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The PNW Loam Grip has quickly become a shop favorite among our employees as well as many of our customers. With grips being a very personal choice, when you see more than one person riding the same grip model there is normally a reason for that. The PNW grips have a great pattern that alternates between thick, thin and waffle style ridges around the grip. PNW Components set out to create a grip that is both comfortable while keeping your hands where they should be while riding. Let's check out what Rex has to say about his time riding the PNW Loam Grips.
These grips are fanF**King-tastic! I’ve been using the original grips on my bike for over two years and the thought never occurred to me that there was a possibility of a better option out there as far as grips. I figured since the stock grips were doing the trick for me and were better than the previous grips I had used, I didn’t see any need to buy new ones. After buying these PNW Loam Grips in Teal, I realized I was living well below my potential as far as comfort and performance. In 2018 I was acting like an idiot and taking my full suspension bike on some dirt jumps. It was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I had a huge case and went over the bars and fell 5 feet flat on my face. I broke my wrist in spectacular fashion and the surgeon said that my radius was “in about 57 pieces.” I worried I would lose my hand! Thankfully I was in the care of a competent surgeon and things healed just fine. Unfortunately, I still have no feeling in my thumb and first two fingers. It’s the price you pay for being an idiot! Not only did I break my wrist, but I found out on my first ride back that I broke my helmet in the crash as well! I began riding again within three months after the injury and wore a wrist brace for support.
Over time, the wrist brace tore my grip to shreds! I was too stubborn to buy a new set because I figured I’d just rip up the new set in no time. Well…time went on and I finally gave in and decided to buy the PNW Loam grips. My son did the research and I trusted his judgment. My first reaction was I was blown away by the comfort of the Loam grips. The second aspect I enjoy is the material has a high degree of friction which makes my hands feel secure on the bars. Thirdly I found the grips to be durable. After using the grips for over a month, I’ve noticed a spot on them from the wrist brace, but it’s only a mark and the material hasn’t degraded or shown signs of breakdown. From the design to the material, the PNW Loam grips have been a great improvement to my bike as well as my hand and has helped me get back on the bike.
I’ve been very impressed so far and I eagerly wait to see how the grips continue to treat me. I still wear a wrist brace when I ride, and I found my old grips to be uncomfortable after a while. I’m a big guy at 240 lbs all geared up and I haven’t had any issues with regard to discomfort. I like to send gap jumps and I’ve found the material in the Loam grips to be shock absorbent and I end up being able to ride longer without pain. PNW knocked it out of the park with these Loam Grips and I can stop telling my riding buds about them, I highly recommend these grips!
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