SockGuy Gnomies 6" Crew Sock [Rider Review]

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Socks are the most essential item of clothing you could ever wear... Okay maybe not but they still can make a big difference in your ride. Having a comfortable sock with enough padding to keep that dirt and those little rocks from hurting your feet. SockGuy seems to be leading the sock game recently by offering just that, with some cool designs. Lets see what Tedy thought of his cool gnome socks:

Tedy's Sock Review

When buying clothes for riding, I don’t even let my girlfriend buy me stuff for Christmas or birthdays. I like picking my own riding gear. It must be this way for everybody I think, so you can choose what really fits you. Otherwise, something is going to be distracting you while you shred. A loose knee pad, a bouncing helmet, or a tight shoe. Whatever doesn’t feel comfortable when you are out on the trail, is taking the focus off what you are really doing.

I experienced this a while ago when buying socks. I got a pair of “well-known brand” socks for riding, and when I first tried them, I immediately felt that something was not right. They were too thick, and when riding with the previous generation of FiveTen Kestrel Pro Boa shoes (which have skin to shoe feeling, meaning that they have a slim fit), these socks would be strangling my feet like a boa constrictor would do with its prey. I never wore those socks again, which led me to use thin socks (OMG, they are the best!). There are different brands available but I usually go for the ones offering a cool look.

SockGuy Chilling with my Gnomies Sock Review

Once I saw this pair of Sockguy Gnom-style socks on WWC, I knew I had to get them. When they arrived, I put them on and went for a ride. There was nothing distracting me and they had a clean look as well. Everything was perfect.

I could feel the waves touching my feet at Dominican Republic’s beaches, or like if I was hugging a sheep with my feet. These socks were so comfortable, that they made me realize that I might need more of these for everyday wearing. Going to the office, to a wedding, to the club, at a bar, at a party, even for scuba diving. I might commit the ultimate sin and not take them off while “sexy time” (read like Borat) at night.


"Comfy socks are so underrated. If they had feelings, they would feel triggered because of all the potential they have while at the same time being left in the corner, forgotten in a bike store. Socks matter, just like any other Fox jersey or Troy Lee helmet. I propose we should all wear Gnome socks while riding so people can understand how important a good pair of socks are. I am not talking about making socks great again, but showing the potential they truly have. If you are a customer in need for riding gear, start with the socks. Everything else is easy peasy, sort of."

SockGuy Gnomies Sock at Worldwide Cyclery

October 27, 2020

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