Underrated MTB Tires, Fixing Creaky Bikes, Coil Fork Conversions & Epic Listener Questions... Ep. 98 [Podcast]


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It's time for a fresh episode of the MTB Podcast! On today's podcast, we recap our MTB trip to Durango, CO before discussing an exciting new bike brand and the resurgence of an older one. We then dive into a diverse array of listener questions ranging from coil fork conversion kits to Cheez Its & everything in between.

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen this is a podcast
for Harley Riders by Harley Riders
actually this is the MTB podcast where we talk about mountain bikes because we
are mountain bikers yes and in this episode 98 by the way we're getting up there wow we're getting up there we're
going to talk about our recent trip to Durango Colorado a new bike brand that's actually started by a friend of ours the
Resurgence of a somewhat older brand and then of course get to listener questions which range from underrated tire brands
and models coil Fork conversions things to make your bottom bracket not Creek or
creek less but before we get to the episode I wanted to make a quick note
about ads I've been listening to a lot of podcasts lately and they're so filled with ads and it's so annoying and I just
promise to not do that with MTB podcast I think here and there we're gonna we're gonna sneak in a little funny ad that's
not even a real business and because we think it's funny and we know it makes you laugh or maybe not we don't really care it makes us laugh
um or we will or we will uh you know make a Shameless plug of our own ads for
uh Kettle Mountain which is the apparel brand that we own or Trail one the component brand that we're invested in so you might hear those ads here and
there but they'll be subtle and nice and valuable and relevant and I'm not going to talk to you about ZipRecruiter or
Salesforce or uh what's another one Squarespace
Facebook a lot of the outdoor ones we're just not gonna we're just not gonna We're Not Gonna cover you in ads so I
literally pulled up my card I pulled podcast and I just hit skip 30 seconds until I hear the intro music I don't
want anyone to ever skip the intro of the MTP podcast because they're gonna miss funny intros and uh like the ones
you just heard which I may not have thought was funny but we did especially Jared
before in my life I don't think I've written Harley before either uh well let's let's jump into
where we didn't ride Harleys but yet we rode mountain bikes which was Durango so this was the second trip this year that
we did with chasing epic mountain bike tours uh it was it was epic as as
promised it was in Durango Colorado which wasn't quite as high in elevation as Breckenridge right it was slightly
less pretty close Durango town is less right but we were staying in purgatory
which is actually pretty 30 minutes north yeah basically nine thousand nine thousand eight thousand nine hundred and
it was up there riding up at 12 000 pretty frequently and yeah enough enough
the Rockies San Juan mountains yes they're part of the Rocky Mountains that's a great question maybe one of our
Colorado listeners mountains might still be connected to in part of the Rocky Mountains that's the greater mountain
range I don't know yeah I don't know if you're listening from Colorado and you know that information just let us know
podcast at worldwide.com yeah you know we learn a lot from people who watch our YouTube videos and listen to our
podcasts recently we had a video about the top Enduro Trail front tires and we
mentioned that we don't really know how to pronounce Schwalbe yeah well we know how to pronounce it because in the US everyone calls it Schwalbe it's kind of
how it's spelled and the way you'd read it in American English but we mentioned that you know we don't know how to say the correct way of it and because it's a
German brand right I think so and a German guy messaged us on Instagram and he told us it's
it was it was a challenging one but you know we learned a lot of stuff so let us know about that Rocky Mountain San Juan
mountains question yeah Durango was I loved it I think that uh was it gray sill was the trail that very true yeah
something like that that was my highlight I think that trail was so well built the corners were amazing it was
kind of fast and flowy at the top with these awesome Corners good line of sight which is perfect for someone riding it
for the first time that didn't know it and then gotten a little bit more techy towards the bottom that was a good trail
there was some standouts we wrote some sections at the Colorado Trail I don't know what was what was your guys highlights from the trip gosh that
engine Creek Trail was another one of my favorites you like that one I like that one yeah it definitely like sketchy in
Parts but I guess those are the ones that you know I tend to enjoy it's like you just got out of that and you're like
wow that was it was pretty technical it was like raw rugged original mountain biking sort of just riding down sketchy
goat Trails slash rain ruts type of stuff yeah it's cool yeah there was a section on the Colorado Colorado Trail
going to Grace Hill I was like I don't know two minute downhill that was super fun it was cool
like we're on the White Creek and yeah leading up to White Creek yeah that was rad yeah rotting in Colorado is amazing
there's just such there's so much elevation and there's so many so much cool geological stuff going on those
Creeks that we saw that one one Creek was orange and had orange rocks and then two hours later we saw this Creek that
was it looked white powder white the water the Rocks I mean it was it's just so cool it's such a beautiful place to
ride bikes and the trails are so well built and well maintained and yeah Durango didn't disappoint it seemed like
a really fun place to you know if you're gonna take a mountain bike trip that was that was a heck of a place yeah
definitely different sort of vibe and setup in terms of the local Trails compared to Breckenridge yeah in my
opinion Breckenridge had I don't know there was a lot of these sort of flow jump trails in Breckenridge as sort of
local Trails which I loved I thought was awesome me too totally depends on what you like Durango had a different flavor
a little bit more raw and rugged than that stuff so all right how do you compare them
um I think what he says pretty accurate I mean once he got out of because you didn't write a whole lot of the deep
stuff from Breckenridge yeah true I don't have a huge sampling well we don't have a huge sampling of Durango either
yeah exactly these places have so many trails you need to you need to spend weeks there to I feel like we only rode
the Deep out back country stuff in Durango or in Breckenridge kind of all
three of us wrote a lot more like the kind of stuff from town yeah the stuff I wrote on the during the break Epic some
of that stuff was pretty similar like you're out there you're in the middle of Colorado Trail somewhere and like yeah it's just raw single track you know a
couple inches wide on the trail and stuff so um yeah I don't know it's hard to say without having like a proper sampling of
all the trails true yeah either way uh both of those towns Breckenridge and Durango you know we've hit those this
summer and well and uh and Sun Valley Idaho that's another town as well and all those places such amazing places to
take a mountain bike vacation that offer a lot of great trails and just good infrastructure cool towns cool history
yeah a lot of you know good sights to see so good activities good activities yeah more room for activities that's
right that is right yeah um moving on Crestline bikes have we mentioned
Crestline on the podcast before I believe so don't think we have it all yeah so a long time friend of ours and
uh sponsored writer Ambassador what do we call Droid these days I don't know shop Rider shop writer friend of the
shop yeah friend of ours his name's troyed and he's a South African dude he's a
incredible mountain bike rider and uh him and a couple of his friends are starting a bike brand uh Crestline bikes
and I think well how much should we disclose does it matter who cares I'm gonna disclose what I want
to disclose yeah go ahead um yeah so they just uh kind of set eyes
to the world this past week um they released their RS 205 or 205 it's a
downhill frame with a virtual High pivot VPP linkage system that's a lot of
abbreviations yeah it is very technical essentially it's a uh spin on VPP but
they move the virtual pivot placement a little bit higher because there's dual rotating
links so it's not a actual High pivot it's a virtual High pivot and by doing
so they've been able to create a uh more rearward actual path than typical VPP
while still having a lot of support and characteristics that you want in a suspension platform
so that's pretty cool to see um there's a collaboration with Cascade components uh they did a lot of the kinematics for
them and machining all the links and the dropouts um so yeah the the downhill bike was kind of
uh like a fun project for them because they're real goal is to make awesome
kind of gravity oriented e-bikes yeah that was the original goal right I
mean yeah it's uh they have a they have a YouTube channel called Crestline MTB and for a minute there about a year ago
they were they pumped out four videos and they kind of gave some insight into the bike that they were building the
prototypes they had and this was a longer travel e-bike and we're asking viewers you know hey what do you think
of this thing what do you want trying to just make an amazing long travel e-bike and it takes a long time to develop and
design a really high-end premium sort of competitive bike in in those categories be it downhill or be it long travel
e-bike and yeah and they're they're getting after it I don't know why they kind of gave up on the YouTube thing for a little bit but we'll see when they
come back with it I mean they're they've just been heads down making the products so yeah I think building I think we'll
hear a lot more from them yeah yeah I think it came down to uh actually getting stuff ordered mpo's placed and
kind of getting everything going and they kind of push the YouTube to the side for a bit yeah um but the e-bikes
are on their way early 22 23 is when they're expected so nice yeah they look
amazing I'm super impressed I think Troy is doing a fantastic job and even just that downhill bike and Jared you made
that reel that we posted on Instagram of that thing yeah custom build yeah oh that looked good unreal that that red is
just like yeah candy apple red yeah it's like a yeah something like that guys there's a one-off that technar painted
yeah yeah yeah Cuts Like painted custom build Crimson blood red I don't even know but yeah yeah that's a slick build
yeah so something to keep an eye on I mean I just love I mean one of the things I love about the bike industry which I've said plenty of times is that
there's just a thriving amount of small boutique brands that are
able to sort of make you know competitive bikes that Go part apart with the best ones out there and that's
a that doesn't you know that doesn't happen in technology and Automotive it's much more of a thing that's kind of
unique to the bike industry which is really cool to see Brands like this just come out of nowhere and make incredible products so I have I have high hopes for
Crestline and I have faith and Droid to do some pretty impressive stuff and seeing that down a bike was rats yeah I
think you rode that bike a lot right and Whistler just recently yeah I wrote it twice here in SoCal and then I actually
wrote it for like three whole park days up in Whistler um all of it at the time was built up as
a full downhill bike uh it's really really good like impressively good right off the bat
um gets you up to you know your confidence level right away um actually I tried to pull up on this
like kind of natural Trail Gap and I cased the crap out of it um but with my buddy Corey was right
kind of behind me slashed next to me and he was like dude you cased that so bad but like the way the wheel just ate it
up and moved out of the way it was amazing he's like to see that thing work was awesome so yeah it worked really
well and it's I mean I will say it's it's a race bike like it wants to go fast it loves the speed it's super
stable um so yeah it's funny because some of the best ways to get to know any bike
especially the more travel they have is by making mistakes it's by those those times where you pick a horrible line in
a rock garden and if you drop your front wheel into a hole and you think in your head I'm done I'm going over the bars
and also and you don't yeah and it's like well you're gonna credit that to the size of the wheel the fork the head
angle and you're just shocked and sometimes you know especially when you're riding a new bike you you're
you're 100 certain if I'd done that on my last bike you know and that that's a fun thing to
kind of experience and same thing with casing stuff or or overshooting stuff when you really bottom out the suspension and push it to its limits
because you made a mistake that's where a good bike can save you and where you can kind of really feel like I love this
thing because it saved my ass on this situation yeah totally it was definitely a couple times that 40 up front saved me
that fox 40. yeah we were riding some super steep Tech trails that I'd never
been before trying to follow troyd into some local uh kids as well and they're
just flying I'm over my head I don't know what I'm doing and yeah before you see me
um bike jumps super well I hit pretty much all the jump lines at Whistler on it so wow the thrill of a mountain
biking yeah it was fun yeah that's cool so keep an eye out for Crestline uh we'll definitely be talking more about
them because we love to see you know bike projects like this come to life which is really cool speaking of things
coming to life or coming back to life Resurgence so yeah I wanted to mention
Canfield so Canfield never fully disappeared but they can feel bikes man what a what a storied brand so two
brothers that were both incredible Riders incredible bike designers and
suspension designers and uh yeah they made amazing downhill bikes trail bikes
and then they kind of you know I don't know what you took took a small Hiatus here and there yeah and now there
there's slowly but surely coming back quite strong with some really cool stuff and their suspension platform CBF is
actually what Revel bikes uses so Revel life license the CBF suspension platform
from Canfield and it's it just works amazing we've made a whole video all about it and obviously a lot of what you
can attribute Rebels bikes and how they perform is to that suspension formula and Canfield's bikes are at present uh
all aluminum and very well priced and in a competitive range that I think fills a
really unique Niche where it's it's at a price point that's aluminum and if you
want an aluminum bike maybe under five six thousand dollars for sure you can get something that has kind of a
world-class suspension platform to it for that price point which is pretty cool and pretty rare yeah and good
components yeah yeah with good components so it's cool to see Canfield uh slowly but surely coming back on the
map with this and uh yeah I'm not sure if they'll ever go carbon or what they have planned next but the yeah in terms
of the way the bikes are working and riding right now and looking it's a rare bike and it's something that you you
have out on the trail and people go what is that yeah and and it works good and
yeah it's cool so and they decided to see him come back they still have quite the following they do yeah yeah they
definitely do yeah they've always had sort of a cult following of people that know and understand that suspension
platform and that brand and how well those bikes have always worked that are uh you know basically you know all have
always followed those guys and paid attention to their every move so it's cool to see him come back I love that I love seeing Brands you know they all
just kind of they ebb and flow in terms of what they make and design and how their business operates and Canfield is is on the UPS right now which is really
cool to see so another thing to keep an eye on in terms of bikes would you ever
ride oh that's a listener question that is a listener question we better not answer don't spoil that I want to spoil this alloy bike Yeah question gosh but
we will jump into listener questions oh so without further diving right in diving right in go ahead Jared read the
first one all right I will read the first one what are your opinions on coil Forks such as the marzuki bomber and
conversions like the vorschrong smash pot and Ace and push acs3 do they provide better ride characteristics to
justify the weight are they only worth it on certain bikes or terrain kind of
alluding to my answer there in the second question but Jeff what are your thoughts on a coil
Fork on your mountain bike [Music] well well I know you're a white weenie
let's just preface it with that well three years ago uh when the that acs3
kit which is that coil conversion kit that push Industries makes came out yeah I did ride it and review it and it's on
YouTube Excuse me the part on your bike that weighed more than the previous one I think you borrowed my bike for two
weeks yeah I didn't install it on my own bike I recall riding Liam's bike extensively
for the testing purpose oh they're all right then yeah I mean I think that it
does boil down to a matter of opinion and something I I actually want to do on this podcast is oh it's so much of the
bike industry and really anything in life boils back down to preference personal situation blah blah blah yeah
however I still don't want to neglect that we should tell people honestly what we chose right you know so so for me uh
I will start with yes it totally you know it's preference blah blah depends on what you want I rode that one I've also rode the you
know some of the merzoki forks that have coils in them and I do think they work super well and uh and it is impressive
how they just do have a the hit different yeah as the kids are saying
it's awfully new of you to say they they have a different level of
performance and feel absolutely and is it good I think so I do I do like it but
in my opinion I don't think that the weight sacrifice is worth it it depends on the bike yeah uh but man I don't know
even I don't know I I still just don't think that for me personally I think they work
better um but I don't think that the weight sacrifice is is worth it yeah
um but it's funny right because when you're talking about something like the acs3 that's where you take your premium
level air fork and make it coiled yeah coil ask right so that I don't know I wouldn't I wouldn't
pay money to upgrade my premium level air Fork to coil just for the feel right
I know obviously it's a lot of people do and some people would but I wouldn't um however if I was in the budget for a
500 Fork would I choose a coil Fork absolutely yeah
700 yeah I think that's out that much yeah yes if you have less you have less
level of pickiness when your budget's not at the highest level so yeah I don't know so for me I'm sticking with air
yeah yeah um well I have actually written all of these the acs3 The Voice spring smash
pot and the marzuki bomber coil um and uh yeah I mean personally I think
it's definitely uh you know an application driven decision where like
yeah definitely more gravity oriented bike would um you know benefit more from that kind
of you know conversion I guess like I love the feel of it like the weight and
the and the compliance of a coil Fork on a gravity bike like I had the bomber
coil on my SB 165 when I first built it up and it was like wow like the weight
not only the weight of the fork like the additional weight over an air Fork but also the added grip and compliance of
the coil you just get so much front wheel traction and it's just it feels great and and it just like you know
trucks over stuff um but with that said do I want to Pedal it around all day no
so it's like yeah it feels great on a on a more gravity you know oriented application but like on a on an
all-mountain bike um where you're climbing you know you're earning your turns
um I probably wouldn't I would just stick with their you know like a 38 or a Zeb if I was gonna if I was gonna build
a bike yeah where I was gonna climb to all of the top of my you know amazing descent so I probably wouldn't do that
but if I was gonna like you know Park bike that thing all day I mean yeah I would probably go coil I guess yeah yeah
that makes sense it is funny because I think I mentioned in that in that acs3 review is that air Forks have just been
constantly trying to evolve and innovate their internals to basically imitate coils yeah like that's the purpose of
their Fork Innovation is to behave like coil Force yeah and they've gotten so good they're pretty close to it yeah you
know arguably indistinguishable but yeah they've gotten really good but yeah I
mean yeah what do you think Wills um I've had two bikes that are full coil
coil um and they were pretty awesome I think they're really good for like
fast chattery Trails like kind of desert style Trails
um really good for that we have one over here called suicide there's not really any big G outs on it and then coil coil
feels awesome just Smash down that thing yeah um for myself
uh I always end up going back to air I've built up so many bikes with a coil in the rear to start and I can just
never find the right balance between spring rate and bottom out resistance that I want and I just always end up going back to nail shock kind of same
with the fork so I think it's Rider style terrain
um kind of based yeah based on what you want um yeah like in if you run like you
know Arizona a lot it'd probably be awesome riding a lot of that Chunk in that desert out there I feel like it'd
probably be also be good on like Rocky and Rudy type stuff yeah it probably would be like really we just don't have
any Roots here yeah we're really really kind of technical stuff yeah the core
will be good it also would be good uh if you happen to ride in really cold temperatures and then really hot
temperatures as well like you know winter riding and air doesn't feel that
awesome at the start and it heats up it's true yeah there's less there's less sort of variance when the temperature changes with coil yeah so again terrain
area specific um riding like yeah your average Loop that being said I probably would just
buy an air Fork yeah personally yeah that's a tough one that's there's a lot of different ways you can go with that
just a lot of ways you can slice the pie oh I thought you would like that never even
heard that love food comments I love a food comment yeah so all the way you go slice the pie on
that one speaking of food the next question the next question is
which of all the dropper posts that have violated your butt cheeks has been the
longest lasting it's food you nasty nasty boy I think okay
here's my take on dropper posts I think it took him it took dropper post well for starters it was an amazing amazing
innovation in the bike industry that completely changed the way you ride your mountain bike so we're rear shocks which
also took a long time to get yeah yeah exactly yeah so the dropper post like
rear shocks took several years to become reliable high quality pieces of
Machinery that you had faith in their performance yeah it took a long time but
I I think as of late they're pretty reliable I mean almost you know let's
talk all premium Brands right one up Fox uh KS Race Face who rock Shots yeah
one of my favorite Spike yolk oh yeah
uh they're all good and reliable yeah these days it's really hard to say one
is more reliable than the other whereas if you ask me that question five years ago let alone eight years ago it had
been a completely different answer they were all over the place yeah you know one brand had one model that was worked
better than everyone else's and other ones had horrendous warranties carbon dropper Yeah well yeah I have a KS carbon
dropper on on my uh on my Revel Ranger which is my lightweight both of them
right you've had two of those I've had two I'd like six of them yes well that's the lightest dropper there is for a 150
drop and they're Flawless I've never had a problem with either I had the 127 2ks dropper that had an
unnecessary amount of play in it they had to play I but that was a 27 2 dropper on my gravel bike so they have
just always don't up and down just fine needed service around the average service interval I mean that's that's
fair yeah you can't say something doesn't work well if you're not going to maintain it exactly yeah follow the instructions
oh this sucks it doesn't work anymore whoa dude you wrote it for 16 months and it has a 12-month interval so yeah
um makes sense like driving a car not changing the oil and be like yeah but yeah I mean I think personally my
favorite one-up components uh super solid pnws coming out with some solid ones bike yoke is really solid and then
I've had absolutely no issues with three Reverb access posts yeah yeah they're I
could buy three or four maybe one ups for my one remixes or two to three times
the price dropper but I have reasonably extremely reliable so convenient to
search them from bike it is yeah I would agree honestly my Reverb access um I don't have it anymore
um but yeah I that was one of my favorites and just the actuation and like just how easy it would top out like
you know some drop posts you have to like you know hit it with your butt to get it to go down and go back up and like I don't know I just think that rear
axis was like definitely one of the most solid posts I've ever had do you feel like you went down a notch now that your
dropper post has a cable again [Music] I mean I don't feel like I went down a
notch but like maybe I did the fox transfer which was like yeah I mean probably the next best
one but yeah um he did it for aesthetic reasons yeah and well honestly I didn't want to like
pull out a perfectly good post just to swap it with that one and um mess with all the cables and stuff
and then like when I sold the bike I have to redo all that I'm like no just just gonna leave it and run the fox
and it works yeah I like the fox they were good yeah I mean it's they're pretty reliable pieces of Machinery
these days especially if you maintain them yeah service it yeah how about that Crank
Brothers Highline post I don't think we've ever served that one yeah on my Rascals those ones are pretty terrible I
was gonna say also PW um Rainier or whatever it is like it's pretty much the same thing as that Crank
Brothers one um it's also bulletproof reliable and
tried and true yeah yeah dropper photos we're good now I mean that was ABS I would never have said that five years
ago yeah and here we are almost all of them work work really well they've come a long way
which is really cool and here we are and here we are uh things that still aren't
perfect tires flat tires that's right although I don't think anyone of our
whole group which was about 12 people got any flat tire or any Mechanicals in Durango huh well not really except for
mine but that was selfish you forgot to charge his access battery oh yeah I was talking about the wheel oh
that was also self-inflation I cracked a wheel in Durango yeah but it didn't lose any air so let him lose any mechanical when
was that I didn't even hear it was on the last day I think he found he didn't he didn't find out about until he was back in California building his bike
back well this is technically a mechanical if it you didn't notice and it still worked your bike worked
perfectly fine the whole way through mechanically it's not sound anymore so I think it's a mechanical
um but I'm not gonna ride it again I mean but yeah riding it Wheels cracked I'm not gonna I don't want to find out
what happens next yeah it was but yeah yeah breaks
um yeah but yeah speaking of tires underrated tire brands that we've heard and seen good things about well I have a
couple comments on that one well for starters we did just make that pretty extensive YouTube video yeah we interviewed a whole bunch of people in
the California shop and we talked about and laid out all of the most popular selling and most important tires in the
mountain bike space in terms of front tires for your trailing Enduro bike so if you really want to dig into tires check out that YouTube video uh front
tire specific front tires almost we gave honorable mentions in there yeah I was gonna say almost everyone said Max's so
yeah I know yeah it was and and you know what uh let's pull up you pull up that
poll that you did on YouTube pull it up Jamie on the YouTube community and uh it
was a pretty big Maxis win but yeah underrated tire brands so in terms of underrated Max isn't underrated they're
highly rated and highly known so let's talk about underrated uh two come to mind for me one of them is delium which
just trying to make a very premium Maxis level quality tires that are half the
price yeah and they're damn impressive they are for that especially for half the price yeah
d-e-l-i-u-m delium Tires New Brand doing amazing things very impressed with them we talked about them on the podcast
before yeah and then Continental which is not a new brand by any means it's a super old brand but they made some
really good new tires recently with ridiculous names I think we talked about that yeah the prescription drugs names
are you lacking grip on your bike take Xylitol let's make an ad for that yes hilarious
why not we're doing that if somebody does that first we know you stole our idea from this podcast speaking of uh
which do you want to hear the results from the poll um given three options Max's W2 or
Continental which uh Tire would you run on your bike Continental 15 WTB eight percent Maxis
77 and how many replies though that's a good question over 17 000 votes
17 000 votes wow wow 77 yeah so I mean that's crazy I would
call that statistically significant data my friend seventeen thousand people and over 75 of them said Max's that's a lot
of votes um I mean you only gave three brands right you didn't give yeah
people also answered a lot in the comments like obviously I mean how many Brands can you can you put right people
are like oh you didn't say V Tire Co well I'm sorry dude I didn't yeah um
yeah I think Continental is crushing it um I've been riding a set for
couple months now you look great yeah I would love to try that which ones are you using I have a crypto tall front in
the front and then because the crypto has a front and a rear designation so I have the cryptital front in the front and then
the Zion and tall in the rear which is very similar tread pattern but faster
rolling more ramped knobs so what's a worse product name crypto and
Xylitol or dynamic Island
Island was gonna be some standout feature it barely does anything it doesn't do anything it doesn't do
anything and it sits lower than the notch it it it tells me that I'm listening to Spotify and the photo of my
album cover is so small I think there's something on my phone back
this is the new Dynamic Island on the iPhone 14 for those of you that aren't up on your tech device they're recent
and we've transitioned to the Tech podcast
that's Jeff's new podcast that he hasn't revealed yet man I should do that you
should and I'll just be like the noob that doesn't know anything let's see the same people but Jeff we'll
talk about that just enough Technic explains things to people who aren't Tech nerds and don't
care to be Tech nerds and don't care what he's telling them that'd be the name of the YouTube channel I don't know if we have that many characters
available but we'll see oh my gosh so speaking of tires Continental helium
Continental Delia I mean WTV I don't know if they're under underrated but
like I love WTV tires personally uh vigilante and Trail Boss is one of the
best combos out there yeah I agree yeah that those are those do work good yeah
um aside from that I don't know people like Kenda I mean Ken is kind of making a Resurgence honestly a sock a couple of
them back there too and I was like man I kind of want to try that that Penny Pro or whatever and yeah the Pinner Pro yeah
it looks kind of making a Resurgence for sure yeah you know what's also very underrated Taraval so that was definitely action Terra Vale is a small
brand and much more well known for their gravel tires probably one of the bigger
gravel tire brands I think so you know they really jumped onto that yeah big time if you're a big gravel Rider you
definitely have heard of taravale but they actually have some really good mountain bike tires Trail slash Enduro
stuff yeah and there's like a Hawaiian named one too isn't there oh no it's the
airline A-line yeah yeah HH line or something yeah
um tires man no comments everybody loves talking about tires yeah never get tired
of it all right Jared all right if you poop in your Chamois does it add extra padding gosh
yeah I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that if you poop in your chamois
um you've got bigger problems than padding have you ever pooped in your chamois uh
uh even during your Triathlon stint never um on a ride
[Music] what I mean so that's a yes no never on
a ride but yeah one time like I'm not gonna go in details but yeah maybe I pooped in the shammy
this is a horror ride well I don't know couldn't it was after a ride let Jared know not cheered no on his personal
Instagram at Jared Biermann if you would prefer the details of his pooping stories in the next podcast Jeff I heard
that one time have you ever peed yoshami I don't think I've done either no that's
just that's even worse man I'm just kidding that's not worse but I heard Jeff that one time uh you pooped
in your Chamois and like eroded with it for hours and you were just like loving it so I never did that
this is misinformation rumor thread 2023 is it add extra
padding oh God some of the questions that was a good one though yeah that's gross that's that's pretty gross
um speaking of people who poop their chamois the guy who asked this next question probably has
I can say that because he's a good friend of mine I'm not being mean I promise uh the question is will Biermann
and Liam come ride the Glen Park Enduro with the B Team um part of the Glen Park never heard of
Glen Park how am I gonna get there never heard of the B Team okay I'm definitely a C team writer I'm not
qualified the uh so okay for context The Glenn Park Enduro I don't know what that is
either but I'm assuming I'm assuming it's just one of those those endure races that's out east
pretty local that the B team is racing so the B Team a friend of mine uh decided he'd put
together an amateur Enduro race team and it's got I think 10 or 12 Riders on it and it's it's actually done I'm pretty
impressed with these he's he's done a lot with it I'm not so impressed with his Instagram it's a little sloppy yeah emphasis on amateur he has emphasis on
amateur the race results the social media presence they're all like that but you know what they do is they go to the races and they have an amazing time and
they exemplify having fun on mountain bikes which to me that's what sold me and I said all right we'll sponsor your
team so I agree to sponsor him with uh with Worldwide Cyclery with Kettle and
with Trail one so they have these we made them these B team shirts which actually Liam you designed right yeah
Liam designed the shirts and these guys wear these Kettle shirts that we custom printed for them that have the B team
logo on them and the WC Kettle and Trail One logo on the back and then it also has a quote on there that's what does it
say the FBI's Most Wanted yeah so you know I I definitely one of the
things is worldwide Cyclery has sort of evolved over the years over the last decade I want to support people who have
an amazing fun time on mountain bikes and racing mountain bikes whether it's as amateur as the B team and their team
uh exemplifying fun at the local races or it's as professional and well done and impressive as you know Nico malali
creating his own bike and racing it at World Cup level downhill races on a world stage uh you know very different
situation there but both exemplifying having fun and doing cool stuff on mountain bikes and worth supporting just
like how we support Nika so much the national inters Galactic Cycling Association intergalactic intergalactic
that's right soon to be intergalactic
that's right well uh Matt the uh the man who's your team manager is this title uh
team manager of the B Team uh I don't think Beerman or Liam were coming out for the Glen Park I'm sorry sorry but I
did promise you you could put an ad in the MTB podcast for the B team I don't know what that's going to be about
because I don't know what you're selling but I haven't heard that yet because it's actually not even created but he's gonna create it after we record this but
while you you're gonna hear it right now ready here it is and now a word from our sponsors
hey yo what's good it's stunner number one Factory rider for the B team and
wanted to take a second here at the end of the season and give a shout out and say thank you to all the great people at
worldwide Cyclery especially in Lancaster Kettle mountain and of course Trail one
for the love and support that they've shown our team this year and ask all the millions of listeners to follow us at B
underscore team underscore MTB B team that's what's up
and now back to the show and we are back and I've got a fresh
bubbly wow from Michael Buble Buble speaking of things you would consume
what is the best yeah what's the best type of Cheez-It what a weird listener question of all
the things you could ask us I think that's randomly ever had original regular and it's probably the white
chatter ones I don't have this you've never had white cheddar I don't need Cheez-Its that's where I was getting you
interrupted me it's still regular they don't have flavors when I was a kid oh they've had whites they've had white sugar yeah
well the best type is obviously white cheddar I just remember having white cheddar as a kid and they it cakes your
fingers yeah yeah but a totally different flavor yeah and then and then you just scrape off
the white cheddar with your teeth on your fingers yep it's a gross visual maybe depending on how you guys that's
exactly what you do with that residual cheddar on your fingers yeah well I
guess that kind of wraps that one up huh white cheddar is the best it's it's uh
unanimous sounds like personal preference
I don't think Jeff eats Cheez-Its either I haven't eaten cheese it's in solid 10 years or more yeah I have no idea when I
Jesus it's definitely not the ones that they accidentally burned and tried to write off as a well done Cheez-It
um if you're in that camp who makes Jesus name
Fritos I have no idea yeah well who knows who cares we'll talk about move on
a bike question consumer goods products on the next one Speaking of bikes Teflon tape on bottom bracket threads several
of us put the question in the comments as I had never heard of it before is this a secret anti-creek hack or a
subtle way to troll the DIY ears out there um it's definitely not for trolling yeah
what what happened Liam did this on your uh on your threaded bottom racket on the on the build reel that uh everybody was
like tough don't trip on the bottom yeah I first started doing this uh one of the
the first real shop I ever worked at um one of the guys I worked there has been working on bikes since the 70s
since threads and bottom brackets were not all created equal and anytime there's creaking he's like sometimes the
bottom rack would even like almost be loose in the frame on like those old Square tapers really tough on tape it so
after that I just kind of started Teflon taping almost every bottom bracket
um they don't come loose they don't creak it's awesome so you tough on tape it you have to wrap the tape in the correct
direction so it essentially stays on as you tighten and it doesn't come off and
then more recently uh I had a my gravel bike was creaking a
lot and I kind of figured out so I Teflon taped my pedal threads and it made a creaking go away really yeah I
think just all that fine dust that we have around here just works its way in and creaks so wow yeah go figure
little hack to make your bike Creak less people really don't like creaking I
don't either cheap Pack I hate creaking yeah and the amount of time the amount of hours it would be great if we just
had some sort of monthly tally of time spent by mountain bikers trying to make their bikes Creek less it would just be
thousands of hours like chain slap or yeah yeah make it like quieter
#make bikes quieter make shirts that say that she'd campaign on that right yeah that's good I like
that speaking of bikes being quieter frame storage is it a trend or not
um I think it's pretty cool I haven't actually owned a bike yet that had the frame store I'm talking about like in-frame storage I'm assuming yeah yeah
specialized specialize all the news cruises are coming with it tracks are coming with it yeah I think it's awesome
um I mean I don't think it's a trend specialized I've been doing this I had a swap box before I worked here I think yeah agent ago yeah I like the idea a
lot I mean being able to take your ride Essentials and it's just an empty airspace anyway might as well just tuck
them in there I like the idea of it being down by the bottom bracket so the weight is in the right place but yeah instead of having a you know as long as
you can access it quickly yeah um being able to sort of you know take your spare
tube CO2 Tire plug whatever and put it in there yeah six inch sub a lot of
funny videos yeah I mean yeah Cheez-Its your white
cheddar Cheez-Its could go in there yeah I think it's a great idea I don't see any downside to it aside from the added
cost and complication of integrating that into a frame mold but I mean that's like not that bad not much of the cost
at the end of the day if anything it just has to make the frame a little bit heavier in certain spots but yeah bike's
already so heavy anyways no one cares about weight yeah it's just like that's the only way only downside I still do
but bike companies don't there's the added complexity of integrating that technology I think the little bit of
design factors into because I was riding out uh actually our uh Pennsylvania shop
camping trip where we went and rode where Did We Ride I've forgotten the name of the place that's not good uh uh
some forest in Pennsylvania it wasn't Michelle I rode Michelle the
week after we wrote some other place I'm blanking on the name but uh one of the uh
one of the who was it it was Rebecca's husband uh he came and he had a trek and
he was riding with us and one of the days he got to the bottom of the trail and his water bottle was gone and the water bottle cage was gone because the
water bottle cage and the water bottle were all attached to the door for the frame storage on his Trek and it had
vanished a door was gone too yeah the whole thing was gone and it just fell off while he was riding a super Rocky
rough trail and it just fell off when he was rotting and uh as soon as he noticed we're like oh oh [ __ ] man you you what
happened he's like oh the whole thing's gone and then uh and then another one of the guys who was riding behind him saw
it on the trail and picked it up and brought it to the bottom so lucky guys didn't lose it but it is kind of an
important thing because that entire storage door yeah falls off while you're riding all your stuff can fall out and
then the door's gone and so that's a whole deal make sure it's designed well so it doesn't go falling off on Rocky
Trails I know a lot of them have like a like a latch right yeah I think it was a
latch sort of thing that just Clips on the end of it who knows if it was latched perfectly or if the latch
problem in general I don't know I thought there's a certain thing that was patented about that I wonder if
specialized has a patent on how it's latched and it could be like the best way to latch it right to left
yeah however patents work you know and it's so vague the way it could be yeah it's one of those things where the latch
has to be designed correctly and then you as the user have to latch it correctly and make sure it doesn't come off
um and whoever Engineers it needs to make sure even if it is latched correctly it can still withstand a whole bunch of vibration because that's what
mountain bikes go through on Rocky rough Trails true that so true that but I like the idea I think it's cool I think I
hope it becomes more prevalent on various other brands um because yeah I mean the whole idea of strapping stuff
to the bike um I don't know or just like fitting it in random places like inside your
handlebars or yeah or your stairs inside this big tube that all bikes have
I don't know seems like a good idea to me yep it sure does yeah this next
question must come from a California guy or somebody who rides Mammoth bike park
because he says does Jeff hit the drop on flow in Mammoth flow is a trail in
Mammoth that has a wooden drop wood to wood wood right yeah I think so yeah
yeah it's wood to wood uh yeah man I've never not hit that shot I hit the drop when they first built it when I was 13
years old I think all of us hit it blind this last time but you know who wouldn't hit it exactly
the forestall oh that's right definitely yeah it's a 17170 bike
man he won't hit that no more so if you want to uh you know shoot Zach a message
for not hitting the flow job that's at Zach Weaver on Instagram and just let him know that hey I heard that you don't
hit the drop on flowing mammoth oh I tried to peer pressure a little bit
we tried yeah we all did I didn't want to harp on them too bad you know because
just it's only because we know that he can yeah yeah that that's why I was I was just but at the same time like fine
I wouldn't want to crash on that oh horrible oh yeah that would be a bad crash no but I mean it's an easy drop
it's so well built I mean it might be you know I guess if you hit it as slow
as possible it would be drop yeah um but usually hit a little bit faster
and it might end up being wow yeah it's a huge Landing it's a huge
long Landing it's super well built it's as wide as a sidewalk yeah it's yeah it's really not that big of a deal but
um it's fun it's one of those things that once you do once you're like oh that was totally easy and not scary yeah but it just looks intimidating totally
so I could see how people wouldn't want to hit it you know it's definitely scary is pre-hopping the A-line drop yeah
that's a sketch I mean I saw a video like some guy doing that one time and just oh clipping it yeah I want to do so
bad this last time but I didn't have the balls too I don't blame you man there's no need for that
you gotta you gotta keep it in your pants some days
I was on the edge of appropriateness I apologize
the question I almost spoiled earlier yeah any of you ever get another alloy bike my answer is yes yeah uh yeah
actually yeah I really like high-end well-made alloy bikes yeah that's what I
was so stoked on Canfield recently because they just look amazing yeah even Banshee too she's looking back at
banshees again we've been a Banshee dealer forever but it's a tiny brand that doesn't have a lot of traction and following so we don't sell very many of
them but I don't know I think really impressive but raw is doing the bike brand raw yeah
those are cool bikes um those are cool um yeah I'd love to get I think I also
think nicely made high-end Ally bikes can be the same weight as what current
carbon mics are yeah that's the thing I mean it's at some point carbon bikes people cared about making them lightweight and now they don't they just
want to make them as durable as possible and they just layer and layer and layer on carbon and these things are the same weight as aluminum bikes so that value
proposition is gone the whole idea of carbon bikes being lighter at least in the trail Enduro segment so unrelevant
and cross-country and roadoffs yeah I've had plenty of alloy bikes when even when they had the same model in carbon
transition monbreaker yep yeah I had a transition that was an Alloys yeah I
really like that I actually think I'm going to build up a Canfield yeah wow I need a new trail bike I've had that
Rascal for solid eight months time to it was used too gosh
yeah maybe three that's my second Rascal I really like that bike but I just feel like that uh it would just be rad to
build up uh I can't feel it with the carbon bird Wheels
with carbon bird it'd be hilarious yeah um you know what alloy bike I really
want is one of Nico's old frames I feel like I would I would love to have that
as a doctor oh dude he was gonna send this one yeah but I want like forever no like just for a week or two I was gonna
dude yeah I mean I will um but I feel like uh for a downhill bike I mean it's gonna have little
Innovation I feel like and you're gonna you're gonna be able to ride that thing like you know just gonna be bulletproof
and you'll have it forever yeah that's true that's kind of yeah that I mean what Nico's doing is so cool by the way check that out just type in Nico
Frameworks into Google or you go to worldwidecyclery.com Nico that's right any any KO n-e-k-o yeah
um working Search Nico on the worldwide cycling website yeah that's true and it'll bring up
Nico's page yeah check out what he's doing it's cool he's custom making his own bikes and racing him on a World Cup
level which is rad so definitely worth looking into yeah now wow this is a hard
question the hard question man really what do you love most about your job do you think the guy who asked this
loves this job or hates this job if that's you he does maybe just genuinely curious
um and he wants to know what we love most and see how his job Stacks up yeah
um I guess I'll go first what do I love most about my job probably being around cool bikes all day
and not only that but the people that worldwide are just amazing and um you know you hear a lot like a lot of
other workplaces but like that's like a family but it really does feel like that here and we all just are super into bikes and like
um we just all get along so like that's probably one of the things I love most about working here yeah culture and
Community culture Community workplace relationships yeah workplace relationships and bikes obviously like
you get to be around cool bikes and ride riding bikes with your co-workers like um just you don't you don't have to do
that kind of thing obviously but it's like wanting to go and like spend time outside to work with your co-workers and like do that kind of stuff is uh is
really fun yeah yeah what do you think Willie um I mean I agree with all those points
it's definitely a big part of it I think for me um
it's like what I would choose to like if I could do something we were talking about this on one of our trips if I was
independently wealthy I'd still do the same thing just maybe slightly less of it yeah but like my
tasks would be the same what I what I do would be the same um you know find these cool Brands and
you know Market them and um you know yeah pretty much what I what I do I would just do maybe a little less
if I didn't need the money but it's exactly what I'd want to do so I think that's what I love most about it is like
I'm stoked to do it and I don't care when I'm doing it or where I'm doing it
especially in the summer I've kind of just been doing it all so just been doing it to do
it just been doing it just do it man Jeff uh my answer would be uh I got a
lot of answers because I love a lot of things but I I think the at the end of the day for me it's it's just overall
the people in the industry so that's you know the people we have that work for worldwide and the people who ride
mountain bikes it's a good fun scene it's a it's a product that people love to use as a tool to have fun with and
people who ride mountain bikes in my experience you know 99.9 of the time are just good cool fun having nice people
and you know getting to support people having fun on bikes is a really good feeling and being in an industry that is
just laid back and fun and you know just does fun stuff and has products that are
fun and we sell that and that's cool I like I like that that just makes me feel like uh we're doing a good thing for the
world supporting people having fun yeah nobody in the world needs that well said nobody has to ride a bike they choose to
that's right nobody has to come buy from us they choose to yeah and it's cool that people choose to
do that yeah because it is a good fun sport in that sense yeah speaking of
people who like to have fun on their bike this next question is how stupid of a question do I need to
ask in order to have it answered on the podcast I think stupid enough because uh this
question was stupid enough that it made it on the podcast good job Colin I think he I think he sent some stupid question
every time Colin also semi works for us yeah we should probably disclose when
these people are friends slash employees uh because we wouldn't give you a hard time if you're just a nice bystander but
casuals we wouldn't give you a hard time but yeah your friend we might give you a hard time yeah yeah but there you go we
love you thank you we appreciate your question and uh and your humor yeah and
hopefully you listen to this episode so you can like actually hear your question yeah no one tell them yeah all right and
if he doesn't say anything we'll give it three months and then tell him set a reminder for that that's too long three
weeks and I hope you guys DM Zach about his flow job yeah because he's gonna get frustrated he's gonna get mad in a good
way don't don't like make fun of him but just but just a little bit you didn't hit the drop on poke the bear a little
you know for the last two years
Zach Weaver Zach Weaver that's Zack with a K not an H yeah
DM him and use the H yeah so like is Instagram name is Lily
Zack and then just message him and say z-a-c-h say z-a-c-h comma I heard you
wouldn't hit the drop on Flow man if he just gets a dozen of those messages he will lose it he will for sure come into
this to come into work and go what did you guys do on the podcast are you what happened why are people DMV this oh my
God amazing perfect well that was their last one that's that's all we got for you thank
you very much for listening to episode 98 of the MTV podcast uh please hit us with any questions comments and concerns
at podcast worldwidecyclery.com or on Instagram you can message Jared Bierman directly
because he looks at the Instagram messages happy listening this far they deserve
yeah they deserve it they deserve it thank you and good night
love ya

October 04, 2022

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