Employee Spotlight: Alex Robbins - AKA Big AL

Alex AKA Big AL is the GM and customer service guru at our California location. Mild-mannered, Big AL lets his actions speak louder than words more than not. Known as the shop meathead, getting Big Al out of the gym and on the bike isn't always the easiest, but when he does he lets us know about that gym fitness. When Alex isn't at the shop you can normally find him chillen with some cute golden retriever siblings and eating good food. He is even known to get a bit lit off some morning mimosas from time to time.  
Alex AKA Big AL
Job Title:
General Manager West Coast (Best Coast)

What is your favorite part about working at Worldwide Cyclery:
Not wearing shoes, changing the status quo of the MTB industry, making customers smile, riding with the crew.

If you could ride any bike in our Worldwide showroom, it would be:
This isn't a fair question at all, either a Revel Rascal or Yeti SB130

Favorite place to ride a bike:
I just went on a fantastic ride with the wonderful Zack Weaver through Cheseboro with some Suicide Trail action, that's on top of my list right now.

Favorite non MTB activity:
Being a meathead lifting weights, running, hanging out with golden retriever puppies.

What is the craziest thing you've ever done:
Spent a weekend in an Airbnb with the Worldwide Crew
Alex aka Big AL

Drink of choice:
Smooth IPA, Margarita, or an Old Fashioned

You can usually catch me listening to:Literally anything...Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Electronic, Rap...some people hate me for it.

Favorite line from a movie:
"If you ain't first you're last"

Typical weekend activities include:
Hanging out with golden retriever puppies, riding bikes, drinking beer

You can eat one meal for the rest of your life, what is it:
Tacos tacos tacos

Beer or Liquor:
Depends how weird the night will be

Pee sitting down or standing up:
How hungover or drunk am I?

Boobs or Butts:

If you could hang out with one person for a day (who doesn't have to be alive) who would it be and why:
The Rock

Name 3 things on your bucket list:
- Jump out of a plane
- Run a marathon
- Bikepacking trip

Any words of wisdom, closing thoughts, or favorite sayings:
"Whatever you do, do it well." – Walt Disney
Alex AKA Big AL

December 09, 2019

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