Shop Ride Challenge, Industry Update, Bedding In Brakes, Listener Questions & More...MTB Podcast 86 [Podcast]


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This time on the MTB Podcast, Jeff, Jared, and Liam start off by discussing some of Jeff’s recent slightly out of control business trips as well as some recent type 2 fun that the guys have been getting into. Speaking of fun, we also dive into some of the finer details of a couple of new bikes that we have been riding in addition to the current status of the September MTB mileage competition here at WC HQ. No podcast would be complete without a wide array of listener questions, ranging from Jeff’s hair care products to our feelings on lasagna and everything in between. Not to worry though, we do get into some intriguing bike related stuff as well. Tune in!


00:00 Intro

00:57 Recent Fun Stuff & Jeff's Out of Control Business Adventures

06:49 Shop MTB Mileage Challenge Update

12:32 Listener Questions

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          If you are one strange human that would like to read a transcript of the podcast above, continue reading below!

          [Music] hello mountain bikers of the world this
          is jeff this is jared and i'm liam this is the mtb podcast episode number 86 and
          today we're going to talk about um what are we talking about so many
          things everything everything we're going to talk about uh some personal stories some
          wild adventures we've been on lately good challenges we have going on in the store our recent big rides
          uh hikes hikes bikes i'm doing some hikes hikes bikes apple stuff later that's cool and listener
          questions ranging from oh everything from our own personal hair care products to how we feel about lasagna
          zagna but don't worry we'll actually toss in some real questions about bike knowledge bike industry all sorts of other stuff
          all right let's go dj meatball play sound effect wait don't play sound effect i'm gonna do with my kazoo instead
          [Music] starting off uh did you guys put jeff's crazy adventures slash continues
          slightly out of control business trips i did that yeah did you write that down yeah i wrote that down yeah it makes sense yeah it kind of does make sense um
          yeah i mean speaking of which we were going to talk about rides and i was looking at my garmin connect and i was like i haven't ridden a mountain bike
          since august 14th and it's september 22nd 22nd
          wow what is that like five weeks six weeks that's bad i know and tomorrow morning i'm getting on a plane to go to
          asheville north carolina to ride for four days probably 20 miles a day with chasing epic and doing another worldwide
          cycler collaboration trip with them which was always really fun but yeah i'm gonna be a little bit uh unprepared for
          that you got fresh legs come on i got fresh likes i've been running and hiking and doing other things yeah yeah
          it's not like you're ever inactive yeah true yeah my excuse was that uh leading up to august 14th which i just mentioned
          before we started recording was i did a half marathon and then i did three days of partying and surfing at the kelly
          slater surf ranch then i got a couple nights of sleep then i ran a full marathon and i could barely
          walk the next day and i got on a plane with raymond to go out to colorado to test ride the new yeti 160e e-bike which
          i did on tuesday wednesday i went to a conference in denver uh the party ran late that night it was
          a good conference party and i just didn't go to sleep i think i slept from 6 30 a.m to 7 a.m
          and then i got back in an uber and went around and got back to the airport went from denver to pennsylvania pennsylvania
          camping trip company camping trip out there for our shop that's always a good time i rode like 20 miles a day out at
          ray's town lake in pa and then i woke up sunday morning and my body was just like you're done you're
          done bro it's over stop and i was i was sick i lost my voice
          and i didn't get the wrong don't worry i got tested fully i'm all good but i was sick and tired and just yeah meandered
          through like probably 10 days of not wanting to exercise at all so so then i took a big break and then i
          just did some hiking and some running and some few other things but didn't ride bikes what about you jared you riding
          bikes oh i've been riding bikes um i've actually used stats bro this month tons
          of fire roads some fire roads um this month is actually my best month
          all year i've ridden 300 miles so far since september 1st wow um 300 miles in
          22 days yeah that's good yeah yeah all mountain yeah no road biking um
          yeah super stoked i well i'm going to talk about my bike here in a little bit but i guess yeah i just got a new
          reference i finished it yesterday so i'm really excited there i said it down country bike down country 115 mil travel
          in the back fox float x in the rear yeah you like you over built it yeah i don't know
          for that yeah yeah it's called a trail bike it's a trail bike it's gonna be my one like
          do it all everything bike for a little while so that's why 36 on the 130 mil 36
          up front yeah i didn't even know they made a 130 air spring for 36. they do indeed i
          think it's the lowest travel they do in air spring 36 but yeah it's amazing it's so it's just um and it was 30 30 pounds
          five ounces it's about 30 pounds yeah with pedals and everything yeah with pedals and decent tires yeah i love it very different than
          liam's ranger do you still have that ranger yeah i got my oh there's a lot of rangers right now we all have rangers
          rangers right now this is just a dialed bike from this yeah where we live it's so good yeah
          it's so good it's so fun well if we're jumping into that yeah my rangers i think the favorite build my favorite
          build i've ever had it reminds me of an old yeti 45
          which was previously i think my all-time favorite bike but i think this one takes the cake
          i have a 130 pike up front code rc brakes new uh specialized
          revolve control sl wheels those things like feel like feathers yeah
          1240 grams of 30 ml internal rim width ridiculous so i think it's the best
          internal rim width to like weight ratio pretty much on the market with dt swiss uh hub internals so like um and killer
          and it has steel spokes still spoke so they're like strip bladed they're bladed no bladed bladed bladed
          [Music] straight pull and only like 24 of them are slick
          and they're not flexy the whole wheel set isn't dude i weigh 145 pounds yeah i don't know
          but i ride with a bunch of guys that are bigger and people that test test these wheels for specialized and we ride all
          kinds of stuff we shouldn't on them so yeah yeah revolves come a long way i remember working at a specialized shop when i was
          a teenager and those wheels were garbage but that was
          that was 15 years ago and those they've come a long way yeah and i mean everything specializes make sure you say
          15 years ago everyone everyone loved mavic and now no one loves mavericks yeah yeah that's true yeah mavic was on their game 15
          years ago ghost around well maybe in europe a little bit yeah that
          company's changed hands a bunch of times different ownership and yeah pretty much like nearly completely flown out of the
          u.s market wow so they might still be in the european market a little bit but i don't know i'm not in touch with that
          how things change eh how things change hey well that's a nice little bike update i mean the last actually i
          haven't been riding my ranger at all the last bike that i had been riding was my revel rascal which that's what i'm also
          taking in north carolina with me tomorrow nice 130 mil travel 29er 150 in the front that's like to me that's that
          perfect sort of one quiver do everything bike in my opinion yeah i like that the best i agree you're gonna have one mm-hmm i
          cannot have to only have one bike but that's ridiculous you should never just have one bike so ridiculous that's
          ridiculous you should do everything in your power to get more than one bike in my opinion yeah yeah i agree even if
          one's like you know a little more budget oriented by all means two bikes
          yeah totally speaking of bikes and riding so i'm pretty sure the reason you've ridden so many miles jared is
          because we have a a good customer and friend of ours dorothy who works at universal
          studios here in socal and she uh kindly offered us some free universal passes
          i don't really remember why oh yeah because we sponsored her on her backbone challenge oh nice that big ride so so
          anyways i was like what should we do with these universal passes so i figured we would just have a little challenge
          and so i shot out an email to the group of writers here in cali and said whoever rides the most mountain bike miles in
          the month of september gets two free universal studios passes and uh how's that going so far there was
          there was a number of questions yeah like what about rose miles gravel miles and then i'm leading zach right now by
          like 40 miles or something so i just got to keep up the pace you know yeah but the other reason why i'm riding so many
          miles is because i signed up for triathlon which i told you about oh yeah and so i'm kind of like training for that and i'm trying to like slim down a
          little bit trying to have it after this month's over we'll go over like real training and how to stagger
          yeah after this month is over i'm actually gonna start running and swimming when's the triathlon late on october
          yeah yeah so yeah really excited yeah we'll go into recovery and stagger mode so just riding as much as you can yeah
          yeah i like that so you'll win your universal tickets then we'll get you recovered for your triathlon yeah
          why aren't you in the lead for this universal thing earlier uh because what i just mentioned i stagger my rides
          and i like to like block out the my miles so you're not just trying to win so i'm not just i'm not honestly i'd
          even started logging my miles someone else started putting them on there for me um and i'm just too cool well there's a
          lot of gravel right i'm riding gravel because uh in three days from now i'm doing a 125 mile
          gravel race that's cool belgian waffles belgian waffle ride in cedar city um so that's kind of a last minute uh
          agreement to do that and i haven't ridden over a hundred miles
          well i rode 99 miles about a year ago and i haven't ridden over 100 miles
          since like 2016. wow so we're just gonna go for it but that's
          why i haven't been running that much mountain bike uh and jeff put the rule in for this challenge of a 2.3 width tire um
          because someone was like oh what about roadblocks about gravel bikes and i was like well i'll just say 2.3 times but you can ride whatever terrain you want
          in a 2.3 tires so we have someone here that likes to game every game game the system on every game we've ever had and
          he's commuting 50 cent road 40 dirt 10 single track
          on his ride to work to get in these miles and he's in second place to jared and jared's crushing him while riding real
          trails so props to jared and he's forcing me to ride pretty much two hours a day of actual trails which you know
          thank you but also like um damn it yeah but i mean the the same rule like you could just go ride your mountain bike on
          the street too if you wanted yeah but before we just go ride the edison fire road i just i'm not going to stoop that
          low sorry sorry zach but no i'm going to continue to ride a real trip he's just
          he's not like he's just doing blatant road rides on his mountain bike he knows exactly what he's doing he's doing his
          commutes which happened to include a decent amount of road but also include some single track and some dirt i mean
          it's like the same i i did his commute on 35c slicks last weekend yeah i mean you could slide that
          on yeah yeah here's how i interpreted it the challenge is you know mountain bike miles right because if you wanted to make it who can ride their bike to the
          shop the most you know in a month and you know we can all win that right everybody can ride their bike to the
          shop but you know who's actually going to ride trails what what do you propose the rules are for the next challenge oh i
          got it we have to measure the width of this trail and make sure it's no wider than 36 inches
          evaluate the surface i'm just going to change from miles for next month's uh universal television gain right to
          elevation gain yeah that's a good chance no matter what bike you're on because a thousand feet on a road bike a
          thousand feet on a mountain bike still hard and it can include hiking miles too because i mean you don't hike that much
          elevation right so yeah i mean if you get i i think that's a good way to do it elevation gain no no bike parks allowed
          no but well because you don't gain anything well yeah i mean that's still going to have to be an asterisk okay someone's going to go to big bear and
          hit the lift tell any time elevation real elevation pedaling yeah yeah okay
          okay only rule is no e-bikes no lifts self-powered uphill feats or bikes i
          think that's fair because then like well if i go crushing a huge ride that's like 10 miles but
          zack still just rides into work then my miles have more weight correct makes sense yeah
          all right i'm in well we'll do that for november because october was going to be a can jam challenge yeah and plus i
          don't want everyone here you save my legs abler wants to ride that many miles or elevations so we're going to do can
          jam if you don't know what can jam is you have this little thing that looks like a trash can and you throw a frisbee in it is it a good description of the
          game that's a good crazy moment for you it's a fun like a
          yard game yeah yard game i guess you could call that also maybe whoever gets the tickets should
          have to you know like they can't get him twice in a row or something if that should be fair right
          you can win world championships four times row if you want yeah all-time champion dude you can't do that all right so somebody yeah okay
          cool so you can go and win jam next month maybe i will how many times can you go to universal without getting sick of it yeah
          yeah i don't know i haven't been there in years though well that's an update on what's going on
          at wc and a bit in insight into our lives and now we've got some good listener questions we've got a lot of
          listener questions some of which were highly inappropriate but also comical so thank you for everyone who sent those in
          fbi matt that's you yeah uh they were good and we got a lot of
          good legitimate questions as well and we picked our favorite ones um yeah that range from i don't know a
          whole bunch of stuff so let's jump into it after an ad from one of our sponsors
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          starting off with a good range of questions we got here best way to bed in new brake pads internet advice is all
          over the place here's my advice what i did several years ago is i actually just read the
          directions on some breaks whoa what i read the directions but no one's ever
          done that huh speechless yep see what i'm saying wow and here's what it said to do said to
          pedal up to speed to about 20 miles an hour or so on a slight downhill or flat whatever you have and
          then grab the brakes kind of gently both brakes same time and come to a slow roll not a stop roll big lettuce big infant
          since do not come to a complete stop yeah absolutely for about what pedal speed to ten times
          exactly and then let them cool off a little bit and do another five to ten times pretty simple yeah it's not too
          complicated the major things to avoid don't come to a complete stop don't drag them down a hill that's extremely bad
          that'll glaze over the pads and ruin the rotor for its life and make it squeal and not perform well it makes a huge
          difference if you break in your brake pads properly and bed your rotors in the brakes perform so much better and i
          might say for everyone who says sram brakes make turkey gobble and
          noise this process is probably not done correctly because most of my spam breaks
          do not make those noises same but you know what the hardest part about that is patience
          that's exactly what i was gonna say because oh my gosh having to go up a pill and then come down like 20 times we have
          this perfect hill outside the shop all the way up to the top and you can get in almost every perfect your five
          times yeah you're not on the one hand yeah okay so like downhill like that
          it's okay because i've heard some people say you gotta do it on flat well what would it make a difference i don't know well as long as you as long as you're
          going around you know 15 20 miles per hour and you just grab them both not not like hard pull but just like grab both
          kind of gently and come to a slow roll and then let off get up to speed again do the same thing so do that five or ten
          times okay so and it's it's way more important when you have brand new rotors like brand new rotors and brand new pads
          take a lot like you're gonna have to do that process probably three or four times yeah if you just do new brake pads and you've got rotors that are already
          bedded in correctly this whole process goes by like way quicker right yeah you just do like five times yeah you're done
          sweet but that's the way to do it that's what it says in the manual it's really important i guess the big things to just avoid don't drag them down a hill that's
          completely incorrect and can destroy the pads and rotors and don't just like yank them to a stop
          when they're fresh and that'll make them more powerful if you break them in correctly and prevent them from having all these squealing and gobbling sounds
          issues and stuff like that that's good that's pretty good thank you
          next question here is when do you see the mtb world getting back to normal and then another question which is related
          are there any bikes available so as far as mtv world getting back to normal i'm assuming that question is related to
          supply issues and the entire industry is still in i won't say a disaster but just just in
          a big frustrating annoyance of a situation where supply is just very very limited and that dates all the way back
          to you know when the pandemic started and all these factories that make all the products shut down for a few months
          and then they fired back up and then there was a huge demand in 2020 because the sport got really popular and
          everyone was riding more and getting into the sport and then now there's all these other weird problems right like all the ports
          are jammed up which you probably hear about this on the news and evening and raw materials yeah raw materials just
          like all sorts of strange issues that all relate back to just odd
          ramifications from the pandemic at large and the bike industry is definitely in an issue when it comes to availability
          and problems like that i have been myself trying to talk to all the biggest brands that we sell and
          people that i really respect that have been in the industry a long time and try and understand what their predictions are and most people are feeling like
          spring summer of 2022 is kind of the optimistic things will get normal-ish by
          then a little bit more pessimistic is like you know january or q1 of 2023.
          it's it's tough to say there's there's some indicators that you know the popularity of mountain biking and
          cycling of all forms is not really all that much popular than it was in 2019 so 2020 was a bit of an anomaly so those
          indicators are a bit concerning because you have a lot of these big brands and a lot of these larger component companies
          that are sort of eating up all of the supply like capacity right now on the manufacturing
          capacity and there's this prediction that they're going to make too much product and we're going to come into next season and people are going to
          finally get these massive orders of bikes and components and the popularity like kind of assuming that the
          popularity is what it was in 2020 but it's not going to be and then there's going to be this big inventory glut so
          there's a lot of various sort of schools of thought on the topic but overall
          i mean from my perspective i think it's going to get better coming into next spring summer i don't think it'll be
          back to kind of how it was in 2019 but i think it'll be significantly better and not as it won't be problematic enough to
          where people are constantly asking about it and we're constantly tying people's stuffs out of stock every day and in regards to bike availability we are
          getting more trickling in liam you're familiar on what's like our own stock that's coming in the bike brands we carry yeah i don't know
          full stock levels right now but i mean we always have a couple bikes in stock um
          i know right now we have a mondbaker super foxy we have i think two rebel ranger xt builds in xl i think we have
          two sp 115s um and more than that so like there are bikes here that we do
          have in stock so if you're ever curious just give us a call on our site there is also
          a filter menu option for availability click that in stock and you'll be able to see whatever we have in stock that
          means it will ship out uh within a dare or two so we've got a ranger frame back there too
          oh and a range of frames size large i believe yeah so yeah there is there is stock trickling in and bikes
          are coming back to availability slowly but surely i mean it's it's kind of interesting because as a consumer you probably try
          and go and buy something and you have an issue because the stock levels and you get frustrated but realistically there's a lot of brands and they're all on
          totally different schedules and work with different manufacturers and different timelines so it's not like it's just all gone like it's just stuff
          that trickles in and trickles out so the best thing to do is contact us you know drop like every product we have on our
          website you can drop your email be notified when it comes back into stock and just contact us for etas things like
          that so you just need a little more patience a little more communication these days when you're buying anything bike related especially a complete bike
          so that's kind of what's up with the the bike industry at the moment
          speaking of that i thought this was a good question we've kind of answered this question before in youtube videos but i think it's always an interesting
          one to talk about i kind of love this question yeah carbon frame and low spec
          lesson carbon frame mountain bike low spec like lower end componentry or
          alloy frame and high end spec nice drivetrain suspension etcetera
          my answer is definitely alloy frame with nice parts because i think the components make like how the bike
          operates like the difference between a carbon frame and alloy frame is kind of negligible like it's it's there it's
          arguably there uh but the difference between lower end wheel set tires brakes
          drivetrain suspension like that's huge like anyone could notice that so i'd always go alloy frame with higher end
          parts what do you guys think yeah all right i totally agree um
          to be honest i wish more bike companies made high-end alloy frame options um i think yt releases like one
          a year limited numbers of like uh alloy frame with their full hyacinth part spec and
          it like sells out in 24 hours like yeah it's like there's clearly a demand for bikes because like if you have a good
          suspension platform alloy frame the whole bike is a lot more affordable than a carbon frame you put good parts on it
          and now you have a bike that's got it works great it's got great parts on it and it's not nearly as expensive as a
          carbon bike and especially when you're talking about like a you know i guess a big big trail bike or an enduro bike um
          you're talking about 30 pounds or more you're only talking about a pound pound and a half between a carbon alloy frame
          so yeah that's the other thing i mean i think back in the day carbon was like whoa carbon carbon it's lightweight it's
          this it's that i mean now it's has a nicer ride feel to it but it's i mean every brand has made all their
          carbon frames for the most part when you're talking trail bikes and longer travel like just so beefy because they don't want them to break that they're
          not really any lighter than outlet frames i'd actually astrick on that i don't think as carbon has a better ride feel i think it's a
          different red feel yeah that's true i mean i guess that's an opinion yeah yeah i'm pretty torn on this
          i think it depends on the kind of bike you're going for yeah like if it was maybe you know xc
          you know towards that end of the spectrum i'd probably go for the carbon lower end components with the you know
          idea that i was probably going to upgrade some of these later and then if it was more of like a big mountain or like enduro or even like a
          park bike i'd probably go with the alloy with the nice components yeah even if you had a heavy wheel set on the xc bike
          but jared's also addicted to upgrading his body yes he is so that's another thing and it's like carbon and low spec asterisk
          but i'm going to upgrade everything in the entire bike in the next six months like yeah yeah then just get that one because then you're gonna have to just
          hire a bike with car parts i've actually done i've had this dilemma and i did this before like my first like really nice brand new mountain bike was a like
          nomad 3 in 2015 and i got the c build whatever and it was all like alloy everything and
          lo and behold i upgraded everything so and then it was really sick at the end so there you go i don't know but yeah obviously cost me way more money in the
          long run but let's not get into that either i also just really like raw alloy frames
          yeah yeah i like grout big fan yeah
          oh that's a good time to spot we can just swap yeah that question is basically done cool
          yep yeah yeah oh can i read this one can i read this one
          yeah yeah let me just confirm when those divs are coming in are we actually going to say
          who's who did that kettle updates bleephead that was jeff actually oh that was yours so that's why i put it in there in all caps
          a customer actually said will cuddle mount never make a bid and jeff also put kettle mountain
          updates october right i think so
          confirming okay is that the last ready go okay next question will kettle mountain
          ever make a bib huh well we're so glad you asked it's one of the
          original kettle mountain products we do make a bib and it's awesome really good it's the best bib it's probably the best
          kettle mountain product at least for mountain bikers but it's sold out because it's good
          it's really hard and a non from like completely non-biased that we like kind of own kettle it is my
          favorite enduro bib it has pockets yeah yeah
          it's got a really good chamois good design little grippers on the legs and it has three back pockets that sit in a nice spot on your lower back which is
          good and it's durable i've had one for like two or three years and it's like still like now yeah that's a long time
          to have a bed is a long time you don't want to see it but yeah or smell it or smell you know but it's just sammy's
          still that like really nice blue color like it is when it's brand new no it's not
          oh and then well they're out of stock when can we get more jeff yeah uh we're hoping october or november we should be
          getting more kettle mountain bibs and at this similar time we will also be getting some new pieces that we've been
          working on for kettle which are lightweight and mid-weight jackets and hoodies and some like nice new tech tees
          so yeah we're constantly working and developing kettle stuff all the time speaking of which right now i'm
          currently wearing some prototype lightweight travel pants that we're making and i am directed to go out behind the
          shop and walk in a bunch of bushes to test this fabric and it's snag resistance strange things you got to do when you're
          developing and testing a pair can we uh document you doing that sure i'd love to see it get like a nice zoom in of me
          just like out behind in the bushes like walking through the dead brush back walking through the brush i'd love to
          see that yeah yeah there's been a lot of interesting things going on with kettle of like as as we build out the catalog
          and test new stuff and i've been doing a lot of weird things like that that i normally wouldn't do but you know when you're building an
          apparel brand you got to do what you got to do it's been pretty fun it's a fun project don't think that's too far off from like
          what you normally do though yeah that's true yeah yeah i do sometimes do hikes that and go on include trails go on a bike ride with
          you and it's more of a hike that i brought my bike to go on a hike with you and it's more like a scramble slash
          free walk mission yeah i certainly have gotten bored of just being on normal trails of any kind like if someone's
          already been there i'm not really that interested so my favorite thing is finding these like weird rock formations or lakes and then just trying to find my
          way there you're trailblazer i'm a trailblazer you're trailblazers they've named things after you
          like remember when we did that uh big hike and i made up that thing called and i called it jack sparrow's tavern and it
          was just a rock formation i found oh yeah and i led i think it was originally like just you were going to go and then
          several other people end up going five people ended up going and we did this big hike and then like a little rock
          scrambling going on and then we went down this big hill that was super steep and and jack sparrow's was attractive
          jackson tavern made that up uh it was only found from jeff's google map
          find and we have no clue if it actually existed and or it was like a real cave it wasn't really it was cool though
          and no one even win it but me because it was so covered in poison oak oh nice oh yeah the entryway was so scattered and
          just rich poisonous that no one wanted to go in it yeah and then we walked out like three miles in this dry creek bed and everyone
          had their ankles were so beat and we were so tired we took an uber back to the park oh my god well yeah because we
          like yeah we the route wasn't a great loop route but we tried to make it a loop
          yeah we would have ended up walking like four miles back in canaan road oh nice yeah and it's like unbelievable how much
          more tired you get on a hike when you're just not hiking on a trail and you're just hiking like piles of rocks oh yeah yeah you're like oh we went like 300
          feet exactly yeah exactly yeah it's like up by lady faces exactly yeah yeah yeah this is the kind
          of stuff that i like to do mountain bike do crazy hikes travel and that's kind of like what we're building kettle mountain
          apparel to do so it's good fun so gotta make stuff that works back full circle full circle dude circle
          kettle mountain circle let's go all right jared sick oh next question ask questions for you
          how do you feel about lasagna well let me tell you i
          freaking love lasagna lasagna is one of my favorite italian dishes my mother
          makes homemade lasagna every year for christmas i love it is your mother's lasagna your favorite
          or have you had better um yeah another podcast yes no hers is
          great but um uh where did i go i went to this place called nonna
          in westlake and i had their lasagna and it was unreal so mom yeah yours is amazing but i'd say
          known as right up there i don't really care for lasagna probably never ordered at a restaurant
          my entire life you know jeff you can leave okay it's like nooky
          yeah whatever you like gnocchi but you don't like lasagna i've just never really had any lasagna that impressed me well now let me get
          you some mama's or none maybe maybe i need some of that do you like lasagna uh
          i don't do dairy so i don't think i've had lasagna in probably 10 years
          um you guys are serious i have liked it in the past and i do i mean it's
          basically i do really love like like a spaghetti bolognese so like basically same thing yeah just more
          noodles or just like flat ones yeah it's all about healthy on this topic it's all about how the noodles hold the sauce
          that's that's the difference that's the thing about that note jared quote it's all about how the
          noodles hold the sauce and quote erickson yes sir you should put that as your name on your website it's all about how the noodles
          hold the sauce okay next question secret grips questions what are these secret grips
          uh we've been picturing some grips that are not out on the market yet
          and teasing you could say weird
          yeah we've got some some fancy new components that are secretly being teased that we're pretty excited to show
          everyone and tell the world about that do some interesting things in terms of philanthropy and giving back to the
          trail networks but we can't tell you until october or maybe november or who knows
          so i'll tell you then you will be able to buy secret grips
          hopefully within this year soon yeah yeah totally stay tuned for secret grips another great question
          here do you jeff and jared use the same haircare products this is a really good question so the answer is no because
          uh i'm like a a dry irish german guy and i don't really need
          shampoo and i never really wash my hair just with water on occasion or ocean water and jared is a thoroughbred
          italian man with really greasy hair we've had this discussion several times so greasy so like the the we have to
          wash our bodies and hair very differently mm-hmm right yeah my hair demands
          shampoo and conditioner at least once a week i mean i've tried doing like the jeff tech where i don't wash my hair and
          it just looks like you have olive oil smeared in your hair yeah and my girlfriend's like when the hell are you gonna wash your hair you're so italian
          that your head secretes olive oil that could very well be
          very well yeah my hair gets so greasy and then i wash it and it's frizzy and like it looks like i just came out of
          like a i don't even know like an electronic ecstatic electricity thing static
          electricity olive oil yeah solutions so i wear hats all the time yeah so there you go i don't actually use any hair care products there you go yeah nice
          these are just jeff that's natural if you can believe it it's natural well unnaturally natural bad genetics is what
          it is strange genetics my head just looks like it's got a swirly on top right out of the womb my
          god more important mountain bike related questions handlebar rise and carbon versus alloy bars
          we just did what was that video called i guess it wasn't just i was like
          oh no that we did that we did like high bars explained we actually went over a whole bunch of things about high-rise
          bars and had all these like cool images and pictures showing sort of what high-rise bars and how they'd lift the
          body up higher and why they're getting more popular and trendy and we also did more recently a handlebar buyer's guide
          where we've covered things like alloy versus carbon price points all that sort of stuff so if you're really interested
          in handlebars you're looking for handlebar upgrades highly recommend those two videos because we put a ton of effort into those videos being very
          extensive and thorough covering those two topics ryze and then basically the buyer's guide which covers price points
          carbon versus alloy all that i personally always like carbon bars i feel like they just have a better damped
          feel and they're lighter and they look nice and i just like carbon bars i don't know
          i mean i think it obviously very much so depends on your price point there is a huge price difference carbon bars are
          typically like 130 or more ally bars are 50 bucks so
          pretty big price difference i don't know liam you still run alloy bars randomly at times
          i have been recently since we go back to our secret grips and that topic um because i'm on some carbon
          bars now but i do actually i don't mind alloy bars for like a big travel bike um
          i don't think the weight doesn't really matter they're safe if you crash
          but yeah carbon bars feel great especially like bars that have some type of flex in them like the one up bars
          especially for a smaller travel bike totally i'm a big carbon bar guy myself
          as well yeah yeah i think most bike snobs like us are probably riding carbon bars yeah yep i would imagine yeah yeah
          what about handlebar rise i almost always run a fairly low rise because i kind of have a racing background and
          raised a ton of uh well what is now called enduro which used to be called super d and downhill
          so i always liked the lower front end so i always ran like a 15 or maybe 25 at the most rise often just 20 mil rise
          so i like that but you ride some high rise bars here and there uh on my in thorough e bike
          i'm on high rise bars and that's more to get my ride height but to kind of
          slim slam my stem down to get the reach like the real reach number i want um while still have my my
          bars in position and i've also i do come from like a xc racing background so i was like i had
          my bars really low when i first started my enduro bikes and then i realized like the steeper stuff i rode and
          kind of the gnarlier stuff i kept riding and learning how to ride that i kept bringing my bars up and up and up
          so yeah i think a lot of people kind of go through that same phase which is why high-rise bars have gotten more popular and more like hey we should make a video
          all about this and why it's happening yeah but on my trail bike i run a 15 mil or 20 mile rise bar and i love it so
          yeah i'm kind of like experimenting here i kind of like i've been running 20 mil rides for like last couple years but i
          tried a high-rise bar and i really liked it so i'm gonna kind of do a little bit of experimentation and see where i land
          on this yeah yeah high rise definitely like lifts your front end up more it feels a little better on your lower back for long climbs and a little nicer and
          more stable when you're pointing down something really steep because you're lifted your whole body's lifted up so
          yeah i don't know bars bars definitely can make a really big difference like if you go from a 15 mil rise bar to a 35
          mill rise bar like totally changes the feel of how that bike handles so it's a cool upgrade to play around with
          yeah yep totally all right here we go i think we answered this at some point recently do you use a gps
          watch or head unit what model i definitely do i love uh i used to not i used to just try and get away from all
          electronics when i went out and ride rode my bike or anything like that but then i discovered garmin watches and i
          realized that they're really cool and simple and just less like i don't know intrusive than a phone so often don't
          ever want to take my phone with me i just click my watch and record a hike ride run all that sort of stuff i have a
          4runner 945 lte and i become a garmin watch nerd and i like tracking all that stuff i don't put any of it on strava
          because i don't really care to have another social media platform to worry about in my life i just leave it on garmin connect
          so i can look at the data but i like it because it's cool to just like track and see all that stuff and it's fun to just like look back and be like oh what did i
          ride in new zealand in you know december of 2019 and i can just look at the whole ride and exactly where i was and if i
          ever go back there i don't know it's kind of just cool like record keeping it's like a journal log of all your physical activities so i think it's fun
          for that reason and liam i i talk so much hype about this watch that i sold in my old watch and these
          are using it for runner 945 now you liking it you used to just use a head unit on your bike now you just use a watch yeah so i mean when i stopped
          racing i was like was pretty anti all that stuff and i bought the smallest garmin they made which i think was like
          a garmin 20. they don't make it anymore but it's awesome yeah you just put like on the stem cap little quarter yeah it's
          so small and all i wanted it to do is record my rides and tell me how long i've been riding for it so i know when to eat and drink and stay hydrated i did
          that for like four years and then my roommate got a garmin watch and some of the people and jeff's always talking about his um and then i started doing a
          bunch more like adventure stuff and like and that's what i kind of really wanted it for so i asked jeff his opinion because he's
          a garmin watch nerd and he gave me probably three paragraphs about the three models
          i asked for yeah and then the bottom he goes but i'm getting a new one so do you want to buy mine i was like yeah you should have saved all of your time and
          said do you want to buy my nine i just wanted to talk about them excuse me so yeah i think i don't know maybe a
          month now um and i dig a lot i've done some hikes and routed some routes on it so it's cool to use that
          um i record my rides i don't really like i put them on strava but i'm not like a straviner i don't think i've ever
          titled a ride or like gone back and looked at it or anything i just kind of like send them on there and move on with my life
          um but it is nice to record stuff it has so much information i don't know what to do with yeah but you could take a weekend long
          educational course on the watch and then you'd forget half of it by the next oh yeah it's crazy how much what this watch
          does is so beyond what i need but um it's really cool and now i don't have to have anything on
          my bike and now i always have the watch on me so i don't feel like oh i forgot my garmin today yeah and yeah yeah it's
          nice too like because i record hikes on it and runs as well as any type of ride and then i also really like like i use it as my alarm so i use it for an alarm
          um and then i i like the body battery feature so garmin like if you know what like an aura ring is or a whoop garmin
          has like developed all those same features into their watches so they have a whole body battery feature and sleep tracking and i really enjoy looking at
          that stuff and seeing how alive and or close to death i am based on that
          like i talked about earlier when i was on that stint of like half marathon surfing merit like all that like my battery was like just i was done and and
          then it shows you could pretty much like see yourself deteriorating if you're not getting enough rest and getting too much exercise just cool data points to look
          at what do you use jared to use anything or just use the cell phone guy i use my apple watch but i know how you feel about those yeah the inaccuracy
          the they're a great little mini iphone on your wrist yeah they're not a proper it's great for what it is like um
          somebody gave it to me a while ago like for you know working on their bike so i've been running that and it works
          whatever i just pretty much run the strava on it but i've really been wanting to get one of these garmin watches because i mean how could somebody not want to
          get a garmin watch after you explain all the features so it is pretty cool dude even like when we were on that last
          chasing epic trip yeah probably five people there were like whoa as i watched records the whole ride and they like saw
          all that data and like what else does that do and then garmin watch talk it's pretty funny talking about garden watches for like an
          hour yeah it's crazy because garmin has so many different models that it's just perplexing and you just don't know which
          one to buy and they're all they all do way more than they need to do there's all this feature overlap it's just
          overwhelming yeah and then they also just do a horrendous job at telling people what these things even do yeah
          you know so like no one even realizes what garmin watches can do so i think yeah garmin yeah garmin's a
          strange company they make amazing products and don't really know how to yeah i also try to i also like tried to boycott garmin
          just kind of because of that and i'd really feel like they make a product and they don't care about anything after the
          fact yeah um so i try to boycott them but it's hard to get away from their like gps leader but yeah and then you
          have like whoop and or ring who are like the opposite like you make a pretty good product but then they like oversell it
          so hard and they've like done such extensive and quality marketing that people think it's like this gold standard of this device and it's like
          well it's pretty basic like i have an idea you could lead the weekend seminar for garmin and tell
          everybody about it i'll just solve this garmin cmo job that's what i should do there you go
          oh well yeah maybe i'll do that depending on salary i'm gonna look into that [Music] yeah long story short i'm gonna get a
          garmin watch and uh jeff's gonna tell me which one to get yeah zach has one yeah he records his
          mountain bike rides on the road to beat you and miles
          next question our opinion on gravel bikes i think we've talked about gravel bikes before maybe i i think gravel
          bikes are cool and fun i mean i i think all bikes have a place i think all bikes are cool and fun yeah totally yeah i
          like our bikes i attempted to ride uh like actual gravel bike with drop bars and i just
          couldn't do it i just can't i just can't ride drop bars they're just two they just feel so awkward they are awkward
          growing up bmx bikes motocross and then mountain bikes like i just don't like having drop bars so i just gotta grab a
          bike put flat bars on it put a little dropper post on there bam basically now just original mountain bike with skinny
          tires but i don't know i think that's fun and i enjoy it liam you actually ride proper gravel bikes like a gravel
          rider with spandex and everything that's pretty hardcore yeah um
          yeah i mean i kind of have the same background but i also did a bit of road racing and and training on the road and
          now i just like the gravel bike to kind of do the same type of stuff but get off of the uh
          um the road especially here in socal like i feel like if i live somewhere else road riding might be safer
          but here in socal everyone's so distracted and i just don't want to be on the roads and it opens up so much
          sick routes you can do i yeah like a 58 mile
          ride the other weekend and i rode like 20 miles of backbone in santa monica
          it's a trail that runs across whole santa monica mountains i rode like single track single track mountain bikish trail it's smooth
          mountain bike but yeah i like rolled out there we rode up some dirt roads to it rode the single track across dropped down a pch
          and it was like yeah like six thousand feet of climbing like 58 miles it's such a sick route it's pretty cool on that
          topic i'm also this is coming out i'll probably be have already done this ride by the time
          this comes out i assume i'm doing the belgian waffle ride cedar city this weekend is that 100 miles 125 i
          think they say but they might change the route so 125 mile gravel ride or race whatever you want to call it
          um so i'm just stoked to go and see if i can uh suffer for that long yeah and that's gravel bike drop bar
          that'll be fun we were all going to do that yeah was that one ride that we were going to do that got canceled because that was uh
          lost uh was it la sierras or something it was near lake tahoe lost and found it
          was the lost and found gravel race yeah from uh
          [Music] people that put on down evil classics okay
          yeah i was really looking forward to it they ever even rescheduled that no but we got a sweet pair of socks remember that we did get a nice pair of socks
          this is the most expensive pair of socks that we'll ever get they canceled
          they canceled everything for this year hoping it's back next year especially dining belt classic yeah but
          we'll see i'd love to get another grab a bike had that y cycles r plus that was called yeah that thing was sweet i would
          get another one of those impulse bot well yeah i bought it off of adam miller we were doing a rebel bikes
          demo at the california store and uh the bathroom was like a half mile away and
          jared was like oh can i go take this bike to go to the bathroom what happened you like asked adam the guy wants how do you remember how it came about but like
          i saw he like let you ride it to the bathroom you know the bathroom came back and you're like this thing's sweet and he's like you want to buy it and you're
          like yeah yeah like you offered me a great deal i was like buy a bike just because you went to the bathroom and
          back and he's like you can vemma me right now and as soon as he said that i was like oh it's over
          but yeah i would totally get another one those are like open like liam has that thing is sweet um yeah
          man because i just want to open up those like training opportunities like doing huge rides oh
          yeah open is a brand and up is the model right just so just so people listening
          and it's a gravel bike open ground start yeah i would love to do like those long rides like you do like road and dirt
          because like have a road bike but i don't want to ride it you know i like to be able to do mixed surfaces speaking of speaking of gravel
          bikes we did get a question here from noah sears who works at mrp and he says
          are you hyped on gravel forks and there was a lot of uh loud arguing before we decided to answer that
          question arguing debating arguing debating i mean let's hear your opinion first jeff how
          do you truly feel well well i think i think there's pros and cons to
          making bike products for these like microscopic little niches of riders and stuff and
          sometimes it's good sometimes it's just unnecessary stuff but that's just how the bike industry is there's like a
          specific bike for every weird odd particular type of riding and way of riding that you prefer to do or may
          prefer to do one day place or situation or trail and it's just like it's so blurring the lines like you take a
          gravel bike and you put a little suspension fork on it and it's like now you've almost got a hardtail mountain
          bike but if you've got curly bars but it's way less i mean to me it's like way less capable because curly bars are way less
          capable than flat bars but some people argue and say oh it's way more aerodynamic it's more comfortable for really long flat riding more aerial
          i don't know i think the full suspension gravel bike that's a little ridiculous i think that's a little over the top um was it
          like a niner or something like a good one yeah someone else makes a full suspension gravel bike too don't they or was it just nice has like a little
          elastomer or something some flex stain like a soft tail yeah um
          i think gravel forks have a very small niche that they're gonna excel in and that's gonna be bike
          packing or long endurance races um where i think having that little squish
          is gonna be really nice and it'll take the you'll take the weight penalty and it'll pay off um something like maybe
          the dirty cans of 200 what they changed the name to it something else 200 mile gravel race that might pay off bike
          packing and be nice um like great divide or whatever yeah yeah exactly something
          like that i think they'd be really good at and that's like i think where they excel in but i'm kind of on the lines of
          like i'd rather have i'm not going to put one on my bike let's say that i'm not going to put one on my open
          i kind of like it to be a little bit more of a road bike to me um and then i'll just build a hardtail
          mountain bike if i wanted that which i'm probably going to do anyways because i've been itching to kind of do those
          type of rides but it's cool yeah new products new innovation
          it's pretty cool i'm in the same campaign i don't know if i'd call it innovation it's just a suspension fork made for less travel on a 700c wheel
          um it's not innovation
          like the original suspension fork in existence was innovation you could say evolution
          versus innovation yeah it's evolved into this yeah people will say i want more squish
          on my gravel bike and then they say well we will give you a fork sir yeah and then they say i want a dropper post and
          you get this it would be this would be like gravel so i don't know if people are too familiar with the smartphone world but uh apple's come out with
          iphone mini right it's like a much smaller iphone yeah we're going back a little more pocketable but
          the gravel forks to me would be like what if apple came out with like an iphone mini plus just in between the size of the mini and the normal iphone
          iphone mini plus like that's like what that's how i feel about gravel bikes with suspension forks on them
          i just snorted or anyone wants a smartphone analogy no that's all right well we're gonna finish this podcast off
          with the last question we have here that's really what we're ending the podcast with i don't know you got any better ideas i mean
          shoot your shot babe i think this is a good idea it's uh does anyone at wc shave their legs
          i i don't know why dude i don't i never i mean right
          that's true i don't i don't really shave much i'll say that um but most of the
          company is mountain bikers like thoroughbred mountain bikers that have hairy legs chance might shave his legs
          um well i just i just sent a couple chats out and uh i was asking matt and keith
          because they were the two people i thought i might actually shave their legs because they ride gravel bikes and
          road bikes on top of their mountain bikes yeah they're more they're more gravel ready tonight does shave his legs
          he goes yes i don't like long leg hair and then he says podcast question i'm sure dot dot dot
          you can say he shaves his leg keith goes uh if i'm doing crits yeah i buzz them road
          rash with matted leg hair bleeping sucks it does
          i agree with that i've had it and it really sucks because you have to clean your wounds and you have to put
          bandages on your legs so especially like tegaderm's a big one yeah that makes sense and it sucks if
          you have any type of leg here and it doesn't stick that well yeah so yeah it checks out um i will answer this i do
          shave my legs and yeah i know crazy maybe for a different
          reason it is for a different reason now it was for crit racing and xc roadie
          stuff um and really like if you are wearing full spandex if you have really hairy legs it does look odd
          just just saying and like it looks like out of i don't know it looks weird looks like
          you like you know like jared's shirt like if you have a shirt on like a mesh shirt on your hair
          shirt on and you can see your bush poking through your shirt on your chest yeah yeah that's manly yeah but now i've
          shaved them for so long my leg hair doesn't grow right anymore oh like if i were to like actually let
          my hair my leg hair grow would be odd i hate the feeling of it in my pants now
          and so road racers road racers shave their legs because of
          road rash not because they think it's more aerodynamic photos certainly because it's more aero i think that's i
          don't know the real argument there's more there's been there's been uh but that's way more drag there's been like
          uh wind tunnel tests that like if you have a mustache or a beard it does like almost nothing yeah to drag i don't know
          if that's real it's more of like a look and style thing and it's a benefit with road rash
          um you can flex your calves bro come on now it's just part of like yeah being cool i'm a roadie i have shaved like
          yeah just i just said it's a style yeah now i shave my legs because i think it feels weird my hair doesn't grow right
          and my uh legs are completely covered in tattoos so it looks better
          and honestly i hate body hair so i pretty much shave everything from uh you know my eyeballs down maybe we could
          get you like a package deal where they could just laser off your whole body i don't think i could get laser with my tattoos um
          fair i just asked chance if he still shaves his legs or i said do you save your legs he says ha no not anymore so
          then i said why did you before and he is typing the suspense is on oh no he says i don't like hair lol
          i don't like hair either i don't like hair and if anyone try to say you're not manly or like girls don't like it
          whatever yeah i've never had an issue the proof is in the pudding ladies and gentlemen the proof is in the pudding
          well that's it that's all for podcast number 86 86.86 you've been 86
          during this podcast oh i was waiting for that you took it out of my mouth
          thank you very much for listening if you've listened to this long we love you we appreciate it do we still have mtp
          podcast vendors no we don't no that giveaway is no longer [Laughter]
          i was about to give away more like if you listen this long send us your address no offender no don't do that
          never mind if you've listened this long send us some fan mail we love you but we're out
          offenders really sorry guys we're at offenders and maybe we'll get some other gifts or schwag that we could give away
          for the people people who listen to the whole podcast deserve a promise if you want something
          yeah just send us uh your address and a self self-addressed envelope what's the stuff
          interesting we'll send you stickers send us a dm to
          the mtp podcast instagram account don't do that either or or the worldwide psychology email
          podcast okay yeah there's there's your directions yeah and we may or may not
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          stickers do we have stickers we have stickers no they're not yeah we're all light cyclers together
          cool yeah all right great well thanks gentlemen over and out thanks for listening see you later

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