
it's a 240 Hub instead of a 350 so arguably is good pretty much the same
thing but um just in a complete package you can just buy complete yeah um yeah I
uh I run those rims myself and uh push them pretty hard and they're great yeah couldn't recommend them enough for
downhill riding ebike riding aggressive indoor riding and I'm going to put that same wheel set well I have 240 hubs but
I'm going to put that same setup with 240 deegs on my Frameworks so yeah just
from like a mechanics perspective too like I haven't really seen a failed 350 Hub like from the the star ratchet style
like exp is pretty good too it had couple little flaws at first but it's good now and um it's really hard to
break one of those DT SST Wheels especially the FR 541 um if you're doing
everything conventionally ride and your tire pressure is relatively okay and all that stuff then it's going to be so good
you can even tell building them up just how like quality the the rim builds like when you build a different Rim sometimes
like takes so much more work to get a straight and even tens like the DTs are like a pleasure to build they just pull
right into tension it is weird how long they've held that Crown too yeah it's like decades that no one's made a better
Rim than it's crazy yeah um yeah carbon there's a lot of options reserves obviously pretty strong uh Burly maybe
not the most right compliant but they've got a great warranty reserves are pretty pretty
bombproof as well yeah and the war yeah the warranty is good M there's a reason why you see like your top like level
World Cup and uro Riders ride certain products is because they work you know at the end of the day like they just
need something that's going to get them down the hill and not explode yeah DT swis doesn't really actually sponsor any
World Cup teams um or Enduro teams they I think they might sponsor the yeti team but like the specialized team buys DT or
DT supplies free product but they don't pay them to run their product yeah so that says a lot yeah yeah it does yeah
and then you look at people who have been in the scene a long time I mean Nico's a good example he's actively pursuing and trying to get all of his
sponsors the stuff that he knows is the best yeah and cuz he needs it and cares about it the most yeah he'll take a
sacrifice on how much money they're paying him to run a better product that he prefers yeah yeah yeah well there you
have it strong strong wheel advice Mr Guy Mr noname guy now on like a slightly
similar concept but uh instead of Wheels it's tires but question is if you're going to ride some fast flowy and techn
single track would you choose a down country bike with Enduro tires so Enduro casing tires and knobs um or an Enduro
bike with down Country tires so like a lighter casing faster rolling XC style
Tire I'd 100% go down country bike Enduro tires feels kind of weird to ride
a bike like a a Enduro bike like you you you want to like either overdo your
tires or have them equal you never want to like underdo them so it's very weird to do that I was going to say gring an endural bike with like XV tires is just
does not make sense Yeahs we three too yeah it sounds like your front wheel
just waiting to fold on you yeah like the tire just going to fold and you're getting get pitched I sort of had that
scenario with my 140 this year at downeyville um with I had oh yeah you
put pretty light tires on light tires and light wheel set and it uh I was I was okay for me it would it took a
second at first to get used to it was a lot of um drifting and wheel flex and stuff like that I think the the
suspension wanted me to go faster than the tires were allowing me to which was kind of a problem I think like the
opposite case would be just a little bit better for the actual use case you know yeah if you had a preference you would
have gone the other way I think so you would have done down country by heavier tires I think so and I and I've I've
ridden those kind of setups before I really enjoy that I really like having a really soft tacky knobby front tire and
a really fast rolling rear tire and it carries so much speed and you have grip
so you have confidence too you're not like washing out everywhere feeling sketchy and stuff so I prefer yeah down
country bike with quote unquote Enduro tires yep still still like pretty light but maybe a little bit more knob in the
front tire yeah it's just not the right place to cut weight like if you have an Enduro bike and you're trying to make it
lighter and more pedal friendly putting like super lightweight tires on it is not the right place to do that yeah he's
going to get into trouble and just doesn't feel balanced like I I tried to do that even with that banshee which I
didn't go too far I still had I just didn't have what cuz what's on there now you plus front and rear yeah but before
I had which is Max grip the as of guy and then before I just had like an EXO EXO Max even that like I didn't think
that was pushing it that far cuz it was still a two4 tire but like it was like it was just that bike felt instantly so
much better and proper when I put a proper Tire on it with correct casing
yeah so like I don't know always either have your tires be equal to your bike or more never less I agree
yep all right hey guys love the show first time question here I have a 2018 Niner jet 9 Rdio and plan to keep it for
a few more years when sh replaces suspension pivots they're 6 years old but still smooth and no noise also is a
$300 upgrade from the Fit 4 damper to the grip X damper from on my fox Factory 34 worth it I usually just set my
suspension forget it so wondering if the new damper make a noticeable difference thanks Scott from Park
City uh well question one yeah two I guess two two-part question tough
question yeah I would say if you can if you can take the pivot apart and you're feeling the bearings and they're smooth
with no noise there's no like naess I would say just repack him you know if it's not super nachy and stuff what's
the best way to check that I mean take your shock off and cycle the well yeah
like yeah or or even I was saying like take the linkage apart and actually like get your fingers between the two
bearings and really feel how that actually is feeling without any the quick and dirty way is take your shock off and cycle it up and down you still
won't really be able to feel still leverage yeah there's still leverage there you want like yeah no leverage so just feel that if there's if if you feel
that and it's smooth still um it shouldn't be like fast you know it should be there should be a little bit
of resistance there but not nachy and if if there isn't then yeah just pack a little bit of grease in there if it is
nachy then for sure replace him yeah yep and second one
uh I think the gripex is a pretty significant upgrade over the Fit 4 um just it it uses a spring backed ifp
versus a bladder and you just get a much smoother feeling Fork um so yeah if
you're planning to keep it and it does backwards compatible work with your fork I'm not 100% it does if it's a 2018 Fit
4 but yeah I mean the the fit 4 was kind of I'd say they kind of ran that a few
years longer than they probably should have on those for I agree yeah that was it was very noticeable difference when they
went away from that to the grip X yeah so the grip X is the newest fork or the
newest damper having just replaced what was the grip two uh and yeah it's it's a really
really good damper I also think if you're riding near Park City the grip X is perfect for that whole entire area
out there like I can't think of a better damper for that area yep well I have my own question spawned off of this one can
you put a grip X in a 34 stepcat I don't think so yeah yeah you know the
answer to that that's when I call Fox support yeah I'm not trying to I'm curious like I actually haven't
back to back that grip X versus the grip SL um I think they they're they're more
holding certain spec for certain Forks because they don't want to like mix a match too much yeah um I think you could
probably just get a normal 34 with a grip X and shorten it to 120 but then it's not as light as but it's not as
light yeah that's a good question though because like I I love doing stuff like
that maybe I'll submit that to podcast at worldwide Cyclery you guys can answer on the next give you you know someone's
email you can ask yeah call the experts on that that's funny um every time I
find some obscure Bike Company doing something cool I see that Liam is already following them on Instagram are
there any interesting but unknown companies y'all want to give a shout out to that's so funny cuz when I read that
I laughed cuz I thought the same exact thing I'm like oh I should show this oh no he's already following
them yeah I mean the man's doing his job yeah it is part of my job is on Instagram snooping it's part of my job
um unknown interesting but unknown companies uh first one comes to mind is
Lewis bike brakes they are making some breakes that look like really fancy and
some others on the market but they happen to work really really well I've been running them for like a month now
and quite impressed with them you been liking those yeah one bleed to be honest like I'm still getting used to how
powerful they hit at first and the lever feel feels like nothing it's so light it's the lightest lever feel I think
I've ever found was that weird to get used to a little bit Yeah like do you feel like you know when it's going to bite um I'm getting used to it but even
when I still hop on it at first like what did Tidman and I do I think we we did yarts kind of right off the bat and
like two front wheel tucks almost which is super stabbing the front brake super loose stabbing front brake on kind of a
steep Trail it's like I'm basically under biking that trail yeah so yeah got to be gentle with that left finger yeah
well there's a lot of stuff coming at you really fast size of rotor 180s right now oh and it's still that powerful huh
yeah yeah they sent me 200s but I've just been running the samam hs2 180s with them and they feel great what pads
does that come stock with I don't even know I haven't checked yeah just slapped them on and
started trying them well speaking of brakes and well not a small brand but small on the mountain bike scene I've been riding those Galer pads and rotors
and ever since I put those on my uh Revel Ranger I was like wow these work way better than the stock Shram stuff
and now I have it on the ASR and worked amazing love those things what do you think feels better with this Ram stuff
it just seems it's more powerful and then it's more consistent and what compound are you using what uh yeah what
what pad material is you know what color it is the galfer's green Pro I believe the one um but that to that point I
don't know what he was running in his previous breaks it could have been power organic which I don't actually like that
much from sham I just prefer to put cented in every single break I got from sham yeah or met metallic whatever they
call it censored metallic if you for the censored pads if you have like a super good surface like with friction on there
it stops so well yeah like it's it's super it's super good but if the moment that gets burnt or glazed and like
it's they might be easier to burn or glaze but I've I just have so much better breake f with centered and
metallic than I do with organic or power organic or resin or whatever the organic comes stock doesn't it power organic I
believe comes stock now on everything but code might come with centered but now even maven's coming with Organic
because they're so powerful with centered yeah I think that's that's an interesting move um but well the organic
ones have a crazy bite to them though on the on the mavens especially like it's insane actually you could you could hit
the front brick and on an ebike and and you're just going to do a nose wheelie instantly um it's almost like too much
um when I was testing out the mavens I went to I changed the censored pads because it didn't have as much of a bite
but they wouldn't get so so uh over over like a long run they would feel the same I guess I also think that the Organics
just wear out way too fast as well yeah the center last stupid long I was pretty
nervous full season into Whistler with my break pads I running the censored censored pads on my codes on my 140 and
I was pretty nervous I was like oh like I'll bring an extra set of break pads just in case and I couldn't even tell a
difference on how many runs we did there over three days I couldn't tell a difference in the the wear yeah from
that which is I think pretty incredible so yeah yeah it is cool to see The Brak scene um just have a lot
more players yeah cuz trick stuff that's another crazy a lot more good players too well speaking of these Brands what
we just found on pink bike today is a brand you don't follow H performance H performance they're like Automotive
though yeah I know I I saw this on pink bike and it and it kind of looks like the Lewis briak crazy CNC raw aluminum
um but it's it seems to be their very first mountain bike product machine in the UK and then their Instagram has
17,000 followers and there's not a single photo of a mountain bike on here it's just like all automotive and dirt
bike stuff very interesting yeah but kind of cool I mean it makes sense that people in the automotive scene would get
into the mountain bike scene and immediately go for breaks yeah I mean if they're good at it right like I'm sure
willwood could make some pretty crazy bound bike would rad yeah love to see
that other brand it's it's probably actually pretty known I think but garuk
is cool small brand oh yeah gar both of those are some Brands I'm working on bringing Thor Ragnarok that's all I
think of when I hear that Garo Thor Ragnarok uh what is gar Brook gar Brook is like a
small chain ring cassette uh brand that's mostly what they make I think they make cranks now too um machine
stuff I believe they're from Poland or Germany I don't know um but yeah they
made cool stuff kind of like drivet train stuff that Jeff likes like odd cassette sizes and they still make 11
speak C sets that are like you know at 1048 or something like that nice um that's cool but yeah so Lewis and those
are two brands that uh have been trying stuff and we'll probably get them on the
site over the next few months I mean it's kind stuff what was the cassette was it the guard Brook cassette or the
Leonardi cassette that got it was Leonardi one stuck on my free that one was crazy it was a rad cassette but it
on and never came off Leonardi is listening to this I don't know how to get your cassette off same and I've
looked at videos and looked at every forum is it a knowing how to get it off of the fact that it's just Frozen on
well there's no purchase on the there's no tool on the on the splines to get the
to unscrew it off there's there's nothing there to like there is but like it's like a millimeter long yeah there's
no tools uh the video has like a different tooling interface on it like it was like a we have a V2 cassette and
they had a video for Like A V1 M and like forms all say the same thing so if anyone knows how to get that off or
knows Leonardi or someone like I have a useless wheel right you know still hanging around right nowy cassette
Stu on yeah I think I just bought a new freeo body and like put that cassette in freeo body somewhere else was on a
freehub that doesn't just pop off yeah yeah that's a nightmare did we look at the weight difference between that e13
cassette and the gar Brook cassette uh no I'm curious which one was lighter cuz
they make very competing cassettes like 11 speed wide- range cassettes that have a nine tooth I don't know if the garuk
has a nine oh it might have a 10 it might have a 10 I just looked at their about us page and they're actually from Kiev Ukraine with recent relocation to
cocow Poland in 2019 okay they probably had to relocate yes I'd assume so yeah
damn crazy but yeah that is that is a cool small brand to pay attention to which is pretty rad all right next
question next question what's the best way to store uh tools slash tube in slash or on your Enduro bike oneup
wolftooth boa um this is basically for a bike without a fan storage
compartment you're not going to read the last part of the question no hole left un stuffed so he's basically saying like
bikes with like a swap box or a little under compartment or something like that um how do you for a bike that doesn't
have that how do you store it on the bike well I would my uh my take on that
recently I've been pretty stoked on is that aam strap with the boa that thing is so nice you use that same thing too
right all of us yeah we all do so jar if I don't have a bike with the accessory mounts to use Like the Wolf tooth or the
um day saer kit uh because that I think is the cleanest way then I use the aam
strap with the boa dial which we have a custom worldwide one that yeah we do 26
bucks and it's got our logo on it and yeah cuz we like that thing so much would you contact him and got that thing
set up but it's pretty cool um yeah and we saw all the other colors on the site too but yeah that thing is so well thought out cuz it's not just a strap
though too yeah but it has those two internal straps so you can switch it from bike to bike without undoing all
the stuff and then those two little internal straps that hold the stuff to the main strap have those little rubber
things which touch the frame so it doesn't damage the frame that's just really welld designed and simple and
like I can't believe how hard you can crank that down and how many times I've like undone it redone it undone it
redone it moved it from this bike to that bike and it's still perfect I was like it's a good produ another little tip to go along with the aam strap is
our Trail one stems come with a little bag the bag is perfect size to reuse to
put your tube tire plugs zip ties you know uh rubber bands whatever you want
to put in there Tire boots duct tape and then you can you know wrap it up and then put it in the aam strap in the two
little straps and then put that on your bike and then it keeps it all clean together and you can put little bits in
there like that might maybe be falling around even chain links right you can just drop chain links in the bag because
it's going to be kind of closed so Al that's a big thing because if you do have that strap on your bike for a long
time and it gets exposed to the elements stuff starts kind of rubbing and you're going to get abrasions and you're going
to have a tube that has a hole in it and that's a bad day um so I Liam has that and it's pretty clean yeah yep yeah if
you want to see what that looks like uh yeah that recent YouTube video about my Yeti ASR I have that set up on there and
what I had in there which is surprisingly compact but I have a lot of stuff in there cuz I had it set up for the Adventure Race I have a laign pump
um a dino plug all also a laign bacon poker with a bunch of bacon in there uh
Park Tool Tire boots two tubitos and the day saer in the little case um dayer
multitool that has uh a master link connected in it all all of that is like all tucked and Compact and like right in
that thing which I used actually a lot during that race having to pull that tool out cuz we had to disassemble our
bikes a ton like putting them on the I thought you didn't have to use them at all yeah well dude the amount of times
so we had to we had to disassemble the bikes to put them onto the pack rafts and then obviously rebuild them then we also had to put the rafts on the bikes
and like strap them to the bikes and then um so yeah we had to do that and then there was a couple stages where we had to break the bikes down put them in
the bike box at the transition and then we would go on foot for you know 20 30 hours and at the next ta the bike boxes
would be there and we rebuild the bikes so yeah so I use that tool a lot wow and
of course a lot of other people it was funny enough at that race a lot of people like couldn't get their pedals off like other teams like do you guys
happen to have like a properly sized 8 mil Allen cuz like they couldn't get their pedals off with their multitool I like you didn't think of this before and
I was like yep they don't know I know because people just think like oh yeah I got a multitool I'll use that to
disassemble my bike to put it on this raft and I get there and like have the leverage yeah like you were a bike P you
know what you're doing I've I've been at a trail ad before where I forgot my uh my clip shoes and so but I had flat
pedals in my truck and so I was like oh I'll I'll wear my Vans that I'm wearing right just got to take my pedals off and
I had a multi- tool and my pedal was so tight on there I couldn't get it off with the multi tool and I was like so
frustrated about that because the tools in my hand you know like I got one more step to go before I can make this happen
and couldn't make it happen another in issue that I ran into was uh
T type derailer was slightly misaligned so we're going to reset it but we only had a multi-tool and it didn't have
enough torque to loosen the T typee derailer I've done that I've had that's right mhm it's like newm it's pretty
tight pry yeah that is great it's kind of like M kind of like uh clamped against the frame as well so it's uh
it's it's on there yeah that's what's nice about that day saer because that
eight is like you know the size of your index finger so it's big enough it's not huge but it's way bigger than normal
multi-tools but it's it's big enough that like if you can't do it with that amount of Leverage in your hand you can
put your foot on it which I don't recommend but worst case scenario it's big enough that you can put your foot on it where it's like a normal multi- tool
you couldn't really it's just solid too yeah it's just a solid tool yeah it doesn't have a hinge on it like one of
those other ones would have well next question why do so many
people hate on upside down forks when they haven't even ridden one well people hate on a lot of things they've never
tried and that's that's part of the internet U I don't know if there's that much hate on them they're always like
kind of I mean I think the pink bitee comments get filled up pretty quick but God they deal all that is it's just a of
[ __ ] talk people just don't spend money anyways I guess like the prime examples are like like a d fork or Like a Man 2
dado or something like that it's a little bit on the heavier side or even like the that rock shock rs1 that they
made for a few years yeah yeah yeah i' I've WR that fork before Ian I think the biggest problem with them is the specs
never pan out so like when you talk about how much it weighs for how much travel it has like that never is
competitive to a non-inverted fork cuz they have to over build them cuz they don't have a a crown holding the two
together so you kind of have to overbuild it to create the stiffness you want and by doing so you now have a heavier Fork than yeah kind of what is a
traditional mountain bike Fork but yeah and I guess like on your intense suspension like having the stanions like
exposed to the elements like that yeah is oh dude everyone says that is not super ideal cuz you know how many times
do you go in between a Little Rock Gap and you do not want to hit your fork against the Gap and most of the time you
don't but there's way way bigger consequences to that you know and like it's all all motocross bikes
but there's a big heavy in the way it doesn't matter dirt bike you know the weight does matter on a mountain bike a
little bit so it's interesting they do make some covers for then 10 now but yeah they do yeah that are carbon but it
is still we yeah I mean I've been riding that um intend Edge for all for two
years now on that Banshee and I freaking love that thing and I've crashed that bike a couple times but never never
damage the stanions there's no Fork card on it and yeah people always comment they're like well Fork's crazy like oh
you're going damage the STS I'm just like I haven't yet so I'm not worried about that there you go it's like
whatever so I I don't know I mean I think that thing works really good but yeah I mean as far as specs go it is
like I guess that thing's close to the weight of a 38 a fox 36 but it's like 36
level travel cuz it's like 160 so like yeah if you compared it to a 36 it'd be a little bit heavier um I don't know
you'd have to test to see if it was any flexy or not yeah the advantages just like your seals are always being kind of
lubricated yeah there's a ton of advantages it's it's fundamentally a better design which is why it's on every
single motorcycle um but when you factor in weight that's where the whole equation goes south so but maybe it'll
happen as things get better because like that intend Fork is amazing um I'm curious to have you guys rid the push
one yet or seen it in real life I saw it at sea otter but they wouldn't even let people like push on it then oh wow
yeah prototype face that one goes even further because that's a coil upside down Fork that thing is like yeah
$2,800 and like a pound heavier than a 38 yeah I watch some videos on it that's another part where the specs don't play
weight and price yeah I watched a video on that and yeah there's a lot of like pretty bold claims and push kind of goes
crazy with that stuff sometimes so I'm sure it's actually probably good but um yeah is it worth the price and the
weight and that a factor and all those things I would actually like to to try one of Vint 10's down country
Forks is it inted sick yeah that's cool yeah yeah I could be into that could try
it yeah well last question and the most intense serious one boxers briefs or
Commando bibs shorts or a raw dog I don't really know if this is an
actual question or not is it two questions yeah two question marks for
one one's for writing and one's for every day yeah one's chill and one's for writing
uh well I go commando on the Casual on the Casual
yeah likewise and then you go bibs on the bike always always bib always bibs
and I have friends that go go uh not RW do but they'll wear like boxer briefs or
like compression underwear and they just they swear by that but they I don't know
I can't do that and I don't I really just dislike Saddles swur so I tend to get sadur if I do that really like
Saddles sores it's horrible and just uncomfortable well I disagree I wear
boxer briefs on the casual and then I often wear boxer briefs on the bike unless I'm doing more than 20 miles if
it's like a big ride over 20 miles I'll always wear a bib um or a shammy short or if I'm riding like multiple days in a
row like if I'm going to do like three four five days of riding in a row like a chasing epic trip and that each ride is
like close to 20 mi then I'll then I'll run bibs or sham short yeah yeah I guess
I've just had trips or rides where that have just been not as fun as they could have been cuz I was dealing with the saddle saddle swur the whole time just
like off the side side of your saddle and that's just no fun didn't you say you had a saddle store on your trip on
your Adventure Race yeah that was that was a didn't get a Saddles swur from correcting from a different issue yeah
from a well so what happened at one point in the race my left knee just sort of froze up and and uh like the outer
side of it was just becoming excruciating like every pedal stroke this was like this was 68 hours into the
race I remember cuz I was like looking at my watch thinking like this is how long I'm going to make it and I'm I'm
toast I can't go any further I remember like looking at my watch like 68 hours like you've already invested so much time in it yeah and my knee just like
for some reason just started getting so painful and I could barely pedal with it
and then I was pedaling with one foot and then um we were just like taking a break to try and figure it out couldn't
do it took another break and then Greg um my teammate was like he's like maybe it has something to do with your IT band
he's like we're laying on the side of the road and this Gravel Road and he's like elbowing my glute um and he like
hit some spot as I was bending my knee I was like oh my God it stopped it like released the pain and I think my IT band
somewhere towards my glute just froze up so bad from just overuse that it was yanking on like the whole side of my
knee and causing this like really bad pain and if he pushed on that it would like lengthen it and then totally
release the pain in my knee so I was able he massage a little bit I got back on the bike and I literally could only
ride the bike if I was unlipped on my toe cuz like for whatever reason it would hurt my knee too bad to go like
where my clip was um and if I had my left thumb like jammed into my glute
like I was like on the Fly Like smashing my hand in there as hard as I could and
then it didn't hurt and so I just rode basically unclipped on the left side with my one-handed one hand smashing
into the GL just so I could do that and I had to like shift my whole butt to the right on my saddle um and I rode like 60
M like that and while also Tak an ibuprofen um and this is just like the
stuff you do and deal with during those races like I thought the race was over my knee hurt that bad and like it wasn't getting better and then that was it and
then as long as I took ibuprofen and kept massaging it um I could I could continue on and then it got to the point
where like I could stop massaging it for like a minute and then I'd do it again and then I could do it for like 5 minutes and then I have to massage again
and so like I just dealt with that for the rest of the race um oh it didn't like go away not really no it didn't go
away and and then like then we had a huge leg on foot like 48 Hours on foot
doing this huge orientering course and then we got back on the bike after that and I had just the most wicked blister
and saddle sore in the weirdest spot because I was riding with one foot clipped in slid to the right on the
saddle and it's just a disaster but it's just like the pain and the shenan as you deal with on these things good stuff
good stuff yeah so I'm glad I had shammy but it like defeats the purpose if you're riding unclipped on one foot and
slid over on your saddle so yeah just weird weird pain you deal with in long-term events like that but well good
job that's it I'm glad I'm glad you're back here yeah thanks man glad you survived yeah yeah me too it was a good
time well that's it that's all thank you very much for listening Andor watching um it does the world of difference if
you leave us a review on Spotify or apple podcast and share this with your mountain bike or friends we have the top
rated mountain bike podcast right now we're pretty proud of that we want to keep it that way in the world I guess I mean there's not that many of them so I
think we do we're all like neck and neck with pink bike like right around the like thousand plushest that's pretty
cool yeah and a lot of people like leave us review and we're like this is way better than the pink bike podcast so so
that's cool thank you they said it not us yeah exactly but uh if you could leave us a review that really helps us
out and we will talk to you guys in a couple weeks jerio love you peace

October 01, 2024

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