Tired of taking your bike apart just to transport it to the trail? Well, it might just be time to invest in a quality bike rack. Our customer Nicole got herself a new Kuat Transfer rack and is stoked on it. Check it out!
I have been mountain biking for 10+ years and had always transported my bike on a trunk rack or inside my trunk. I drive a Subaru WRX Sedan and both of these transport methods have always been a pain. The trunk rack has created dents on my trunk lid and paint chips where the straps attach. Additionally, carrying my bike in my trunk displaces any other use of my trunk and has damaged the trunk lining.
I finally decided to spring for a better transport solution and after considering both a hitch rack and a roof rack, I decided a hitch carrying solution would be the better choice for me. Because I drive a sedan, I had to first install a hitch, which luckily there are multiple options for. I went with an "invisible hitch" solution which conceals the hitch assembly behind my bumper. Then I researched which rack to get. My requirements were:
After comparing 5 different racks from all the major manufacturers, I found the Kuat Transfer 2 Bike Tray Rack was exactly what I was looking for. Besides having all of the features I listed above, I think it doesn't look horrible on the back of my car either because of it's slim profile and modern design.
I would recommend the Kuat Transfer to anyone who doesn't want to spend $500+ on a rack but wants all of the same features and benefits that I was looking for.
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