Absolute Black Oval Bash Guide: Rider Review

Our "Rider Review" article series features the honest reviews from verified purchasers of Worldwide Cyclery. They contain the photos, thoughts, feedback & overall review you are looking for. 


So I’m wondering “why does my chain keep falling off once or twice every ride”? Obviously, it must be a worn-out chain. Right? So I do what any normal biker does orders and installs a new one (anyhow, it’s always nice to have fresh gear on the sled). However, my second ride in and my chain fell off mid-ride again. This is starting to....well you know the feeling.

After researching the causes of chain failures I start to notice a reoccurring problem that a lot of downhill riders and weekend warriors have. Chain drops caused by the jostling of the chain while riding. Actually, it’s kind of a compliment from the bike. It’s letting me know that I’m getting better (or possibly dumber when I ride). Whatever the case I’m having a good time. This is when I found out about the importance of “chainguides”. At first, a chain guide was my sole interest. However, the more I researched them I noticed that a chain guide/bash guard didn’t weigh all that much more and was just as affordable.

WorldwideCyclery.com has plenty of options in this area. For me, though I really liked the Absolute Black Oval Bash Guide - Premium Chain Guide with Taco - ISCG-05. The material is durable, weight is light, and it’s compatible with both round or oval chainrings. Right now I’m riding with my stock 32 tooth round ring, but my future may be compromised of an oval one. With the Absolute Black, I won’t be sitting on another part that I have to list on eBay.

Absolute Black Chainguide


Installation was a snap. Obviously, make sure that your frame has ISCG-05. The instructions that come with the guide are simple and easy to follow. The hardware includes several different shims so you can adjust the chain line. The guide also moves up and down to allow different size chainrings (again both oval and round). I was up and running in 30 minutes and that included having to readjust the shims twice. 

Absolute Black Chainguide

Final Thoughts:

I’ve had this now for more than a month which equates to about 15 rides. I have not slipped a chain once! What’s more, once you hear the sound of the bash guard striking a rock you’ll want to smile. That could have been your carbon frame! The Absolute Black Oval Bash Guide - Premium Chain Guide Premium Chain Guide with Taco - ISCG-05 is like buying insurance to me. I’m riding with the confidence that my chain isn’t going to fall off right before I hit a jump or plow through a rock garden. Worldwide Cyclery has several different options to choose from. I’m sure everything they sell is top-notch, but this one worked for me.

Thanks, Worldwide Cyclery!

Shop Absolute Black Chainguides Worldwide Cyclery

July 19, 2019

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