Park Tool THT-1 T-Handle Torx Wrench Set [Rider Review]

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Riding mountain bikes can be a lot of fun but once in a while you need to do routine maintenance. Having the proper tools can make daunting mechanical work easier for you. Our friend Greg shares his thoughts Park Tool THT-1 T-Handle Torx Wrench Set. Check it out!

Park Tool THT-1 T-Handle Torx Wrench Rider Review


Investing in a quality set of tools pays off for years to come. The satisfaction of doing it yourself feels great as long as the work is within your comfort zone and you don’t mess anything up. I often enjoy basking in the greatness of my hard work instead of my hard earned money. The Park Tool THT-1 T-Handle Torx Wrench Set set helps in the process of enjoying myself out in the garage. I call it mechanical therapy. The process of installing new parts and doing maintenance on your bike is completely a form of meditation. The right tool for the job helps ease the process into that perfect mediation state. Hand tools are usually the right tool for the job when working around your bike. They allow you to take apart and assemble parts without excessive wear and fear of stripping or over tightening bolts. To ensure I will have the right hand tool for the job I recently purchased the Park Tools Torx set.

Park Tool THT-1 T-Handle Torx Wrench Rider Review

The Park Tools set easily earns a wall spot with the included mount. I look forward to grabbing at these tools for years to come.

I see what Park Tools was aiming for with the design and build of these. The Beta 951’s set the bar pretty high with their T-handle tool set and they have become the choice toolset for professional bike mechanics around the world. The set does fall short and Park Tools have picked up on those and have come out with something I clearly tops the competition.

The wall mount stand is a greatly welcomed addition. Park Tools easily one upped Beta here considering their set does not even come with a wall mount. It is truly one of the greatest parts of this kit and easily looked over. The mount is well built, sturdy piece of kit. I was able to get it hung up with no problems. Another nice touch is the anti-slip coating.

Park Tool THT-1 T-Handle Torx Wrench Rider Review

The coating allows good traction on the tools. There are two ways to hang the tools, one securely in matching holes and another hanging off the edge for easy access. I choose to go for the more secure hanging solution because if one gets dropped in my garage it ends up behind the air compressor and fun to fish out.
Park Tools attempts to top the Beta again with the speed spinner. The spinner allows the tool to spin freely as you run in/out longer bolts. In practice, the spinner works nice but does sometimes get in the way of gripping the smaller keys with one hand. I did take note that the spinner is easily removable with small C clips holding it in place. For now, it is too dang useful to remove and will remain attached to my set.

Park Tool THT-1 T-Handle Torx Wrench Rider Review

Final Thoughts

Another feature the Park Tools set has over the Beta is a center locking detent on handle. The detent allows the handle to be firmly used into the middle position. Where the Beta handle slides freely around and locked into each side, the Park Tools set.

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March 29, 2021

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