Industry Nine 1/1 Enduro S Wheelset (Rider Review)

Our "Rider Review" article series features the honest reviews from verified purchasers of Worldwide Cyclery. They contain the photos, thoughts, feedback & overall review you are looking for. 

A company that is always brought up in the conversation when upgrading wheels is definitely Industry Nine. They pride themselves on their precision made hubs and wheels. Our friend, Saul is running I9's 1/1 Enduro S wheels. See what they think!

Industry Nine 1/1 Enduro S Wheelset


I got myself a set of Industry Nine Enduro S 1/1 wheelset. I have to build a bike of my dream and ended up getting this set of wheels.

I like that the cost is a fraction of the price of carbon wheels, they are a sturdy choice for anybody that wants a quality wheel.

I also like that both tires snapped on using a standard floor pump. A true testament to good, rim design, and compatibility. Also saw some YouTube videos and the I9 hubs are very easy to service and support reputation making these a no-brainer for my bike build.

I love the wheel logos and black finish, and also you can’t go wrong with the 90 points of engagement.

I have ridden several sets of wheels over the years. But so far I enjoy this Industry Nine wheels. I recommend them to anyone who is looking for a great wheelset.

Being that I ride aggressively I was a little bit worried about riding a wheelset with just 28 spokes. Back when I was riding and jumping more I rode 32-spoked wheels religiously. But I have noticed that wheels materials have gotten better and build quality has improved, I felt comfortable on 28-spoke I9 wheels.

i9 enduro s 2.png

For the first couple of weeks, I rode extra hard. I couldn’t believe I had a solid 28-spoke wheelset that was holding up to the abuse. The wheels are rolling true and I have not tensioned the spokes once. The finish on the wheels still looks like new.

The Enduro S 1/1 wheelset is not as stiff as a more expensive carbon wheelset, but that is something that I like about aluminum wheels. I would put these wheels on par with any high-end aluminum rim when comparing ride quality and stiffness. They hold up great.

I am most definitely impressed with the quality of the Industry Nine Enduro S 1/1 wheelset.

My friend has a set of these I9 wheels and told me he enjoys the ride and stiffness. But I had a negative feeling thinking about the 28 spokes. But I must admit that once I purchase and I rode the I9 wheelset I was wrong. I’m glad that I got them. Especially because of the light in weight yet stiff enough to ride enduro, and trails.

Final Thoughts

With this Industry Nine 101, I feel confident and capable on any of the trails I ride in my area I'm stoked. I highly recommend to any rider that is planning on purchasing wheels, don’t think twice get them. And I appreciate the customer service that Worldwide Cyclery always offer me when I purchase anything from them.

 Industry Nine 1/1 Enduro S Wheelset

January 16, 2023

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