Yeti Cycles NEW 2022 Mountain Bike Line - A Complete Guide

Words by: Liam Woods

For model year 2022, Yeti Cycles have stayed with their current bike models yet introduced a few new paint jobs, some flashy, some stealthy but all of the Yeti 2022 bikes are looking good. With the new ARC coming out last year and the updated SB115, the Yeti line is stocked with bikes to cover any type of riding you are looking for. The quiver killer SB130 is probably the most versatile bike in Yeti’s lineup and a huge shop favorite for Worldwide Cyclery. Looking to smash some steep and chunky terrain, the SB150 & SB165 are going to do that with ease. Is fun, jumps & jibs your style? Yeti has that covered with the SB140. And for the long days in the saddle the SB115 and ARC will crush those miles and have you looking for the best downhills while doing it. 


Yeti breaks their bike lineup into two categories; Rip & Race. In the Race line you have the the SB115 & the SB150. Made to go fast and get between the tape.

Yeti Cycles 2022

Yeti SB115 - Yeti's Downcountry BikeYeti Cycles SB115 2022

The Yeti SB115 will be replacing the loved SB100 for 2022. With the frames being nearly identical besides a slight linkage update with an increase in travel and an improved switch infinity mount design, you basically get the same bike but it can handle a little bit more. The SB115 is still the trail bike you expect from Yeti as it can handle anything from those lengthy XC rides to shuttle laps on the local DH trails. As long as you know how to handle the bike, you shouldn't have an issue testing it's limits.

Yeti Cycles SB115 2022

Yeti Cycles SB115 2022

Yeti Cycles SB115 2022

Yeti Cycles SB115 2022

Yeti SB150 - The Enduro Racing Machine

Yeti Cycles SB150 2022

The SB150 embodies the motto of Yeti Cycles, “Race Driven Since 1985”. Born to meet the needs of the current EWS racing, the SB150 cuts no corners when it comes to making a bike as fast as possible. Having won 2 of the 4 EWS rounds with Richie Rude as the pilot and being on the podium at all the EWS rounds, I think it's still safe to say that the Yeti SB150 is at the forefront of enduro racing. 

“Racing is the sole reason we exist. We've been pinning on numbers and pinning the throttle since 1985. So when choices had to be made on the sb150, every single one was made in the name of unbridled speed. See also: unabashed, unapologetic. Some may say it’s too slack, too low, too long, too different. And we say they can shop elsewhere. But for pilots who know how to push hard and reap reward, this bike quickly earns the title of top whip. The ultimate example of breeding a bike to beat the clock”– Yeti Cycles

Yeti Cycles SB115 2022

Yeti Cycles SB150 2022

Yeti Cycles SB150 2022

Yeti Cycles SB150 2022


In the Rip line of bikes we have the ARC, SB130, SB140 & SB165, 4 bikes that can go fast, or have a good time. Its up to you on how you ride them.

Yeti Cycles 2022

Yeti ARC - A Carbon Hardtail That's More Than a XC Bike

Yeti Cycles ARC 2022
The Yeti ARC is possibly one of the most iconic mountain bikes in the history of the sport, from the early days the ARC was meant to be fast and durable. Having missed a hardtail in the Yeti lineup for a few years, the resurgence of the ARC grabbed the attention and has since been a hot commodity and hard to get. With a 130mm fork and progressive geometry, the ARC really blends the natural and pure feel of a hardtail with a modern feel. 

“The arc is back. Search it online if you’re in the dark and you’ll see the light. Sharing that legendary DNA and all of its spirit, this arc has been upgraded with all the hardtail hot rodding. It’s your instant-feedback steed for any trail. Show it your single track and your pump track and your bikepack route too. It’s got history to live up to and new history to make. And it’s already impatient.” – Yeti Cycles

Yeti Cycles ARC 2022

Yeti Cycles ARC 2022

Yeti Cycles ARC 2022

Yeti Cycles ARC 2022

Yeti SB130 - Yeti's "Do It All" 29er

Yeti Cycles SB130 2022
The Yeti SB130 has become the quiver killer for the Yeti lineup, capable of doing a big back country day or overnight, while still at home on bike park lifts and shuttle days. Having two built ktis from Yeti, the SB130 has 130mm of rear travel and 150mm of front travel with a standard trail style build kit. Then you have the SB130LR (Lunch Ride) where you get the extra beef and a side of fries, with 137mm of rear travel and 160mm up front, you also get a more burly build kit. DH brakes, more tire and thicker casings & bigger rotors. Choose what build fits you, but one thing for sure is the SB130 can easily be the only bike you ride.  

“The rebel yell of the middle child. Fed a steady diet of super- tech climbs. Refined to perfection by the demands of blistering speed. The sb130 was built  to crush the biggest terrain. But before you put it in a box where full backpacks and all- day pain define the game, keep in mind this bike was also designed to be tossed around and toyed with. Cat with mouse. Not rail “too” anything. Point it up or down. Enter a last -minute enduro just for the eff of it. We say no one bike can rule all. But the sb130? one bike that rules.” – Yeti Cycles

Yeti Cycles SB130 2022

Yeti Cycles SB130 2022

Yeti Cycles SB130 2022

Yeti Cycles SB130 2022

Yeti Cycles SB130 2022

Yeti Cycles SB130 2022

Yeti SB140 - A Bike Built For Those Jaw Dropping Instagram Jibs

Yeti Cycles SB140 2022

The SB140 is a great add-in to the Yeti lineup, being out for a few years the SB140 is a sleeper on how much fun you can really have on a bike. The SB140 is always looking for the extra jump, and might have you stop mid run to try a new line, hit a jib feature or just take in the moment. When I first rode the SB140 I had an immediate smile, reminding me of my BMX days where speed wasn't an issue but how high you can get off a jump or more importantly how much style did you have on that jump? The SB140 is here to put the steeze between your legs. 

“Some say the sb140 never met a dirt it didn’t like. We agree in spades. What’s your pleasure? Drag a bar. Make an edit. Stay out after dark. Dust off the blueprints for the loop-de-loop. Try it. Land it. Or just stay at it. The undisputed champion of up to no good. Toboggan run, anyone? Happy to pedal. Greedy for more. Boost confidence as you boost every thing. The mayor of jib town, proudly wearing the rip crown. The sb140. Down to fun” – Yeti Cycles

 Yeti Cycles SB140 2022

Yeti Cycles SB140 2022

Yeti Cycles SB140 2022

Yeti Cycles SB140 2022

Yeti Cycles SB140 2022

Yeti Cycles SB140 2022

Yeti SB165 - Because Going Fast Still Needs To Be Fun

Yeti Cycles SB165 2022

The SB165 brings the freeride vibes back to Yeti Cycles, with 27.5 wheels and lots of travel, the SB165 is a bike to tackle the gnar. Be it bike park laps, freeride lines in Utah under Reed Boggs, or just looking for a bike that doesn't care what line you take. Pedal it to the top, ride the steepest, most rowdy lines down and do it again. The SB165 will not take no for an answer!

“Master of the gnarniverse. Bold claim for some. Fact-checked humility for the sb165. A bike created to flat get after whatever you’re getting after. The slackest sled in our lineup. With the most travel and kinematics tuned for a coil-shock. for the steepest. The angriest. And the most vengeful. Wherever you’re going, it already has you covered. At home outside the tape, beyond the norm. Taken on the trails nobody talks about. Trusted on the lines where mistakes can’t happen. Comfortable with all the chaos. Pleased when you’re puckered. Fearless of your fear” – Yeti Cycles

 Yeti Cycles SB165 2022

Yeti Cycles SB165 2022

Yeti Cycles SB165 2022

Yeti Cycles SB165 2022


Liam Woods - Employee Spotlight

This article was written / authored by Liam Woods. Liam has been in the bicycle industry for over 10 years as a racer, professional mechanic, service manager and as of late, media and content creator. Liam has ridden thousands of different bikes, ridden countless components, tested endless MTB apparel of all kinds and written reviews on it all. He's a key piece to the Worldwide Cyclery "All Things MTB" content creation puzzle. He also makes consistent appearances on the Worldwide Cyclery YouTube channel and Instagram.

September 13, 2021

ARC › SB130 › SB140 › SB150 › SB165 › Yeti ›

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