Wireless Brakes, Low Speed Compression & Suspension Setup, Resale Value Of Bikes & More… Ep. 105 [Podcast]

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On today's episode of the MTB Podcast, the guys briefly discuss our friend's new bike brand Crestline Bikes and some other quick updates before jumping into a stellar array of listener questions ranging from wireless brakes, tips for flying with your bike, our worst rides ever and everything in between. Tune in!

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to episode 105 of the MTB podcast presented and
hosted by worldwide Cyclery I'm Jared I'm Jeff and I'm Liam in this episode we
are going to discuss a couple killer bikes a friend of ours designed, imba's e-bike education, and listener questions
ranging from three foot long butt hairs, tips to flying with your bike, bike resale value, socks material, knee pads
and much more, and I apologize that I sound slightly nasally it's that time of year DJ Green
Goblin play a sound effect. this is a certified Hood classic. trapaholics
mixtapes. right here and and we're talking about it because we're talking
about Crestline so Crestline we've talked about on the podcast before it's a couple good friends of ours that are
starting a bike brand and we talked about it a lot when you rode their downhill bike which they made
um yeah buddy Troy and Mark those guys are unbelievably good talented mountain bikers and they're starting to bike
brand the I think the original ethos of the brand was to make a sort of longer travel premium
heavyweight e-bike when are people going to classify the weights of these classification well we're gonna actually
talk about that next oh yeah not quite the same when when I first set out they wanted both troyd and Mark were pretty
early on the e-bike game um troyed especially hated pedaling everyone knows who rode with him he's
annoying to ride with because he just complained all the climbs so he got an e-wife and it was super fast on the
downhill yeah um so he was an early adopter to like aggressive e-bikes and there just really
wasn't anything on the market that like stoked them out so he was like I'm just gonna design my own yeah in terms of
travel geometry battery size motor all around yeah as a whole package and then
as they're coming out with it and and working on it uh Santa Cruz came out the bullet which fit almost everything but
had a Shimano motor which everyone knows has its Quirk so um yeah and then also they did release
the downhill bike first but they were working on the e-bike longer but
um getting Motors getting tolerances worked out with all that stuff supply chain because they're selling complete
bikes not just frames like they are on the downhill bike um ended up being about six months or so
later so yeah they just announced it earlier this month uh with the article on pink bike it's official it's a really
good looking e-bike it is it is shockingly good yeah um and it kind of has everything there's
two models uh same frame but it uses Different Stroke shock and uh two
different um links right not not links uh position changes on the link uh to get the
different travel yeah um so yeah
flip chip we're talking about a flip chip flip two change your Geo yeah
they're they're awesome I've been riding the e-bike uh for about a month now when's the kind of a fish I mean their
launch but when are they going to be readily available uh first week of March and we still have a few that have not
been uh pre-ordered so yeah um but they the first batch is almost
completely sold out so nice yeah yeah it's cool it's good it's awesome to just I literally still love to this day that
about the mountain bike industry that two guys who are smart have some cash to
throw around and know how to ride bikes and want to build a bike brand can still do it and they can build a really
competitive amazing mountain bike that goes Toe to Toe with all the best stuff like that's not you can't do that with
smartphones or cars or motorcycles there's a lot of Industries where you can't just show up and be like yeah we
made something as good as this Lamborghini like that just doesn't doesn't work like that but in the bike industry you can still do that which is
it's just really cool inspiring and cool to see small brands do that and it's kind of Brands I like to support especially when they make good stuff
like Crestline yeah and it's it's really good um I'm super impressed with it
and everything's the newest version of it so even the Box motor has a wireless controller nice which isn't on any other
e-bike currently being sold yeah so the first bike to have is so not only
are they like coming out with a bike but they're also coming with a new bike from a small brand that has the newest
technology yeah currently available from Bosch yeah really any e-bike there's no wireless controllers right now so yeah
are they are they still doing their YouTube channel uh they slowed down on that a bit it was pretty cool they were
talking a lot about the development of the bike and asking people in the comments and that's actually pretty impressive and they definitely got a lot
from that but Troy didn't ended up moving into Bellingham and when he was doing that he was living down here in La so
um nice yeah escaped the the what do you call it the jungle of L.A
the bubble the concrete jungle concrete jungle jungle yeah yeah not only does it like hang with bikes that are from way
bigger manufacturers it's debatably better than a lot of bikes out there right now which is so rad the suspension
has been tuned uh by Cascade components who kind of experts in tuning suspension
especially for the aggressive Rider right yeah it's definitely geared towards you know someone who wants to
ride a e-bike car downhill but have the motor going uphill yeah so yeah yeah that's cool I'm excited for
the future of that brand definitely something worth looking into if you're interested in the e-bike side of things
and speaking of e-bikes uh wasn't too long ago the imba the international mountain bike Association they came out
with a little one pager about e-bike uh I guess it's called the e-bikes on
natural surface Trails identification guide I I think e-bike's trying to lead the way which which uh I admire their
their effort here it seems like a complicated thing and it's one of those pending questions that everyone's kind of looking around says well who's going
to do this who's going to go to National and state parks and ask them what e-bikes are allowed and how and when and
why and how they're going to be classified and all that sort of stuff especially now that there's sort of e-bike dirt bikes motorcycles that are
like don't have pedal assist but are super fast and there's some that have pedal assists and are also super fast so it's I don't know it's going to end up
in this weird classification thing I grew up riding dirt bikes and there was a lot of laws around things if it was
you know under 50 CC's you could ride it on this street but if there was a bike lane and then there's the moped thing
it's like if it's an open thing then I don't know it's so weird they had yeah it is kind of weird but they have to classify these things somewhere or
another definitely imba seems to be sort of uh taking the lead on doing this and put them into class one two and three
and it's dependent on what is is it dependent on so let's see class one 750
watt motor or less pedal assist only Max motor assisted speed of 20 miles per
hour and no throttle so that's class one uh class two let's see what's the
difference oh could happen throttle and the pedal assist and a throttle so not
just a throttle but pedal assist and a throttle and then Max assisted motor speed of also 20 miles per hour
class 3 also 750 pedal assist only Max motor
assistance speed of 28 and no throttle the lion
you're flying 28 miles per hour is pretty fresh pretty fast on a bicycle and then there's the unclassified
electric bicycle slash emtvs then the electric motorcycles and the other electric vehicles
and then they have a thing kind of saying where can each e-bike slash emtb most commonly be written anyways it's
it's just a nice little one-pager about this stuff and I think some trail systems have already implemented this
you know class one e-bike okay class two and three no or class one and two okay class three and other no I don't know
this this could be something that is relevant and important in the future especially to people who are riding e-bikes so if you just Google imba ebike
guide you'll find this thing listener questions if and when Wireless breaks
become available would you get them no okay that's Liam's answer
I would try them like maybe in the parking lot I don't know if I would trust it like on a full-on ride maybe
like a short ride but actually no no I'm gonna say no I'll try the parking lot that's it I'm like just I'd be freaked
out I think you know okay so my answer is basically also no but I I do wonder
what I don't know enough about the automotive industry but I wonder what has happened over the years in the
automotive industry with electronic everything right because cars used to cars evolve from being totally
mechanical to now they're totally electronic not everything right right they still have hydraulic brakes they still have hydraulic brakes but so why
though because maybe they at some point some manufacturer tried to say hey let's make the brakes electronic like we did
with the throttle and the steering and everything else let's do it to the brakes and then the Department of
Transportation said absolutely not I mean I I don't know or maybe there was tests I'm just curious maybe somebody
who's Deep In The Weeds of the Department of Transportation knows the answer to that but I mean there's probably no reason that cars don't have
it yeah I just I like the feel of mechanical everything I still prefer that even shifting so yeah I'm a no-go
on the wireless brakes I just don't see the point yeah yeah I don't see a point in like you're saying there's there's no
Wireless brakes currently on the market so like bikes are gonna take that First Leap like yeah I don't know there's just
there's just not breaks aren't bad enough that I would want to take some sort of risk to go yeah to Go Wireless
or like the cable isn't as like you know it's not that big a deal right yeah yeah yeah
it's just a cable yeah yeah well that was that was pretty but I wouldn't be surprised if it happens
being as you know random weird little inventions that have negligible if no
performance gains are introduced all the time in the bike industry it'll honestly probably be heavier too than a current
break brakes are pretty light for how like powerful they are valid points yeah
true yeah well how about this one pick one three foot long beard or three foot long butt
hairs both are permanent this is a good one I already thought about it I'm gonna go with a beard for
sure because then I'd be a wizard um yeah three foot long butt hairs would really hinder a lot of things in my life
yeah I mean they'd basically almost go to the ground
yeah I mean so I picked I picked the butt hairs oh no because I think you
could you could uh hide them better oh like a ponytail I mean if you wore pants you wouldn't even see them if you wore
pants you wouldn't even see them you could find a way to I mean imagine wearing uh you could just wear sort of
like long johns like leggings underneath your pants and they would totally hide or it's like a tail like a horse like
yeah you could pull it out like that too yeah and like that you do that on Halloween you could brush it do that for erotic occasions yeah
are you the only person in the world with this well whoever says yes or no to
the question I guess all right what's your answer um you know I thought about this I
thought about this and I was actually thought about butt hairs but I think man
I I just don't think I could get past like pooping with three foot long butt hairs so I'm gonna go with the beard I totally didn't remember that yeah I just
think that would be like yeah you could such a big part to see oh yeah
like two ponytails like pigtails
the next question is also oh no this one's good yeah bike brands and resale
value that is a good question I wish we had more concrete data on it yeah it's
because we have we have a lot of things like well we've seen this over our you know decade plus of experience in the
bike industry which there's some you know credential there but it's not it's like the car industry that actually has
a company like the DMV would know like actually have well unless you lie to the DMV we haven't aggregated the data and
we don't know it aggregated enough data to come let me give you an answer yeah there's no Kelly's Blue Book I mean
there's Bicycle Blue Book but I don't know how accurate that is no because there there's no there's no actual like
source of record yeah whereas when you talk about cars there's an actual source of record the DMV in that state knows
the exact price a used car was sold for and what it was sold for new so they have all that data
um bikes just don't have that so frankly there's no way you can give like a a properly quantitative answer uh
qualitatively I think that more Boutique higher end Brands typically hold their
value a lot more uh because I mean but that's just simple supply and demand there's just less Supply right small
boutique high-end Brands make less bikes they're typically a lot more uh they're
pushing the envelope in terms of geometry and components and suspension design and things like that and
therefore they sort of stay relevant longer whereas a lot of the big box brands there there's so many of them
they flood the market and therefore you just economics Supply on demand they're not going to have as good a resale value and they're also not pushing the
envelope so if something new comes out such as uh Universal driller hanger from SRAM or everyone wants a certain head
angle or certain chainstay length those big box brands probably didn't push the envelope uh whereas a lot of these small
boutique Brands did and therefore those bikes are going to have more value for longer period of time and we've
definitely seen that over the course of Our Lives yeah I mean yeah just throwing
out our yetis so pretty darn good um I've had some other bigger bike brands or even Santa Cruz for the matter
I think they're out of the boutique space yeah I think yeah they lost it unfortunately yeah the other thing to
consider too popular yeah they did which is great for them they got too big but yeah they're they're now on the on the
bigger level of mountain bike sales yeah yeah the uh the other thing to consider too is there's really hot desirable
Boutique brands that are only well distributed in a small number of countries true so then when if you buy
that bike because it's distributed well in your country you go to sell it somebody from one of these countries that really wants one and can't afford a
new one because there's no local distributor retailer there goes and buys one used from you and the resale value
happens to be really high whereas those countries probably have great distribution of all the big box bike brands you know interesting do you
remember when Canyon was first coming about and I didn't really didn't even really make mountain bikes that much it
was kind of a road brand and I was right in the law of road at the time I thought they were so rad
um and I wanted one so bad uh and then you know they came in the US and now they're massive and you know they're
good bikes but they're just kind of bikes now you know and they they lost that appeal in the U.S but they used to
have it where I was like I would have bought a used one from a dude in Germany back in yeah yeah totally
yep well I don't know I think that is something good to consider because I also tell people because people a lot of times be like oh man it's so bikes are
so expensive it's like well they're also like cars you're buying an actual asset yes it's a depreciating asset but it's
an asset you buy that thing and you can resell it it's not like you're throwing the money in the garbage can oh yeah uh
like you can you can resell these things and absolutely ruin it and you sell it in a reasonable amount of time you know
still something yeah agreed so anyways that's my take on all of that hey how
about the Santa Cruz bikes founder Rob Ross Gap riding that Uno yeah Uno e-bike
and he posted it on his personal Instagram and it was like all over pink bike and everyone's like what's going on here man is it gonna work for you know
now yeah and everyone's like they did a pink bike podcast for them but I just couldn't listen to it all I didn't know
I read the interview I just came the interview I should say um yeah I mean it kind of sounds like I
mean long story short Santa Cruz got bought by Pawn group a couple years ago
he had a what sound like a three to five year contract uh that contract ran out this year they
couldn't come to agreement on a new contract so he was separated sayonara
yeah separated from Santa Cruz um he has worked with Cesar Rojo of Uno
bikes in the past and hit him up and I guess got a bike and he's been liking it so nice said some
very good things about that very good things about that the Boost yeah
um as yeah maybe I guess not no no yeah we would probably know maybe Troy would
have told us if he did oh yeah I would know that a new e-bike all those new windows pretty wild man no polarizing
but you see it in person and you realize that it's just like you know yeah different design functional art whoa
that is a seriously good looking yeah I'm sure it rides like really well I
mean I would love to try one agreed all right next question read it off Jared by how many points will fire crush
the B team at Mass Enduro champs this year at least by one point yeah at least
one so so we we sponsor a number of uh amateur Racers amateur race teams I love
I think it's just an important thing to support people that are doing good things in the industry and uh two of the
teams happen to be very competitive in the uh whole East Coast side of the
country Enduro races uh fire is the name of one team and then the B team is the other team and they're just in they're
in Fierce competition with each other right now it seems friendly and funny but yeah they also just don't neither of
them stop talking about it is also all female team correct yeah I
was gonna say they don't even compete like in the same races yeah technically well yeah I so I think fire has evolved
a little or changed but I also think that it's it's not necessarily the the per Racers I think what happens is like
you you get a certain number you have a team yeah team overall team overall right so even if none of the racers
directly compete with each other there's a team overall and and they were tied coming to the last race last year and then fire ended up winning or deal oh
that's awesome yeah I was giving him jokes the other day like the B team I gave him some discount for something and
I was like I gave one percent bigger discount to the fire team [Laughter] I love yanking their chains you see the
me myself in that oh yeah yeah why can't you just go faster Captain Kirk that's amazing it's good
nice well anyways if if you have an endure race team or you're a uh Enduro
racer or down a racer or any kind of racer and your die hard love mountain bikes and you're looking for sponsors
reach out um I can't guarantee anything because we have limited budgets and parameters but
we we can you know we do like supporting that stuff next question next question Hot Tips are
flying with your bike like you do on your chasing epic trips it's a good question uh
uh my hot tip is an evoc bag and pool noodles you can do it all
uh yeah what Jeff said evoc bag yep pool noodles are that blew my mind when I
first started hearing Jeff's like no go get pool noodles I'm like why did I never think of that they're so cheap and
the way that they Bend you like fold them around you can cut them up and put them around Parts but you can also leave
them whole and like have them bend around your bike and actually like keeps the bag off your bike and
therefore other stuff off your bike yeah that's awesome uh
I also kind of like to take my rotors off I know it's like yeah that's Hit or Miss
it's Hit or Miss yeah if you have Center lock I say just bring the tool and take them off
um they're gonna fall off you're gonna need a toolingwax they're gonna fall off while you're riding have yours ever fallen off while you're
riding they've never fallen off but I've seen so many Center lock rotors come loose not like so many other people that
don't track their bikes like well okay yeah if you don't okay okay if you don't
maintain your bike six bolt rotors are a better better way to go yeah so maintain your bike and check how tight your
rotors are Center launches uh what else to take off your driller take off your chain yeah derailer off chain off pedals
obviously pedals uh but yeah it's kind of a good bag investing in a good bag is
those evoc bags last forever yeah you don't have one talk about another thing that's an asset not a throwaway if you
buy an evok bag and you use it twice a year it's it's amazing and useful and if you all of a sudden decide you're never
going to travel with your bike again every mountain biker you know will want to buy that evong bag used from you yeah 300 350 400 bucks or something like that
yeah regular and the pro yeah and if you're flying with a 5 000 bike it's like a bike rack on your car it's like
yeah just bite the bullet and buy the nice bike rack that's not gonna damage your bike and you could fly anywhere
with your bike safely which is sick I mean I had never flown with my bike until I started working here and
it's it's really cool yeah yeah I'd say that's kind of it and then uh noodles is
the is the big one that I think people will be like whoa I never thought of that yeah yeah that's super helpful you can even chop up the pool noodles all
intricately and put them over the handlebars when you cut out a piece of the foam that goes over your stem the four piece of foam that goes over the
the brakes and the shifter and then yeah for the four extensions yeah pool noodles are the way to go yeah so
definitely there you go well how about this one Jeff I know you love socks I
love talking about Fabrics oh yeah you do uh wool socks versus normal which I guess they probably mean some sort of uh
synthetic material cotton or cotton or spandex or something okay and your
favorites all right I got this one all right five minutes
nobody wants to everybody here's the deal uh the most sort of
comfy luxurious socks are are likely cotton or Pima cotton cotton is great
for just like daily wear when you're not exercising it's soft it absorbs this is a key part is why it's comfortable it
absorbs the sweat that comes off of your feet and that's great for daily wear where cotton is no good is activity so
when you start moving and sweating and doing all of that sort of stuff you don't want the sock to absorb all of
that sweat because then it never dries and then it becomes a piece of soggy wetness around your foot for God knows
how long um and that's why technical socks or if you look at like running socks or mountain biking socks or hiking socks
they're all not cotton usually or there's some like very small percentage of cotton in there the rest of it is some type of nylon and and mostly Merino
wool that's what I'm a huge fan of because it's a moisture wicking fabric that just has really good temperature regulation really good moisture wicking
uh Works amazing I got so deep in the weeds of this I mean as we started and I've been building kettle that's like we
talk about Fabrics all the time for your whole body but especially socks uh Merino wool is amazing we when we made
the kettle socks we went to New Zealand to have them made in New Zealand out of New Zealand Marina Wool with like a technical blend so a little bit of
Marina wool a little bit of nylon a little bit of spandex so it's all durable Wix moisture doesn't create hot
spots we also met him in warm weather cool weather and fair weather so three different types for weather and
thickness that you want so those are my favorite socks uh I designed them for myself for multiple different climates
uh was that less than five minutes yeah way less that was like like one or two minutes so it's really good yeah so the
moral of the story is like if if you're going out for an hour in normal weather you can probably get away with anything
um if you're traveling with something or you're going out for longer than an hour uh or you're going out in harsh weather conditions be it cold or hot or wet uh
you gotta you gotta rethink the fabric types that you're wearing around your body mm-hmm
that's what I'm talking about what are they the full warm weather yeah oh the the thinner ones yeah those are
my favorite socks I like them all time I like them all honestly they're all great well I have the use
case for a difference they do weather conditions yeah I like the padding on the on the cold ones yeah like the extra
padding on the bottom yeah that is nice yeah my Pro tip if you're doing something real ridiculous like 15 miles
plus of running or hiking uh there's a sock brand called ingenie that makes toe
socks I love those like a super lightweight thin toe sock uh looks ridiculous uh put that on and then put a
thin sock such as the kettle uh warm weather sock over the top of that so then you have two on there that'll like
pretty much solve all of your blisters and a million other things but not necessarily unless you're doing some
some big dog stuff yeah running or or long hike yeah or I guess if you're prone to blisters yeah at that point if
you're like really prone to blisters you might want to consider what's going on with your shoes yeah then we could have
a whole podcast talking about shoes because I like that top of two that's a mountain bike podcast yeah move on so
let's move on with an ad exactly from our sponsored nailed it and
now a word from our sponsors hello mountain bikers Jeff again something I personally believe in is that businesses
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their own unique way this was largely the idea behind trail one components Trail one was an idea that spawned years
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p-o-d-c-a-s-t-2-5 and now back to the show all right does anyone at the shop
wear knee pads yes and no well that would just be yes sir well no
I mean like for me I would like on a daily ride I would do not wear knee pads but if I'm gonna go to bike park I'll put any pets on yeah I'm kind of in the
same boat I almost never wear knee pads unless I'm on a downhill bike specific at a bike park yeah I don't I don't
really either to be honest and even sometimes I go shuttling without knee pads and I put long pants on and people
ask me if I have knee pads on I say yes because I don't want to jinx myself but
I hate wearing them so often so much yeah there's a lot of nice knee pads now that are really thin and light and yeah
with your knee well but I feel like what doesn't even do then like when you crash like most of the time it's great the
first the first contact with the ground then they slide yeah when you hit the ground a second time and then you cut
your knee open part of me feels like there's this thing like if you're putting knee pads on you're jinxing
yourself that's what I mean like you're gonna put your knee pad on because you're gonna crash
but also like knee pads or gloves full facing a neck brace so he lives
irrelevant case study but I feel like if I'm gonna go ride on
a normal ride that I do like almost every day and if I crash and like scrape my knees and I probably deserved it
yeah right like I probably did something dumb enough where I deserved it I think on your daily rods if you commonly crash
and scrape your elbows and knees then it would make sense for you to wear those pads if you almost to never crash then
just don't wear pads yeah I my unless you really love to I don't know my rules are kind of like
one 4150 of rear travel or more I wear knee pads under that I'm pedaling too
much and you know I'm not really going to wear them yeah um however
Jeff did kind of start making me wear gloves after I ripped my palm open couldn't work on bikes for a while yeah
I mean so gloves are a different thing yeah I mean I just think that that's one
it's not they're not as you know intrusive as cumbersome as knee pads and
all of us at the end of the day I think most people work with their hands in some capacity whether it's on a keyboard
or with real tools typically most yeah use their hands typically most people use their hands and it's pretty easy to
scrape your hands up when you crash yeah you have no gloves on you can toast your hands so yeah although I do love the
feeling of riding with no gloves like I agree like yeah I use the only raw dog like it's amazing
um it's just there's something that is came and gone yeah not quantifiable there but it's great uh
uh all right this is good this question is good read it Jared does low speed compression settings or technically it's
do low speed compression settings effect sag when setting up your suspension yes yes should practice setting up sag
with pretty much no compression on your shark high speed or low speed and it
also goes for saying which I mean assume but you don't assume
uh you want your stock in the open position if it's like a rear shock or a fork with a lockout
yes you're right you don't want to assume yeah yeah uh there's a lot of people that
have covered this on YouTube and In Articles us included oh yeah we have a great video that's quite in depth and an
article that Liam himself can tell you extensively on how to set up your suspension and your sag and all of that
suspension is largely personal preference but there's also like still a
range you need to be in so you're not totally off right um so if you're new to the sport definitely check that out and learn how
to set your sag properly and yes low speed compression or any compression or any setting should be any compression
related setting should be totally off when you're setting your sack yep and there's also other resources like the
RockShox Trailhead app and Fox's tuning system as well as yeah that helps you if
you have a rock shock rear shock or fork or Fox rear shock and a certain bike that's in their catalog Fox dialed
series with Jordy goes yeah those are good it was really good sag and bracketing and all that nerdy stuff that
you can get down the weeds in which we're not going to here yeah yep I was just looking at our article uh
which Jared don't forget to put this in the show notes mountain bike suspension setup how to set sag compression and rebound uh this is a really good article
I didn't realize how in depth this was nice work Liam there's a lot of stuff here thanks man video I don't know when
I did that it was published in a couple years ago uh yeah February 2021. oh that's not
that long ago yeah yeah so anyways a lot of good resources there but that is important to get your suspension set up correctly it's something worth learning
about if you're new to the sport or just want to get better at the sport make your bike work better for you
um that's a huge one cork shockwiz product that people love a little little
pricey but a really cool thing to use and play with that connects to your suspension and it gives you all sorts of
information if your suspension is too soft too stiff or your rebound is too fast or too slow it's all connected to
an app so bluetooth enabled it records everything it's a really fun tool we also have a YouTube video on that product because it's just a really
interesting unique cool and useful product that is cool educational about suspension yeah it
helps you learn a lot about suspension um and I personally think
this is like shooting ourselves in as a retail in the foot but I think getting your suspension set up
is probably more valuable than most upgrades you can do on your bike
interesting yeah I mean you could certainly make the argument that you shouldn't be really getting mini
upgrades at all uh until you really have maximized the use out of all of your
existing parts yeah be it suspension or anything else well said
well said well said well how about this can we get a
Craigslist mountain bike challenge part two so for those of you that don't know uh
years ago when did we do that 2019 I think maybe even 28. so we did
this thing called the Craigslist malbike challenge where a lot of people in the shop participated I think we had about eight Racers and the challenge was uh
you had a 50 budget and you had to spend the 50 on a bike from Craigslist
um and the accessories you could accessorize your bike was 30 or upgraded bike was 30 then you could spend twenty
dollars on upgrades
I got a whole set of tires for like 10 bucks so so the so the parameters of this race were you have 50 and you have
to buy a bike on Craigslist for 50 bucks and then we're gonna do sort of an an omnium style race where you race up this
Trail called dead cow down this Trail called suicide which is a pretty Rocky gnarly downhill Trail and dead cows are
really challenging steep Rocky climb so yeah there's basically an uphill winner a downhill winner but then an
overall winner and that we made a YouTube video of that it was a ton of fun it was uh it was hard it was hard I
was like did you compete I did compete yeah I bought a man I remember it might have been a Schwinn or something but the best by the
way if you have a 50 budget to buy a mountain bike right now your best bet is to find uh a really old good mountain
bike yeah like a mountain bike that was good 20 years ago yeah for 50 as opposed
to a Toys R Us bike like that's it yeah you got a way better chance that's actually the bike that won was like a
1991 specialized rigid something yeah well it's also because with uh XT on it
Logan Malawi was right oh yeah like a World Cup worthy yeah Logan maloli legitimately put in
like a top 20 time down this Trail which has like all the top 20 people are Pros yeah and
he put in like a time that was good enough for a top 20. yeah on this frigid 90s mountain bike yeah impressive that's
gnarly yeah it was he was going fast on that bike getting back to the question I
do have an idea for like a second version maybe involving mini bikes and
like more yeah yeah unless uh like downhill Trail
yeah um make it more like a stage race you know like four or five stages it could
be cool yeah maybe like a relay yeah I am interested in something that
involves an Alligator Pit uh
strawberry cheesecake pie smashing things I don't know something like that like right across the skinny well people throw things at you probably Grace was
fun that was cool we did a hot wing race where you had to do laps around a track while eating increasingly hot wings each
lap that you've completed and also a beverage on the wheel which was either
pickle juice you had to spin a wheel milk milk milk or beer or water right or
like alcohol and one no it was it was all of them all so it was a combination pickled juice
okay um I don't know those challenges are fun they were fun there's also a little bit of liability involved in those things
yeah it's not getting fat yeah earlier on in my best career I thought
about that less later on in my business career I thought about it more before being honest we got labors dude yeah
that's that's true yeah 50 waivers we could pay a lawyer five thousand dollars to Great waivers for our employees to do
totally dangerous things now we can download that we have a couple of lawyers
we probably have some lawyer customers who are like dude we'll bargain yeah right I'm sure we could download a
waiver off we could just borrow like Big Bear's waiver and put in our own
stipulations yeah right worldwide and Pen because that's all left replace all we got
plenty of uh Photoshop Wizards here all right this is a great question I actually had a hard time coming up with
the answer to this one what's the worst ride you've ever been on that yeah I mean I don't know I thought
about that I mean I I thought about a couple things first thing came to mind last I think it was I don't know August
or September I went out on a ride when I knew it was just way too hot yeah bad idea and I was like I'm gonna go in the
Latin golden hour last hour of the day it was a horrible idea because then that setting scorching hot sun was just
lighting my head on fire and my face on it was just miserable yeah and and I skipped lunch but still wanted to try
and it was just a whole whole world no that was that was a little rough but the the other one that came to mind was uh
was it was actually was in uh where did we ride in that cow poop I I thought
about that Durango was that Durango yeah right the worst oh I mean it wasn't it
wasn't a bad ride it just had too much cow poop yeah yeah it was like the not not the right time of year to ride that
trail and a lot of cows had gone down it and there was just fresh steaming moist
wool yeah we were chasing them and they were pooping on the trails yeah poop on the
trail you'd there'd be no choice but to run over the poop and it would fling onto your pipe all over your bike all
over your it just oh your face it was really hard to maintain so much yeah it was it was hard to maintain a positive
attitude and that was a bummer because that was a fun I thought it was a fun trail was great yeah it was just covered in couch it was like five thousand feet
or something of descending like that was sick and then yeah I I don't think I maintained my positive attitude very
much yeah you definitely I think I got quiet yeah you were not stuck I wasn't like a dick I just got quiet and was
like I'm over there this I'm gonna get back to the car yeah I had to dig deep to try and maintain a positive attitude
on that one there's a lot of dad jokes getting thrown around on that when it was like
I don't even know even like out there but there's a lot of them oh yeah you're right that is funny for a while changing
diaper dad jokes yeah yeah um but I don't know I'm gonna go with uh you like when you said you went on the
hot rod like that's what came to mind like I thought of a couple times where I had like a couple bad Mechanicals or like you know you had to hike out from
like a busted chain or you know flat tire but I think a hot like a ride
that's just too hot and you're like suffering is and honestly a lot of time when a bat is a ride is that bad it just gets blocked
out of my mind I just like never want to think of it ever again whatever yeah right that time yeah I kind of like
those because they're like challenges in a way yeah I don't know for sure but like sometimes that fun like when cow
fresh wet moist disgusting cow poop is flinging all over your face because you can't miss it yeah yeah that was that
was rough um but yeah I don't know that's what I got all right Jeff same
next question is will Jeff ever not be a weight weenie dang uh odds are at this
point in my life the answer to that is no I just like light bikes I think it's
useful to have a very lightweight bike and optimize your various components to be high performance and lightweight and
balance that I convinced Jeff on his new bike mode which we'll get into in the next few podcasts uh
two parts I convinced you on that are a little bit heavier oh but might deliver a better ride quality and or just a
little bit more different more unique so it's also a more solid 60 mil travel bikes so yeah yeah that's what I was
going to say is like and you build a downhill bike it's not going to be heavier we're talking like 50 grams a
year 50 grams there it's a big compromise yeah yeah I mean obviously you're not going to be a weight weenie
like if you build a downhill bike right like you're well that's not necessarily true people I'm coming to find out that the bigger
travel bikes I actually enjoy the weight in the right spots right yeah yeah that's true yeah there's no way to avoid
that it's impossible to build a yeah yeah but like in a light way to me like
lightweight downhill Forks yeah if there's a carbon frame that was a pound lighter versus alloy frame like I might
just go for the hourly frame because it's just got a little bit more weight in in a good spot you know I don't want
super heavy tires and wheels but yeah you know but like you wouldn't EXO tires on a downhill bike
Jeff hmm well no way depends on where I was
riding EXO tires on a downhill bike yeah but if you're riding in areas that aren't super Rocky
somebody my size I could get away with it
sus hey would you rather ride with no brakes or no saddle
can I also remove the seat post no no uh no really dude that is like oh
that's really sketch uh uh I guess I'm I mean I rode a bike with
no brakes for a lot of years in my life yeah BMX bike BMX I mean you could do yeah but but a mountain bike it's pretty
useless with no brakes yeah but you can't depending on where you're riding though yeah
I guess it could be a dirt jump bike or something like that and no saddle you could really get away with riding but
it's just a risk it's just a risk yeah it's a big one
risk I'm gonna go no brakes because then I guess yeah you could it could be it depends on the bike it doesn't say what
kind of bike it is so yeah I'm gonna say enough to answer that because that doesn't have to happen
he doesn't want to answer it you would go no breaks you said yeah you're
comfortable with that body wise I would go probably go no breaks and yeah to just throw the back end around a lot
yeah like uh that would be fun depending on where you're riding yeah could or couldn't get away with it yeah like
you're skiing or something it's a donut yeah they're not random brakes yeah probably not that would also be a scary
place to ride with no sound [Laughter]
both of those options just I just an infinite number of things run through my head that sound like bad scenarios
um favorite time of day to ride I think I know both of your answers it's morning well I'm a real morning person Jared's
like a mid-morning person that's really tough I eat mid-morning I
know I don't know what time do you ride on the weekends when you have nothing else yeah I'll ride in the morning I guess
um because I usually just wanna or like 9 30 a.m or 10 A.M
eight eight yeah okay because like on a weekend I don't want to wake up super early but
also on the flip side like I'd love a uh like a golden hour ride on a Sunday like
you know that is nice like the best way to end the weekend romantic go into the week like
golden hour ride do you have any plans Sunday no [Laughter]
uh yeah I like I like morning yeah like pretty much if I can be on my bike
around Sunrise which is right now like sevenish 6 30. um I like that I like to maximize as
much time as I can and I don't sleep well so I'm up early anyway so there you go
I like to ride uh anytime from 11AM to Sunset oh
that's a that's a broad range yeah yeah Jeff is not Jeff me and Jeff are
probably the opposite I like to wake up have slow mornings uh relax get a little work done catch up on things then get
ready and go ride I like a slow morning too I don't like feeling rushed getting out of the house you know same
this is an interesting question do you know the answer no really oh I do so
that the answer is what happened to issy stomp pedals well the question is that you said the answer oh well I was
reading the question for them no you said the answer is what happened
uh they made some really good pedals SPD versions The Stomp pedals in particular were some really nice flat pedals that I
love yeah I still have them on my dirt jumper yesterday and I think we talked about them on YouTube ages ago yeah they're in
like a top flat pedal video or something uh so so was this publicly announced I
don't know who knows I'm just gonna say it anyway uh so issy was issy is a brand
owned by uh one of the key like big distributors in the industry called qbp that make a lot of good brands
um and they decided to discontinue the issy brand I don't know why but they
they changed it to they have another brand called MSW so MSW now has taken
over all the AC products weird that happened pretty much yeah so it's sort of in the process that that was that whole plan
was was put in place and starting to come to fruition pre-coveted and then covet like ruined the whole supply chain
thing and then so the new MSW branded pedals that were formerly issy petals never showed up for 100 years things
like that that's weird but yeah so so if you're interested in those pedals because those are really good pedals a really good design they are now
rebranded as MSW hmm um question about the question yeah do
you think that their original attention was to call them the stamp pedals and then they realized that Crank Brothers had stamps and they were like we're just
gonna call them Stomps no because I think they came out before the correct anything that came out before crankba
really yeah I think so oh yep well then and both ah actually stomp makes more
sense for a pedal than a Word stamp probably stomp yeah stomp it on it stop
that has something to do with your foot you could also stamp maybe like a stampede
yeah Stampede pedals would make more sense than stupid we're favorite soup why what is this
question why is this question here what's your favorite soup I don't know somebody asked it
and Jared loves food it's a food question
um wow does chili count probably not I don't know the definition
of soup I like a really Hardy like chicken noodle or chicken tortilla soup with a ton of chicken I
like a chicken tortilla soup I don't really like the broth just pretty much like make it like a yeah you know uh I
can't really say my number one right now but I'll narrow it down to three chickens
because you said it and that sounded really good chicken noodle and a tomato soup like with a grilled cheese
yeah SOLO or group rides Jeff both yeah I like both both yeah I
mean I like riding alone a lot um just convenient and easy you have to worry about it worry about anyone
playing about anything you just do your own thing but it's also super fun to ride with good people and have a good timing yeah mountain biking is very
social and fun like that so yeah that's a good I mean if you want to be efficient solo 100 yeah sure if you know
if you want to ride social and goof off and have the weekend to yourself for a lot of free time then yeah obviously
group rides yeah I have a good solo mission for two reasons one if you make it long
enough and hard enough it's like super mentally challenging to like make yourself keep going yeah um and two
like a lot of thoughts go through your mind when you're on the bike for like six seven hours yeah
totally it's like a a reset yeah if you will therapeutic yeah very therapeutic
and I want to agree love solar ride um but yeah there's sometimes like you
know I don't get to ride with like my really good friends you know outside of work very often but when I do that it's like it's it's really fun love doing
that obviously you love riding with my work boys as well thanks yeah
is it okay to wear my Kettle bib by itself without any covering of course
scandalous if you bought the bib you can do
anything you want in the big the kettle Canyon bib was was not
originally designed to be worn with by itself uh it was it was designed to be
worn with shorts over top of it um although it's fine to do so because
it's it's doesn't have like a see-through mesh Fabric or any type of weird fly or anything like that so yes
the answer is yes you can uh but yeah it wasn't really originally designed for
that but it doesn't really matter didn't the angermen wear it by itself almost like every day yeah I was gonna say yeah a
lot of people do a lot of people who I mean because people love that Bib and the pockets and the Chamois and a lot of
them those people don't like wearing shorts over their bibs so a lot of people do wear the kettle bib like that and again it wasn't originally designed
for that um the very first version of it did have a little flap over fly which might have
looked weird they don't have that anymore so then it makes it even more acceptable to wear without shorts but the seams and stuff we're not really
engineered to like look clean uh but that doesn't really matter yeah most
people don't care so the answer is yes no we are we are gonna so the kettle bib is one of the most popular Kettle products um just good Chamois good
Pockets good build quality and we are going to make a Ultra lightweight version that's got a lot more mesh
fabric on it um so it's just kind of like a hot weather bib does Chamois get smaller I
don't know so that's that's still up to up to debate um then we're gonna make a utility bib
so it'll have even more like it'll of course have the same three Pockets but it'll have an additional zipper pocket hidden behind one of the three pockets
and then two sort of phone and and or goo gel nutrition pockets on the side nice so I don't know that's that's
coming down to the pipeline but don't hold your breath because it'll probably be another nine months I dig it call
that the Perez bed Perez what does that have to do for Jorge Jorge oh yeah all right yeah
because he's the one yeah he's a friend of ours a customer who did who wants a zipper pocket even though he that's only
baby wears and he's like I always put my phone there never falls out but I still want it to be as if yeah he's like well has it fallen out no it's
never fallen out but I wanted zipped okay yeah all right man I'm into reassurance too so I don't blame him
um well that's all we got boys all the questions that was all of them wow are you still listening thank you very much uh we
would really appreciate it if you would leave us a positive review wherever you get your podcast most importantly
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to Jared at podcast worldwidecyclery.com yeah that's the email that's the best place to send it
rather than an Instagram DM yep 100 okay email it you gotta email it to podcast
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anymore it's a fifteen dollar credit to worldwide cycle
and uh also thank you everybody who has been sending those in it's really nice
to see all the positive feedback and love from the community and listeners so
thank you we appreciate that and if there's anything you guys want us to talk more about or less about or I don't
know adjust the podcast in any way let us know we're always open to construct productive criticism be it nice or mean
or anywhere in between [Laughter] [Music] at least I am are you are you okay with that yeah I guess as long as it's not
about me don't hurt yourself don't hurt my feelings thank you very much for listening we appreciate it and
we'll catch you guys in a couple weeks we are doing these podcasts now every other week on the dot for all of 2023.
yeah for not on Valentine's Day because Jared's got a hot date yeah what we're doing on this February 15th

February 09, 2023

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