A Bike Designed By The Racer, Top Products Of 2021, Fork Offset & Trailside Dumps... MTB Podcast Episode 90 [Podcast]

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The first MTB Podcast episode of 2022 is here! We first discuss how we will be supporting our friend Neko Mulally with his new World Cup racing program, followed by a quick recap of our Top Products of 2021 video. We then get into an impressive array of listener questions ranging from fork offset to the differences in varying RockShox fork models, why Jared chopped his wig, our favorite MTB tools and more! Tune in!

MTB Podcast

0:00 Intro

1:25 Neko Mulally & His DH Bike Project

14:33 Our Recent Rides & Jeff's Wild Adventure

25:14 Top Products of 2021 Recap

30:47 Listener Questions

MTB Podcast YouTube Channel

Worldwide Cyclery YouTube Channel

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MTB Podcast Website

Best MTB Products of 2021 Video

More about Neko Mulally and his project: worldwidecyclery.com/neko

Submit any and all questions to podcast@worldwidecyclery.com

If you are one strange human that would like to read a transcript of the podcast above, continue reading below!

[Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to the mtb
podcast episode 90 presented and hosted by worldwide cyclery i am jeff i'm jared
and i'm liam in this episode we are going to discuss all sorts of fun mountain bike things
including our world cup racing friend nico malali and how we are supporting his project this year where he's
actually designing his own bike having it manufactured to his specs and racing it in the whole world cup season it's
pretty cool and interesting project and something no one's ever done before so it's a fun topic to discuss we're going
to talk about our recent rides and a quick recap on the top selling products of all of 2021 it's exciting is that
exciting yeah you excited about that yeah it was an hour long youtube video but we're going to sum it up a lot faster than that
and then of course we have mountains of listener questions ranging from a bunch about tools and bike maintenance fork
offset chamois that also work as diapers differences in the various rock shock fork models jared's nacho libre hair
haircut haircut yeah that's what i meant to say yes and trailside dumps oh and
all right there we go dj meatball as usual please play a sound effect [Music]
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right world cup racing friend nico
so for a little back story nico malali has been racing world cups for man i don't know a decade he's a
longtime friend of mine him and i were roommates actually and racing buddies back in 2009 isn't that crazy how long
ago is that it makes me feel really old 13 years now oh wow we are old
so him and i've been friends forever and we we raced together and he's he stuck with it and got on a factory team
because he was really good got second place at junior world champs in 2010 as a downhill racer i think it was by .06
isn't that crazy it was some obscenely close margin that's nuts and we actually had the bike that he did that race on he
just gave it to us to have as a sort of keepsake and worldwide cyclery and it was unfortunately stolen in may of 2019
when we had that huge i think so yeah robbery thing yeah which is a bummer but anyways so niko's
been racing world cups always on factory teams for yeah probably over a decade now which is
pretty incredible he's gone from he's gone from trek world racing to scott to yt to intense i think that's all of them
right i think so yeah and now he's he wants to do his own thing so he's he's always been a tinkerer he's he's really
into he's probably the one of the most knowledgeable people i've ever met in terms of suspension design and
theorizing and talking about it albeit he is you know a world cup downhill racer so his brain
lives in a world that most of ours doesn't because he rides his bike considerably faster than almost every
human on the planet ever will end of story so it's it's interesting to talk to him
about that stuff and any racer because they do live in a different world of what they're demanding out of a bike
that the average rider would probably not even think about because they're just not pushing their bike that far
but regardless it's it's amazing how far he's come with his bike knowledge and now he wants to do his own thing so his
whole thing this year so we're a key sponsor of his i guess he's gonna make it a uci team and it's it's basically
him racing at the pro level at the world cup downhills and he's designed his own bike well two of them now one high pivot
one regular he's having him welded by frank the welder frank the welder's like an iconic famous like the most
iconic bike manufacturer yeah he was welding all those race bikes for yeti in the 80s and 90s and all sorts of brands
i mean yeah it's pretty incredible it's one of those names here and you're like oh yeah i've heard that name didn't that guy make bikes for missy jovi and all
these famous you know mountain bike racers over the last several decades so frank the welder is building niko's bike
and we should just have niko on the podcast next time because he could tell a story way better he did a podcast with vital mtb that was really thorough
talking about this whole project that he's doing and the bike and everything so if you're super curious check that
out um that was a good episode that vital did and kind of interviewed him on all that stuff we'll have them on next
episode hopefully so we can dig more into the details of this but yeah it's just a cool project and we're really
just appreciative and grateful to be a supporting sponsor of them and the bike so we actually have now if you go to
worldwidecycler.com nico we made a little page for niko because he is going to document his whole season
his testing of the bike and everything all on his youtube channel which is little brother logan malali who's a
former wc employee worked here for a couple years another good friend of ours he's going to be making all the videos
and editing them and they already have what they use for at least the first one right yeah and the trailer and the first one so yeah check out niko's youtube
channel for all that the bike it's pretty cool so i don't know how many of you out there that are listeners that are downhill bike riders
have you ever ridden a downhill bike like full blown it's been a while but yeah yeah what about you liam
never liked the full-on hardcore it's funny so many people have never ridden a full bore downhill no i haven't i
actually it's kind of a rare like why would you unless you're really into it for some reason i think later this year
next year i might build one because i'll have an e-bike what's the point of having a pedal bike whatever tangent but
yeah i want to yeah yeah it is kind of a rare bike because it's pretty much useless aside from
going downhill as fast as you can so they're eight inch travel long low slack monsters of bikes and
that's what i grew up racing downhill and i also did super d which is kind of evolved into an enduro but yeah most
people i mean i haven't rented down a bike and when did i have that i had that transition i built up three years ago
probably 2019 i didn't even 20 man it might have been 2018. yeah i haven't i
used to always like to have a downhill bike in the summer and take it to the various ski resorts the local ones in
whistler which is always fun but oh yeah i don't know i kind of it's hard it's hard to like put together an entire
downhill bike every season and do it and yeah it is a rare bike to ride but people who ride them love them because
they are fun i mean there's there's no bike that the f1 yeah yeah you're right yeah it is it's
when you're when you're crafting a bike specifically for downhill speed that's what downhill bikes are so it's it's
pretty cool and it's where everything comes to life in terms of suspension platforms become way more relevant the
faster you ride the bike and the more travel the bike has so when it comes to downhill racing at the world cup level
these bikes are really important to these racers which is part of why niko wanted to do his own thing and design
his own bike so his bike which is just a raw aluminum bike horse link suspension design 63
degree head angle 52 mil fork offset 475 reach with a 40 mil stem uh he is going
to do a mixed wheel size so 29 in the front 275 in the rear but i think he's going to be testing that he's going to be testing all these things testing high
pivot versus basically regular without the high pivot and uh yeah i mean he's gonna test a lot
of stuff it was funny because the other day i was talking to him and he was uh what did we asked him about the rear hub spacing and he went on this rant about
how he's gonna have 12 by 148 on it because it's easier for swapping wheels between his other bikes and he doesn't
see any legitimate difference between the 157 and it's it's just cool hearing his perspective on things like that
because if you hear a world cup level downhill racer tell you that he doesn't notice a difference between a
quote-unquote booster super boost rear end then it's like oh probably no one else ever would i mean these are the
guys who push the bikes to the limit more than any one of us could and and they're so much more sensitive to every
little tiny bit of it so yeah that's that's pretty cool to see so i don't know i mean when you saw this
jared what did you think when you like looked at this bike and looked at the specs what were your first thoughts i my first thoughts where this thing has just
got to be an absolute riot like it looks like so much fun to ride i mean i love downhill bikes i have last
downhill bike i rode it was like a v10 santa cruz um maybe like 2019 or something like that um and that was a
fun bike and pretty similar setup like suspension-wise and everything to this so i mean yeah i saw this thing i was like wow it
just looks so fun and it's super rad that he commissioned frank weller to to build it i mean yeah you just don't
hear about stuff like this yeah yeah it's it's pretty traditional for all these you know highly skilled talented
world cup racers to kind of stay on a factory team for a while or go from one to the next and they just kind of
they're beholden to that brand that bike brand and those component brands that they're sponsored by and they just say
hey here's your bike it's the best bike yeah ride it as fast as you can please yeah and we'll pay you and if you don't
then we won't pay you yeah it's and then you can like change links here and there and the shock too yeah like fine tune it
but you're not like changing it all up you know so yeah i think this is especially cool because
so much of the time you hear about racers um they they don't have freedom of speech to talk about their setup or
like oh yeah yeah i checked the fox stuff because i love the fox suspension like nico picked these parts at least
how i understand it because he likes these parts and he feels like he's comfortable with them which is really
cool so um yeah he's got his freedom of expression on the bike which is as a racer and like as an
enthusiast is pretty cool yeah yeah that is i mean that's that's totally something different than a traditional racer would sort of have the ability to
do totally for sure and what i like so much is that he can disclose everything so like you were saying racers will
often time can't say that you know especially if a racer's writing some type of prototype thing or they ask the
brand to make them a custom link but just for them and don't tell anyone whereas niko's just it's all out there
yeah it's like here's the exact specs of this bike and everything i change everything i test i'm going to tell you all about it in thorough detail on my
youtube channel yeah and that's no one's done that no eraser has done that so yeah yeah that's going to be cool to see
what what did you think liam when you saw that because you pay attention to the racing world a bit yeah i mean i thought it was awesome like looking at
the numbers and then hearing niko talk about it i just it's like kind of every bike nerd's
dream to do what he's doing yeah you know so like that's true um yeah i i love all the details of it and like you
know we kind of knew about it beforehand and like got to see some numbers and and some designs before it all kind of
came out which was really cool so yeah i think it's awesome and like the whole point of it is to show
what works and what doesn't and like filming every step of the way is super rad instead of like this is i think
there's a ton of videos now around the world cup and behind the scenes of world cup and fox style does a really good job
about that but yeah it's not showing what works and what didn't work it's just showing what works yeah yeah
you know they can't really disclose to you exactly what they've chosen why and what yeah i just think like the realness
of his program and like i think that's gonna be the most exciting thing to watch is just like yeah the authenticity
of it yeah yeah totally yeah like his last i think it was instagram post where he was talking about how the pros and
cons of the standard pivot versus the high pivot yeah and like you don't you just don't see that like him i know you
told me he would go ride stuff back to back like all the time just all day try different tires and suspension and stuff like that so
for him to ride the standard pivot and high five back-to-back and give you his 100 like you know authentic opinion on the
performance of each is just like most people and brands are not gonna do that they're gonna be like oh hi pivot
it's better you want it because we just made a bunch of them and we need to sell them yeah we made it it's the hot thing you want
it but like he's like it's it's good in some places and not as good in other places and it's like thank you yeah so i
mean sometimes these bikes already made before they get to the racers like carbon molds are already set and they're like how do you like it it's like oh
it's not that good well you're riding it next year yeah you know like yeah they don't have a choice
enjoy it yeah and you're not going to hear a racer like oh yeah i got my new frame and it's just not quite where i
wanted to be like you know you're on your new team and you're stoked no matter what like yeah you're not going to say how you
actually feel yeah yeah i think it's good because niko's so well spoken in the way that he describes the stuff too
because even that instagram post you were just mentioning where you know that was i don't know maybe two paragraphs or it wasn't that long but he really
clearly laid out sort of the differences that he felt tangibly between those two bikes and the
different types of trails and how and why and it was just it was digestible it was understandable and i think his
youtube channel this year is is going to blow up and it's going to be really educational and fun for true bike nerds
to watch other racers aspiring racers and also just the general enthusiasts i think could glean a lot of information
about bikes from watching his youtube channel totally although some of them might be just like whoa this is dense
you know like even some people said but yeah at the same time i think it'll shed light on stuff like
like what jared was just saying like the normal bike and the highest pivot bike he's like uh you know it's not a
huge difference this one has a little bit of uh you know a little bit better here and then the other one's a little
bit better here like yeah pros and cons on each terrain yes but i think the average consumer is gonna see like
there isn't a huge difference sometimes yep between two parts or two different kinds of bikes he did the same thing
with the 29er last season when he was on intense and he pretty much said like it's a wash
yeah you know 29 and versus the mixed wheel yeah yeah i think it'll definitely help some people like at least demystify a little
bit and like maybe cut through some of the like there's the marketing stuff that they're hearing all the time you know but what's
better just because it's new exactly yeah i agree i think i think our job as sort of a key sponsor of his program and
everything he's doing and our media outlets are on our own worldwide cyclery and in terms of the podcast and youtube
channel and our emails and stuff i think what we need to do is take some of the ultra nerdy stuff and
and bring it back down to the because nico really does speak to racers and people who i mean he says things like on
his he noted on his bike right it's like thirty percent progression fifty percent and a rise on the low pivot bike sixty percent and rise on the high pivot bike
uh does that matter for most people does it not okay let's break this down right so i think i think our job this year as
as we follow nico's race season and his project we're we're going to try to on our podcast and our media channels uh
demystify it for the average mountain biker and help people understand sort of the things he's talking about
but yeah anyways tune in to that that's going to be really cool it's something we're really excited to be a part of and be supporting this year
so keep an eye out for that nico malali it's m-u-l-a-l-l-y just hit him on youtube um you also have
worldwide cycler.com nico if you want to check that out okay moving on
uh way less glamorous than nico's world cup racing is our own recent rides
uh it's just funny to think because like my whole brain has been thinking about niko just slaying bikes down woke up
tracks and now i'm thinking about us three not that cool
yeah mozing around on our local excish trails and relatives former coyote trails really turned into hiking trails
it's cool right yeah but some people aren't even able to ride right now so there you go that's true yeah we're luckily we've got some decent weather
going on yeah um what do you got jared what are your recent rides um well today i was actually out for a fantastic ride
because we've been getting some some rain um but i mean just as a quick psa to
everybody in southern california if it's been raining a lot in your area um just you know check out the trail first
before you go send it because i was down in sycamore canyon today on some single track and
the trail was totally washed out and i came around this turn going mock chicken and uh i pretty much hooked and prayed and i
left to tell the tale that like yeah definitely uh interesting um the conditions have changed quite a
bit since i mean i haven't been out in just like a couple weeks but the storms were so gnarly that it was enough to like erode a bunch and um
yeah just change the landscape a little bit so yeah it's a funny california-like
problem because i think here we have those flash flood issues and whenever there is rain there's these huge washouts and then there's these giant
rain ruts or creek beds of water that didn't exist for four years because there hasn't been that much rain in four
years and all sudden there was and now there's a creek where there wasn't a creek and yeah i don't think that happens that much a lot of mothers don't
think that happens i think that's a pretty southwest yeah that's a southwest issue i don't know like the southwest is
where you see those hilarious things that say like flooded and flood danger and you're in the desert what
and then you realize that oh this actually could just be six feet deep under water because of one because nothing drains well whereas you go out
you know we get an inch of rain and it's an issue yeah if it happens quickly where you go out to places where it rains more and they get into rain and
it's just the natural landscape absorbs it and the gutters and everything's just
they're built for it too like yeah we're here like almost all of our canals and rivers and waterways were
overflowing yeah in like a day yeah the southwest is
notorious for these huge sort of uh water runoffs and water bypasses that
just sit empty and dry all year round even that massive underground tunnel network in vegas there's a documentary
about those homeless people that live in there wow it's crazy like huge underground tunnels all for when there's flash floods but there isn't a lot like
almost never so there's always people living in these tunnels really yeah it's it's pretty interesting if you youtube some of that but yeah there is i mean
even around here there's these giant right over on reno road there's a watershed yeah this is this huge you
know 15 foot by 15 foot massive thing and it's mostly it's i don't think i've seen water in there for 30 years yeah
there's a quarter inch deep of water in it there's a little bit it's 15 you know
yeah but it's yeah but it's new yeah there's no water it's it's a good psa yeah if you're in the southwest yeah if
you haven't ridden your trails since it since you got some gnarly rain just check him out first and try and avoid
what i did so yeah your ankles will thank you yeah
well that's all i got jeff what what was the last time you rode your bike man why'd you ask me that's embarrassing
i i have for some reason just not ridden mountain bikes very much and i'm i'm kind of upset with myself on it uh i i
was all focused on actually going out to raise mtb in ohio with with
nico and logan and some east coast buddies and riding the indoor mountain bike park which was really cool that was
in just after thanksgiving i think and i have literally not ridden mountain bikes since then i've just been running and
hiking and i did a tiny short mountain bike ride doesn't even cows on my it was on my makeshift gravel bike that looks like a
mountain bike so i don't know i've got nothing but i i can tell you that at present my almost
my entire body is covered in poison oak because i've been planning out these gnarly hikes i recently read i'm just
about finished with this book called the comfort crisis by michael easter fantastic book i highly recommend it
it's it's just a lot about how human beings in the modern day don't spend enough time outside and they need to be
outside and be disconnected more and the value that nature can bring to you and a number of different things around mental
and physical health and exercise and you know stuff like that so i've been stoked on that so i mapped out this hike uh in
the santa monica mountains where we where we're at here in newbury park in socal and i i purposely mapped out a
bunch of stuff but there was no trail and i was like i'll just bushwhack it won't be too bad i'll take a machete with me and i'll just deal with it and
it'll be a challenge and it was it was substantially worse than i thought there there was actually a running creek
because it hasn't been running forever the one that feeds into sycamore canyon like the very far end of that where that starts
so within four hours of the hike i'm like all right now i'm into the thick of this creek i'm in you know actually a
couple feet deep of water my feet are soaked i'm just like crawling through this creek for an hour and it was all good and it just got denser and denser
and denser now i'm probably three four hours into this and i'm just like slogging through
these ridiculous branches and overgrowth and i'm moving so slow i'm probably moving i think i actually have my
garments i was moving one sixth of a mile an hour i mean i was cr i was literally crawling hands and knees
and i knew i was covered in poison oak and now i'm so far into this and i'm so committed that i'm saying to
myself i'm not turning back i'm gonna try and follow this route and it's starting to get dark and so i
go to set up camp and now the only place i have camp i'm still so far away from the trail i know where i am because i got gps goings like i know where the
next trail is and that's where i'm trying to get to but i'm just crawling up this mountain through the overgrowth just mangling through poison oak and
then i get to this one spot where i finally it's 4 45 it's getting dark a bunch of rocks little creek bed little
patch of sand i was like i'm just gonna sleep here pull out my my little tent i don't have my trekking poles and my tent sets up
props out with trekking poles it's like all right well i guess i'm sleeping in a collapsed tent and it started raining it was actually raining so now i'm all wet
and i'm in a collapsed tent and so i try to sleep in the tent for a little bit and i start hyperventilating because
it's just laying on my face and i was like alright i gotta prop this up a little so i like have a stick set up and some strings and i just get it to
elevate enough and and go to sleep my watch didn't even record that i slept but i think i slept
for a while i mean i made it to the next morning and then i woke up the next morning packed everything up soaking wet all miserable and then
slogged through bushes and hell again for another two hours until i got to the trail and then kissed the ground when i got to the trail i was so glad
it was miserable i was outside i was completely disconnected outside in those mountains by myself for 30 hours and it
was uh but the hike wasn't even long it was only an 18 mile hike it wasn't that long of a hike but at 5 000 feet of
elevation it was just miserable but it was just because the route i mean next time you're on a trail look over at the
dense overgrowth and imagine just slogging through that for five hours of your life and it was that's what i did it was a terrible idea i don't know why
i do things like that i still don't know if it was a great decision or it was a horrible decision because you're reading the book yeah
it's because i was all inspired by reading this book i'm gonna go go some hardcore [ __ ] you know now i'm covered
in poison up recording a podcast that's amazing oh it's it's brutal but you know
that's that what do you got liam hopefully something more enjoyable um yeah a little bit more enjoyable than
that it depends who you are though i uh this time of year i try to put in some
road miles and i had a shoulder injury so i was off the mountain bike so i think a saturday after christmas was it
i had no or sunday maybe i had nothing to do i'm like you know what i'm just gonna ride all day
so i just loaded up the road bike packed it full of goodies and headed up the coast i
literally went straight up the coast until i hit 51 miles and then i turned around and rode home
so i rode 100 miles wouldn't that be 102 it was like whoa i took a little bit longer it was like 101
miles i'm just thinking you're trying to dude i know gps's aren't even that accurate at the time
and yeah it was like six hours on the bike for six and a half hours for like hundred miles and i was by myself and
cranked out some audiobooks um so yeah that was fun i guess type two fun
depends who you are and then uh the other one we've been looking at this
route for a while uh we kind of wanted to ride like we have a backbone trail that runs along
the santa monica mountains and it's you know pretty well known we wanted to ride pretty much like
the entire ventura county side of it on a gravel bike so we started on this first like crazy
fire road that drops down and back up to like zuma ridge connects that to back bundle we took
backbone all the way back home um and it was like nine
over nine thousand feet of climbing and like another like six hour day on the bike and i haven't done that much
climbing in a while so i kind of hit a wall like seven thousand feet and so like two thousand more feet to climb and
it was a good time it was fun yeah those are good winter training rides yeah exactly yeah
that sounds sweet gnarly well we're still getting after it excluding myself i'm just hiking and crawling through
poison oak like a [ __ ] we're still getting after it it's funny because i i while i was doing that i was like why
don't i just do like what you guys are doing like liam's doing these glorious backbone gravel rides and jared's out
there hucking water bars or on his mountain bike and i'm just covered in poison oak i should just stop hiking
just cut my losses while i'm at it hey you figured it out finally dude i'm not stopping i i enjoy it and
i'm still i'm still trying to what's funny too is the the day before i started that hike i was running i was
running intervals because i'm still trying to run a sub 5 mile which i'm still not even close i'm like in the 5 5
27 i think i got to recently but i want to run a mile at under five minutes so i'm still trying to do that
and i was running intervals so i started that hike on on sore legs sore like fatigued legs
that didn't help my car gets worse and worse this story yeah i know it's bad yeah it was fun i just should start
riding mountain bikes again more because it's a lot more fun even today i just i rode to get lunch day on my mountain bike on my ranger and i was like this is
awesome i don't i just go through phases it's like why you started a bike shop yeah
yeah it's like gosh that's crazy yeah sometimes i just forget to ride mountain bikes and get all hung up on other stuff
and then remember and then i'm yeah you know those are my own personal problems
it's a nice gift but more importantly yeah the top products of 2021.
we made an hour-long youtube video on this so i would like to thank
rain man he's uh sitting behind the camera right now as we record this podcast cause he edited that god
forsaken masterpiece of a youtube video it's the longest youtube video we've ever made by by 100 i think the last when we did
in top products of 2020 was 27 minutes yeah it was like half that yeah we just
got on talking a lot more i guess this time we got into a lot more detail about everything we did get into more detail
about everything but we did so when you watch the video we broke it down into categories we have all the various categories and it's all time stamped on
youtube too so if you're just curious about you know handlebars or grips or drive trains or suspension all that's broken
down into categories so you can pretty easily sift through the video to find just that section
and we also did the same thing on the the article that was written up as well and the video which i thought we
described but maybe we didn't describe it so well was how we came to the conclusion of what ended what products
were featured in that video so basically we did a combination of quantity sold as well as
dollar amounts sold so where that really changes if we just wanted to talk about top selling products by quantity you'd
get a bunch of consumables chains cassettes grips lubes seal kits things like that
however those don't generate a ton of sort of top line revenue right so we we kind of mixed in both we wanted to show
in each category hey this is by quantity the number one thing in this in this sort of field this category and this was
by the high end by the revenue volume so that was a mixture of those in every category so someone asked that actually
in a youtube comment and i explained that they're like okay that makes a ton more sense and i was like i guess we probably should explain that a little better in the video i think it's because
somebody was like how did the cork power meter end up as a top product for the year yeah it's like well we sold a lot
of them not as many obviously as like a ceram brake pad but we sold a ton but they they cost a fortune yeah so that
that ended up in there yeah the cork power meter was yeah for those people who were doing power meters on the shots
and the shock was yeah like last year or 2020 was the top product as well so it's
like there's a trend there yeah and then certainly these high-end expensive products will never have the volume that
consumable products will have such as cereal kits or brake pads but they they do they're still very important to to
note you know in terms of what was top selling and then we gave some honorable mentions and so yeah check that video
out um and if you're if you're curious we'll give you a quick little recap of it so in terms of volume fox factory rebuild
kits for float rear shocks duh in terms of a consumable item a lot of people are rebuilding their own
shocks sram disc brake pads sintered compound that was way up there sram gx eagle 12
speed chain uh man everyone goes through those things popular yeah those are and they're hard to get
right now yeah yeah so yeah and then yeah we went over grips uh of course we mentioned our own uh trail
one we have a stake in the brand trail one components we gave that as an honorable mention because that was our that's our aspirational top selling grip
of 2022. that's right it wasn't for 21. obviously grips are very personal preference um odi elite pros pnw's ergon
ga3s those were all sort of uh you know made it into that uh top grips
category tires max is dominated there were some standouts that i thought were pretty odd once we looked at all this
data in the tires category so plus bike tires like tail and the continental tires yeah
there were some things in there that surprised me totally um yeah what's what surprised you when you
looked at all that top selling stuff lame did anything stand out to you that when you looked at all this and thought oh i didn't see that coming
um i have to like sift through the whole list to get into that detail but i think some of the tires like i'm just a max's
head so like it's hard for me to like think even sometimes outside the box of away from
axis so yeah seeing what people are like actually buying for tires is is
not surprising but cool to see yeah and we tried to highlight so i mean obviously max has dominated the list but
then we tried to almost side note all of the tires that weren't maxis right and taravale and continental
those those were the big swingers that were in there i was like whoa i'll tell you what surprised me was magura taking
the top two spots in the breaking point oh yeah yeah i was shocked yeah
there was some odd things that i wonder if they had to do just with if
we really dug into the inventory levels the whole category the whole year you know because if we had flawless
inventory which we didn't right nobody did between all the brands shimano
tierra like all the different break brands would my career still have taken it has been trending though because i mean
those breaks have been trending for even the last three four years but they totally they kicked ass in 2021 and they
do yeah they were the top selling brakes and the two both spots yeah mt5 and mt7 it'll be interesting to see if they
maintain a top spot in coming years when inventory is definitely more stable yep
yeah i agree that will be interesting to see so i know people love them yeah so those are some standouts there we
covered a lot of categories in that video if you're curious um hit that video um link to that and everything is
in the show notes and now we're going to jump into all of the various listener questions
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right wow we got a lot of good
questions we did get a lot of good questions if you ever want to submit your own questions where do they submit
them podcast worldwidecyclery.com or just stay tuned to our instagram stories on worldwide cyclery i thought
you were laughing do that thing you do or you give him my email and then i get yeah no just
send him to jared's email you probably can't guess what it is either
this guy you gotta get better what am i gonna do with this guy random emails the first question is
liam what is your favorite tool that you use on a daily basis and your favorite tool that you never use
all right i think my favorite tools that i use are probably the weara hex keys because they feel so good that's a good
answer like they're so sharp and there's nothing worse than like getting a loose hex key
into a like already loose bolt and just like knowing it's gonna round out so that's probably the worst feeling i
think ever yeah 99 cent store set of hex keys or harbor freight so little hex keys versus a really high end set from a
good quality tool brand uh my favorite tool that i never use um it kind of ties into the next
question as well uh the disc brake facing tool ooh um to surf do you actually own one of
those personally or you just have the one at the shop yeah of course it does have that what brand is it park tool nice yeah
um because jeff i got the stuff um
because he's gotta have it whatever he's all right you could ask me about stupidity yeah yeah why are you like
laughing yeah um yeah and then the next question is what
tools are worse investing what tools are worth investing in and will pay back and what should you leave
to the shop to do um that latter one you should definitely leave to the shop to do you don't need to buy a dispensing tool yeah that's for
sure um i definitely don't really need one at home uh what tool is he worth investing
in a really good set of hex keys um the common tools
you want nice common tools and those rare tools you probably don't need like a truing stand trailer hanger yeah
absolutely i am going to say actually if you could get a good derailleur hanger alignment gauge
i think it's a really good one to have because it can save a weekend it can save your buddies weekend
yeah um i think it's a good tool to have if you're gonna like look to build out your tool set
where do you draw the line like a bottom bracket tool like i don't know where to draw the line jared the gut says i don't know i'm just
breakfasting pretty funny because when when i was working on bikes the most a lot i was just broke and i didn't i
didn't want to buy anything and even the first two three years of worldwide cyclery i was so
cheap that we didn't even have the a real headset press we had that janky and it could do a headset presses
it costs a fortune they are a couple hundred bucks right and i will say when i started here i could build everything
just fine on a toolbox that is half of the tools i have at home yeah like and you don't need a lot so i
think good quality hex tools um i mean that's like
almost half your bike you're using those yeah it is yeah yeah the ones you use a lot i think it's worth having really
nice stuff and those kind of tools you barely ever use and tools that might become irrelevant so certain things that
press in bottom brackets or take out bottom bracket bearings that's a tough one if you get a new bike and then it's a different standard dude how many old
bottom bracket tools heads and various things do we have here that get used once a year when someone brings in a
bike from four years ago that still uses xyz bb or something so yeah yeah i wouldn't buy those tools i would
say a bleed kit is a nice thing to have that's like a little expensive you're not going to use all the time but
but it's valuable yeah that's true and it'll pay it'll pay you back yeah because that is a bleed
kit is something shops will charge you a lot of money to do whereas they're not going to charge you much to put in you know drop in a headset or put in a star
nut or or align your driller or even through a wheel but they will charge a lot of money at bleacher brakes
yeah so and if you just do like your brakes and your body's brakes like you just paid for the kit
yeah you know and then you can do it however many times you want i had one more tool that i would yeah be a good one but i can't
remember right now so if it comes back to me i'll just scream it nice well in the meantime can you tell
us when was the last time you took a trailside dump because that's the next question i don't
i don't know if i have since like maybe riding bmx trails as a kid and like that was my plan was to take a dump at the
trail because you're a kid riding bikes part of the day i don't know i've never
had an emergency like that jared absolutely you have my stories for me i got a
really really close call a couple years ago um out like on the triumphal trails i
think i was with zach and i just i didn't get it all out before the ride and you know if you don't get all your poops
out before the ride you're gonna have a bad time and the whole time i had to poop and then we were getting towards the end of the ride and i like dropped
my bike sprinted for this bathroom and i barely prevented my bib from
becoming a diaper which you'll find out more about that later
but yeah i actually have not thankfully had to take an emergency trailside dump jeff
well i always carry toilet paper in my hydration pack because i just think it's a smart thing to do yeah because
it's happened to me before the last time was actually when bkxc was out visiting and
we rode suicide trail and which was bad because it was at the end of the ride
and also say that this this loop is like six miles so yeah max
it was i had too much gold brew it's in the we made a video about that i think and it's in the video but we got back to
the truck as soon as i got back in the truck i was like i'm not i cannot go 30 more seconds and we're it's in a it's
a nice neighborhood it's really nice it's a nice neighborhood in oak park yeah and there's these nice houses and
it's at this trailhead in this cul-de-sac and there's a sort of rain gutter runoff thing in between two houses and i just went and climbed
underneath this fence into this gutter thing and just went haywire right there because i had no i had no choice yeah luckily i had my
tp you're comfortable there that's all that matters i mean i was it was 60 feet away from like a 1.3 million dollar
southern california house just taking you know yeah now i'm going to be in the states taking a dump right by their house sorry but
that's a two-plus street yeah because it's not really it's not a trailer it's just a cul-de-sac it's not like a proper trailhead where there's bathrooms or
anything so yeah it's it was somebody's backyard you shot in yeah pardon my french
technically wasn't their property because there was a fence you know but i don't know what happens yeah i just think you should carry
teepee with you yeah it hurts that's a good i mean it feels good to be prepared paper towel that can dual purposes up
but also clean up a cut if needed that's smart but not both
at the same time yeah um how about the next one yeah what tool can cleanly cut off the 52 tooth cog on
an eagle cassette asking for a friend i think i know who asked this who you
i did oh something about tools and i asked that one of my favorite tools
at dremel yeah yeah dremels are useful items are cool we've taken dremels to really expensive bike parts yeah we used
a dremel what the video that nearly launched the worldwide cyclery youtube channel which was me and i cut
the seat tube on a yeti 4.5 because i wanted to ride in xl but i was too short
so i cut the seat tube with a dremel and made it all clean and nice and beautiful it looked great it did it looked perfect
it looked factory yeah but it also took me 12 hours and i had carbon dust in my hair and wasted an
entire sunday just sitting in the shop covered in dremel dust and someone after that i was like i hope you're wearing
one of those respirator things because all the carbon dust and i was like nope so whoops
guess i'm getting lung cancer but oh my god yeah jumbles are nice then we use the dremel again for another ridiculous bike modification which was
taken that eagle cassette that i just wanted i didn't want that 52 tooth cog on there so liam chop that sucker off
the dremel nice that's it yeah that's a whole long story that a lot of people got mad about on the internet
foreign frame and cut off all your brake mounts and brake tabs oh yeah because the transition frame had internal
routing for the shifter external for the brake and you wanted them both internal
yeah wow so we drilled yeah i don't want an external extra come on like i get this
friendly i don't know they do don't they i don't know some people liked it because they thought it was convenient because a
brake cable is a lot harder to cut than a derailleur cable and route internally so transition has external routing for
the brake cable and not the shifter cable and i was just not a fan i want all the cables internal yeah so liam
well we did two things we drilled holes to put the brake cable internal wow and then we dremeled off the welded
on mounts that were for that yeah about that yeah well then we repainted the frame though that was a gorgeous
looking button that was yeah it might have been one yeah it was an outlet cover not the purple one no it was blue
or blue blue yeah it was like a powder coated blue aluminum frame it looked gorgeous that bike looked so good that
was sweet yeah nice that's that's a tool there uh what tools can you consume liquid
with nate hills nate hills asked that question previous guest on the show
what tool can you consume liquid with that entire jar of bottom bracket tools perfect shot glasses ah
there you go yeah i was confused on this question i thought i mean did he mean can you just use the tools while you're drinking i
just yes yeah this is a total nade question that's a
there's nate hills by the way um he is an ambassador of ours for worldwide cyclery
and uh he's got a phenomenal youtube channel on instagram and he rides all these amazing trails all over the place
and does a really good job at filming them and various different cool features on them so check it out nate hills but
yeah that's a funny question because i read that and i was like can you just does it mean you can get
drunk when you're using a tool you thought you could like use the tool to use as a shot glasses maybe that is what he meant
what else all right what's the next question three favorite or most important bike cleaning tools um
well i'll say one i think the uh park tool chain
cleaner yeah that's pretty clutch chain clearance clutch that's a good investment because
nothing gets a properly clean chain like a chain cleaning tool so that's actually worth it i think a clean chain's a happy
chain and that could be a whole podcast in itself but yeah what's yours jared you like a clean
bike i like the chain cleaner a lot but i also like um just a like a good short haired one for
doing cogs and chain rings and stuff and then when i with the yetis i do like the long
bristled one to get into the switch infinity and stuff and like any pivot points i really like the long haired
brush jeff what's your favorite tool you watch me use on your bike
i was just like why you gotta do that man
you haven't lost a bike in a while i have no idea when once i wash your bike was
i don't know it makes me feel like [ __ ] i have some level of of shame that i i feel like a like a tool that i don't
even work on my own bikes you could change that jeff's favorite tool is the sc1 to make it look brand new
no no it's the park i looked it up it's this one it's the gsc-1 that's a george yeah yeah yeah but it's it's got that
you can clean into the cassette cogs real good and it's those rough bristles you can clean i like a really clean
chain cassette and pulley wheels i just really like all of that super clean and
gorgeous absolutely that tool from park really does it their gear clean brush also known as the gsc-1 that's a good
one that's my favorite cleaning tool i like that one too all right nice uh this next question my son constantly
bends his derailleur hanger he has a stumpjumper evo and it seems to be a thin hanger is it worth getting a wheels
manufacturing brand hanger for the cost considering it's three times the cost and is it also worth getting the tool to
align it properly when putting a new one on uh i mean my opinion i don't honestly think
the wheels manufacturing one is any stronger that's not really the some cases they are some cases they're
just replacements yeah that's hard to say drill hangers are not supposed to be non-bendable like they're supposed to be
bendable so you ruin a 25 part rather than your extremely expensive derailleur which is a lot more than a trailer
hanger costs and if alloy doesn't bend it breaks yeah so you don't want it to break like cannondales used to be
notorious for just breaking any time you try to straighten it they just snap um
is it worth getting a hanger tool i mean if you and your son are into riding and you guys have some buddies too i'm sure your son's friends been hangers it's not
like an outrageously expensive tool to get like a park tool derailleur hanger tool the dag the trailer alignment guy
yeah this came out the new one too and it's even sweeter than the original so nice yeah it's a pretty convenient tool you
do need to have some education on how to use it correctly because i've definitely seen people not know how to use those and mess that up and little goes a long
way when bending hangers so yeah the other the other word of advice there is you're really not supposed to
bend hangers back you know yeah like once aluminum bends is not i
mean it's kind of a it's it's a last resort where you bend it back and keep riding like that's not
it's like what you do if you have to ride tomorrow and you can't get a new hangar for until the next weekend or something because
aluminum bends once you bend it back it's bound to break you bend it twice bend it three times like it's going to
snap i i used to do that when i was a broke teenager riding mountain bikes with this exact same problem because i
was always jumping my bike always crashing my bike and i kept bending hangers and i would just bend them back and i didn't have a tool and i would
just literally put a three-way a five-mil allen in there and just yank on have you ever done that
[Music] adjustable wrench yeah yeah so i would bend it back like
that over and over and i remember one time i hit some drop and i landed and the drill hanger snapped just from the
force of the derailleur hanger like whipping oh i've done that too and it snapped the driller hanger in half trailer went into the spokes whole nine
yards like broke eight spokes ripped the chain up cassette like everything and this was all because
i should have replaced the hanger and not been so cheap and just kept trying to bend it back and bend it back and
bend it back because inevitably it just breaks at the worst possible time so yeah try to not re-bend hangers back
it's not what that tool is really for so i don't know there you go yeah
what's a good example of a toolkit to bring with you on a bike trip we actually talked about that in one of the
recent youtube videos i feel like that wear a tool kit yeah that's a good one yeah yeah what is it bicycle set three
maybe i think so bicycle set three yeah it has pretty much everything you need if you take your bike apart and put it in a box which you just need to put you
know maybe the fork back on maybe there's the handlebars and the pedals yeah yeah i would say yeah like that in a three-way or just like that and then a
solid allen set because then you do have like longer arms if you need torque yeah whereas the bicep three has got like a
pretty small ratcheting wrench and then the little one um you know handheld one for like stem bolts and like bottle cage
bolts and stuff but and then a good set of combination pliers too pinch stuff cables bend stuff back
totally yeah yeah that's pretty much it yep yeah i mean i guess it's
the only thing too is if you're going to be putting your tools in your bike bag be careful because most airlines will
let bikes fly as a regular checked bag if they're under 50 pounds which is close the time you put a full bike and
get an evoc bag or even a cardboard box i mean they're close to 50 pounds so if you put your shoes in there your helmet
in there your tools in there so just don't let that thing go over 50 pounds so you don't bring too many tools i
can't fly with my whole travel kit i have to check it separately yeah i just got to break it up into different things
yeah let's see how about the next one what would be a recommended basic tool set up
for the most common at-home bike maintenance are their starter tool kits starter tool kits best tool brand for
those on a budget bar tool for torque tool yeah and they make starter kits pedros
makes them too another good brand that also is pretty budget friendly when it comes
to bike specific tools um both those make starter kits and like that's where i'd start probably yeah
park tool has an amazing array of everything from essentials to this master toolkit that
is i think seven thousand dollars and everything in between so they have these great price points whether you want to spend ninety dollars on your absolute
essentials tool kit for your bike maintenance all the way up to the highest end stuff so that you know it's all over it's just really cool i think
they're one that we've talked about that in one of the trending products videos because funny enough peak pandemic right
sort of mid-2020 everyone was buying toolkits bike stands because they were working on their bikes
you couldn't get it yeah eventually you couldn't by august they were all gone yeah but for a while there bike stands and tool kits were just flying off the
shelves because everyone wanted those and people were loving those park tool kits that i think were the one that was
around 190 or 200 bucks came with almost everything you'd probably ever need it's probably that question of what should
you leave to the bike shop and not bother buying yourself that's the only thing that that toolkit doesn't come with yeah so i would look at the various
park tool kits if you're starting from scratch the hard thing is most people already have it's like oh i got some tools i just need to buy onesie twosies
of these other types of things but if you're starting from scratch park tool is the best array of kits and all the different price points that you'd need
yeah or you could just look at what's in the kit look at what you have and then fill in the blank and yep then you're pretty dialed in totally
yeah i agree um this one's more of a statement than a question it just says liam is a tool
yeah i just left it in there because i thought it was funny because it could be a question because
it is because it's what's funny is is it isn't is it an insult or is it just a play on words
because you're known as a mechanic and tool guy that's why it's so funny to me it's just hilarious
that's all i got i'm not offended he's a tool for getting stuff done i think it's compliment
personally yeah it probably is yeah i thought it was funny just because i like just because of the irony i know that's why
it's just funny because you work on bikes you use tools you like tools like it's funny man it's a good one that's a
good one uh first place you'd like to travel to and ride when all of this coveted mess is over
i'm gonna say obvious one yeah whistler yeah oh yeah um i'm gonna say that too
that's first place i'd like to be jeff i'm gonna go with
new zealand mostly because we did that trip with new zealand mountain biking there in december of 2019
and it was it was the peak of my life okay it was just such good riding and so
fun and it was it was i don't know it was it was just this really memorable trip that i had of
amazing mountain biking and amazing international travel and incredible riding and it was just
like a bit the word pandemic no no no even said that it was just so i don't know that's when we peaked at society is
as human humanity when you went on that trip i was like
one of the most jealous i've ever been of any of your trips he's going to new zealand well the plan
was new zealand mountain biking is similar to so chasing epic uh which is we we do those rides pretty often with that tour
company new zealand mountain biking is a tour company in new zealand obviously and that was the first one and we're
like okay let's test it out see how it is see if this guy's legit can they put on a good trip and i was like oh let's do these every year
and that never happened again so yeah that's what i'm looking for soon yep soon let's hope
uh let's see has anyone ever taken advantage of the jeff delivery option on the worldwide cyclery website one
thousand dollars seems like a bargain so so recently he was just laughing
recently i thought it would be funny to i don't know when it's probably late saturday night or something i emailed uh
pat the logistics head at the business and i said hey pat make a new shipping method make it it's going to be called hand
delivery by jeff for one thousand dollars and put it on the kettle mountain website and the worldwide soccer website and he's like he's like
sure enough monday morning he's like it's done
and i i just thought right no one's using that no way so i i don't know to me i thought it
would be hilarious if somebody does do that i'll literally fly there it's only to the lower 48. yeah um it's
a thousand dollars oh you won't go to hawaii come on for a thousand dollars it's expensive to go so it takes a long
time too i guess it depends on i guess it's just order yeah exactly somebody orders some brake pads and
there's a thousand dollar shipping fee for me to hand deliver it i wonder if people think that's serious or not um
they think they're just gonna pay a thousand dollars and we're just gonna laugh at them like no i'm actually gonna hand deliver that yeah he'll be at your
doorstep we're also talking about we were also talking about putting like a for 500 jared will do it
and then and then we should put dj meatball in there for 300 bucks what do you say he's in he's in it doesn't even
cover the flag it doesn't even cover the flight so i don't know no one's done it yet so
i don't know we'll see 500 bucks somebody will do that i bet you i know i'm gonna if no one does it in the next couple months i'm gonna put
it to 500. it's like or or i'll make it to where if it's the western half of the u.s i'll make it 500 than eastern half a
thousand all right yeah or it'll be seasonal so if you're growing if it's like a snowy state in the winter
time it'll be two grand and if it's you know if it's miami or something i'll go there for 200 bucks
price is very killing me oh that's awesome all right well on a more serious mountain bike note how
would you explain fork offset to someone with no biking knowledge you know jeff i'll tell you
i wouldn't because what's the point of explaining it
because uh yeah if somebody has no biking knowledge um they don't they're not gonna know what a fork is you're
gonna have to tell them about the fork first and that's not what you eat with although the fork can't eat and that's a
whole another can of worms they don't it's not yeah two prong fork it's not a
traditional fork but anyways i'm not gonna go down that road yeah fork offset i feel like it hasn't been talked about
it was a really hot topic a few years ago we made a pretty extensive youtube video on it because it did change like
it did same forever it's the same forever no one really knew why yeah gary fisher just made it that number yeah and
that was it forever well he made it that number four 29ers so it was a certain thing for 26 or forever then when 29ers
became a thing and fisher was like hey i'm going to make this g2 geometry and change the fork offset and i was like oh
that actually does work better for 29-inch wheels and then that made sense and then i was like oh maybe we should adjust it from that a little bit for a
27.5 or make it particular for 27.5 or 29 and different for slacker bikes and so yeah it became this big talking point
a few years ago and then it's kind of faded away because it just settled into what it should be yeah yeah so it's kind of due to geometry reasons basically
right yeah i mean i would say if you're curious i mean our our video is certainly not meant to be watched by
someone with a no biking knowledge but i would say the average mountain biker could get a lot from that video because i even rode two bikes one that had sort
of the new modern geo with the offset fork versus the one that didn't and wrote them back to back and we we
recorded this footage of me weaving through different rocks as kind of a slalom in slow motion so you could see how the bike steered and you know i mean
it's again it's another one of those things that some people could reasonably chalk up as a negligible change yeah
some people might notice it some people might not it's certainly not anything people should be worrying about or be
discussing to beginners yeah just guilts on your bike yeah yeah totally
yep all right for 2022 are we going to see more of an increase of prices on mtbs and components
so i'm going to say it's i don't maybe not because they already all happened
yeah i guess that's yeah everyone already raised all their prizes because everyone's kind of already been running into in the industry all these supply
chain issues all these raw material issues just all inflation like all shipping problems so i mean a lot of
those prices have already been hiked up i mean i think it was so it felt it felt like every other week
in early 21 that we were getting an email from this brand and that brand and this brand hair cost when i pay the
tariffs when i pay the shipping we went up like price change price change price changes yeah like all happened at once yeah it did kind of so i don't
maybe it won't now because they've already pushed them up i mean maybe it won't but i'm not gonna be surprised if
it does yeah i kind of feel the same way yeah so i don't know all that i can say is is if you've heard about sort of the
bicycle boom the bubble you know uh it's burst the the industry in terms of
demand and metrics across the board from everything we see and everything that's available to track it's totally back to
and even sometimes slightly lower than 2019 off season level so it's the boom is over
um it was very induced by the pandemic by people going into lockdown for this first time and they're being like i want
to pick up this new sport or people saying things like i'm working from home now i'm gonna ride five days a week now instead of two days a week and
so yeah that's it's over i mean the the boom is gone there's a lot of data points if you're ever curious the google
you can go on google trends so type in google trends into google and google has a website where you can track
the search volume of different keywords anything you type in there so you can type in mountain bikes or bike shop or
sram or shimano or fox 36 you can look at all these various different terms that mountain bikers or
you know new mountain bikers or novice mountain bikers or experienced mountain bikers would be typing into google and you can see the search volume and you
can look at on a five-year basis and you can see when it peaks when it's popular when it trails off and yeah everything
just shows it just skyrocketed and basically april of 2020 all the way to july of 2020 and it's just come right
back down to reality wow so so who knows that that should affect prices to some
extent but there's also a million other things that are still lingering from that that are going to cause potential price increases so we'll see we'll see
uh why did jared cut his nacho libre do why on earth did jared cut off that
sweet jesus-like hair why did you why did i um yeah i was literally complaining about that today
when you walked into the lounge i was like why did you cut your hair well it was fired it used to be like this it was really great it was really long then he
went kind of shorter and i think that's where the the spiral happened you know man i just said i'm sick of
going to the barber and i'm sick of this hair and i'm going to chop it off i was
not stoked i feel like i was it was thinning is what i told jeff you think i feel like i could see my scalp
we're all aging over here so i said if i'm gonna see my scalp i wanna see the whole thing do you think the same person
asked the the next question which says who is the sexiest wc employee separate question why is jared so sexy
was that your did your girlfriend ask that yeah no she didn't but i could double check did you ask that i did not
which you know typically that is something i would strange listener question for someone jared is not the sexiest wcm
we ask for mountain bike questions and this is what comes in it's funny because the last time i mentioned this last episode we now very
explicitly have to say please ask mountain bike specific questions serious questions because otherwise if we say
hey we have podcast questions it's just hundreds hundreds of shenanigans jokes
as no one takes it seriously we got better this time around we did get better yeah well okay here's a question can a diaper
work as a chamois yes um but i don't recommend that i would
recommend a chamois as a diaper well don't we have a show sponsor that's right we do have a show sponsor actually
that produces that very same product let's play their ad let's play that ad have you ever had to go while you were
on the go introducing the shammy diaper the only chamois that also includes a
diaper for your adventurous needs only 129.99
uh no returns is there really that much difference between sid pike and lyric other than
stiffness no rockshox just loves to make more and more skews uh
the the answer is yes they're total they're totally different the
the pike and the lyric is the only kind of reasonable one there because they both have well they all have similar internals as well right basically i mean
the pike and lyric are very similar but the lyric is a little stiffer
um those two are similar the sid is not similar to those at all yeah yeah well i
guess well we should put this way so we actually have a youtube video which is done surprisingly well about the fox
fork lineup which is what's the difference between 32 34 36 38 40. and
that helps people especially a lot of people getting into the sport they see all these numbers and they're like what the heck fox has actually a pretty
reasonable rational naming convention where all those numbers relate to the stanchion diameter and the standard
diameter typically relates to how much travel the fork's going to have which then relates to what type of bike it's going to be put on and what it's going
to be used for rockshark on the other hand doesn't have quite a
naming convention that has any irrational sense to it just kind of random names yeah so sid pike lyric and
then they have the ari then the zeb and then they have like a million other forks too so yeah it is confusing but basically
you know rockshox makes forks for all the different types of bikes whether it's a you know 500 hardtail that needs
a 100 mil travel fork at a low price point or it's a 7 000
hardtail that needs a really light weight you know sid fork on it for a really
high-end 100 mil travel fork and then they have everything else across the board and different price points um
it's confusing we actually have on the back burner to make that youtube video to explain that rock shock 4 climb up don't we yeah we do we should do that
yeah we do yep but anyways the sid is for cross-country bikes yep and it's like
another country whatever you want to call it yeah and then then they have the sid ultimate right which is a little
120 mil travel which is like a cross country but with a little meat or
35 mil stanchions light trail bike on that one it's a fun country bike as well yeah fun
country bike free country yeah because so they basically have all these different models that so the sid
hardcore cross country sid ultimate that's 120 has a little bit larger stanchions a little bit more travel so it's a little bit heavier duty like what
we often rise revel rangers um 115 mil travel in the rear 120 in the front set
ultimate awesome the pike that goes water pikes go from like 130 to 150 or
160. one not even no 120 to 140 usually i've 150 pike yeah you're an outlier
what yep i think i think they they they don't make a stock 150 pike i believe i think
that becomes a lyric yeah because then the lyrics more travel and then the lyrics like 150 160 then
the zeb is like once 170 180 and then you have the boxer which is a dual crown yeah and then the yari is just a less
expensive version of the lyric right and then yeah revelation is the less expensive version of the pike and then yeah what's the
other one that uh domain domain domain yeah uh the domain is the less expensive
version of the zeb yeah this is hard to keep track of i mean yes it is it is crazy imagine being a new
getting into the sport and you're you know you you bought your first trail bike you're like i want to upgrade my fork i like this brand
you would you'd be pretty confused especially if you looked at their website oh yeah it's just like nothing really that it explains more expensive
so it's got to be better right it's like yeah but there's a more expensive there's a sid just as expensive as a zeb
it's like but they're for two totally different bikes yeah that is confusing it's gonna be hard to
water that one down to someone who's kind of new into it but we'll do it yeah we did it in the fox
video i mean it was easier with fox because their naming convention just makes sense the way they've numbered it
related to the stanchion diameter whereas rockstroke is kind of just with these various different names yeah it's
possible yeah imagine the challenge you are a new employee at rockshox in your job is to make a new fork name
whoa yeah or were you just a new employee from the outside the bike industry and you just joined the company they're like
i hear all our products you're like what the hell we have a revelation and a lyric yeah
it's next don't forget the judy and the xe30 and the zeb
silver tk yeah gold the zeb and the pike come from the same guy zebulon pike
so it's like the same inspiration oh yeah two different forks yeah oh so i guess at the end of the day all
these forks are for different types of bikes be it a cross-country bike a trail bike a
enduro bike a downhill bike um they're for different types of bikes and then they're also at different price points
for those same bikes for would you say like the damper is tuned a little bit differently for
each one of these forks uh to like you know that's really more engineered towards
the type of application i guess yeah i think maybe that's also what they're asking too is there
a difference in like the damper like the internals aside from like the the chassis i guess so like yeah there
is you know they're going to be more adjustable or like built for more like robust applications yeah i mean what you
want out of a long travel super enduro fork like the zeb is very different than what you'd want out of a
you know cross-country race fork yeah and the level of adjustments you'd want out of it right yeah it makes sense
yeah this is totally confusing the more i the more we talk about the more i realized it could be a whole podcast it could be
a whole podcast yeah yeah it's hard i mean mountain biking is a pretty intricate and complex sport with a lot
of different products so it just takes time and patience to learn these things if you're you're into the sport and want
to learn it true uh let's see last question aside from
mountain biking what are some really good workouts you can do to improve your riding hmm
that's a good one liam i think i know what your answer is going to be but you should go ahead what is my answer going to be i think you're
going to say rowing really yeah yeah i mean i have a rowing machine in my house um
it's like yeah you could row a lot um i just think like good strength training yeah is good
for mountain biking and kind of like anything really like you don't only do one type of activity true yeah if you
just ride you're gonna get weak in other aspects so like uh strength training i like to hike a
lot especially during like the winter yeah on some big hikes maybe not like jeff's hikes a little bit
i'll keep them i'll keep them within one day yeah um not do that but yeah i don't know
what do you like to do you run yeah i i have two things so one i have so d tidwell yeah yeah he's
rad yeah we've done a collaboration thing with d tid well he's he's got a whole strength training program
specifically built for mountain bikers he trains a lot of professional mountain bike racers really cool good guy just
google his name check out his programs it's it's pretty interesting what he does and basically
how he's engineered these educational products that you can buy that help you do strength training at home specifically for flexibility and
strength for the sport of mountain biking that other professional athletes in the mountain bike space do so that's one piece of the puzzle if you want to
get serious for me i think one of the bigger secrets is simply just running i think mountain bike is a very aerobic
sport as much as people want to try and pretend it's not it's an extremely aerobic sport and if you can run and if
you are a runner even in some capacity way shape or form that dramatically helps your aerobic endurance on your
mountain bike a lot and yeah it just makes a huge difference and i know a lot of mountain bikers just like i hate running like liam you ain't running and
i absolutely hate it yeah so i mean a lot of people just don't ever want to run but it really really does
genuinely benefit how you feel on the bike and your aerobic capacity when you're on it so true i would try running
true so i don't know what do you got jared triathlon on catalina island i like yoga personally yeah yeah or even
like yeah light stretching or like yoga type stretching and certain poses i like to you know take from that and implement
it and then just kind of keep me like a little bit looser and feeling good for rides yeah yeah that definitely makes
sense yeah i don't really do like a lot of like strength training even though i'm gonna start the d tidwell program
pretty soon um but yeah yoga that's pretty much it yeah it's funny because hanging out with
nico i mean i when i was racing mountain bikes i was a lot more serious about training and then just you know still obviously stay in shape
but i don't do to the professional athlete level and every time i hang out with niko i mean it's it's non-stop i
mean he wakes up and he's doing various different stretches and then he's doing intervals and he's got all this schedule
and it's like whoa it's like well professional athletes really take this [ __ ] seriously it's like it's their job
it's like a full-time job so it is it is pretty wild but yeah it does i mean when
you get to that level of athleticism you have to do it all like you have to be stretching daily and working on strength
for certain things and making sure you're preventing injuries and doing the aerobic stuff and yeah it's pretty wild but aside from riding i think running
helps a lot yeah yoga keeps you flexible if you're serious about it do something like d tid will's program yeah it
definitely helps too totally well that's it that's all thank you for listening if you've made it this far we
love you we love you i always look at jared to say that he's like oh damn i have to say it again
yes thank you for listening it does mean a lot yeah we genuinely appreciate your
listenership is that a word or viewership if you're watching the mtb podcast on youtube yes
so thank you thanks for listening next episode is if we remember we'll have
nico on don't forget to tell me all right we must remember that i'm sure we'll remember it's all on it's all
recorded okay see you later bye thanks bye thanks

January 25, 2022

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