ODI Elite Pro Lock On Grips: Rider Review

Not all purchases are winners. Sometimes it takes trying something we don't love to really find out what we do. Grip choice is one of those things that is all personal preference. ODI makes a ton of great grips and the ODI Elite Pro Lock On grips are one of them. In this review, our customer Matthew picks up a pair but doesn't quite get the feel he is looking for. Read on to hear what happened!

ODI Elite Pro Lock On Grips Rider Review


After wearing down my last pair of DMR Deathgrips, I was in the market for a new set of grips. My go-to choice is usually the Deathgrips but I have a habit of wearing them down rather quickly. So I decided to try something different this go around. After many hours of searching and deliberation, I decided to purchase a set of ODI Elite Pro Lock on grips. The overall reviews were very positive and the design was similar to my previous grips.

Order Experience

My order experience with Worldwide Cyclery was very easy and the shipping/delivery was quick. Both are experiences that I have come to expect when ordering from Worldwide.

ODI Elite Pro Lock On Grip Rider Review

Initial Product Experience

Upon receiving my grips, I noticed the packaging was pretty standard and nothing special for grips. When looking the grips over before installation, I noticed a small oddity. The lock rings that come standard are identical to the fastening screw you use to tighten the grips. It is not installed in a mirroring fashion as with most grips. This minor detail may seem picky to most, but to someone who is very anal about the look of his bike, it is annoying! This will not affect the installation or functionality of the grip, but it is an aesthetic eyesore that I can only assume was done as a cost-cutting measure.


Installation went smoothly, and the grip installed very easily and much like any other grip. First remove old grip, next install new grip, last torque down to 2.5nm, and you're done.

ODI Elite Pro Lock On Grips Rider Review

Grip Feel

The initial ODI Pro Grip feel was very familiar and similar to the DMR Deathgrips I was used to. The extra padding, waffling, and partial flange all looked and felt very familiar. But after using these grips for a short time, I will say that is where the similarities ended. The rubber on the grip seems very sturdy and it does seem that it will last longer in comparison to many of the softer grips I have used before.
However, the ride quality and experience has not been positive. My ride style consists of a lot of jumping and tricks, and since switching grips I have come home with increased arm pain and hand pump. To combat this, I have tried turning the grips and twisting them in order to find a comfortable spot. Each time, I have failed and I have not been able to tune them to my liking.


For me, the ODI Pro grips have been a bust. But not everything was negative. I would say their durable construction and good looks were overall very positive! Based on many positive reviews I have seen about these grips, I would say my negative ride experience and comfort was just caused by my bodies anatomy. And honestly, you may have a better experience! But if I could talk to ODI and give them one piece of constructive criticism it would be this...Cost-cutting measures are noticed by your customers, so spend the extra .50 cents.

Shop ODI Elite Pro Lock On Grips

January 14, 2019

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