New vs. Rebuilt Shock? Are Expensive Headsets Worth It? Plus a Wild Treasure Hunt & More... Ep. 145 [Podcast]

MTB Podcast

Today on the podcast, the boys discuss some awesome YouTube videos they have been working on as well as an endurance race that Jeff has entered in order to raise funds for Hurricane Helene relief before recapping the wildest treasure hunt ever and jumping into some epic listener questions ranging from if you should upgrade or service your shock to what the deal is with upgraded headsets and everything in between. Tune in!

Tasmania Trip: The Tassy Triangle

Jeff's 24 Hour Race Donation Link: Donate Here

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Here's a transcript of the podcast if you're weird and want to read it:

ladies and gentlemen welcome to episode 145 of the MTB podcast podcast podast
podcast it's been a while it has been a while presented and hosted by worldwide cycl I am Jared I am Jeff and I am Liam
in this episode we discuss some Sweet Bikes rides and runs and runs you put a
you put a little exclamation point question mark on we've been enjoying lately some epic
videos we've been working on a philanthropic 24-hour race I will be participating in plus some classic
listener questions ranging from how to build a mountain Biker's gravel bike to why anyone on Earth would spend more
money on an upgraded headset and everything in between those are a couple of very intriguing questions already off
the bat did you write that little intro yourself or did you jet GPT that one no I wrote that myself wow yeah I'm not
trying to give way jobs just like that J GPT yeah I'm trying to keep my job as
long as possible speaking of which Zach's words
of wisdom he still got his job for the words of wisdom find beauty in the ordinary how ni that that's pretty
classic it just makes me feel so warm one's been around a long time I'm sure that's really good yeah you know
sometimes you can be inspired by something and then you can kind of reg toate your own version or some sometimes
maybe it just comes to you you know but then you give out an idea it's already it's already happened you maybe that's
what happened with Zach yep speaking of which Daniel's fun fact the 1912 Olympics was the last time that gold
medals were actually solid gold since then they are silver medals with gold plating dude I'd be so bummed if I
worked my whole life to get a gold medal in the Olympics and then it's just plated gold yeah it would be pretty cool
if it was solid gold but it' probably be pretty pricey are gold are gold medals worth anything you mean like
it down and it's just gold is worth a lot but it's plated yeah not actual gold
well yeah the new ones but the old ones would be S is probably worth a decent amount like say you're an athlete and
like you know you're down on your luck you take that to a pawn shop oh yeah Oh you mean like if you sold the metal yeah
yeah yeah it's probably worth more not being smelted down it assumes maybe smelted smelted SCH smelted down just
like gold member in Austin Powers our think in just like our schmelt gold kazoo oh that's
right you get that from the SCH smelted from the Austin Powers well originally yeah remember in the whole schmelt
shelting accident yeah God that was a good movie such a good movie classic speaking of Classics this fantastic
testimonial oh speaking which thanks to everyone who reviewed us on trust pilot it is it really means a lot to us yeah I
wanted I wanted to shout that out because uh was it last episode I I explained all that I think it was the
last episode but yeah I made a request uh if you guys could leave us a review on trust pilot and we have now over 90
fstar reviews so I just wanted to say thank you for everyone that took the time to do that that was really kind of
you and I appreciate it and I would read all of you by name but there's almost a hundred and uh also was really surprised
that people are writing paragraphs like people aren't just mailing it in on these reviews they're writing paragraphs
about their experiences shopping with us and all sorts of stuff I was like whoa this is people are really nice means a
lot so thank you thank you everybody dedication so we will have a we have a
fantastic testimony right here read this one off worldwide cycy hooked me up with some absolutely gorgeous break pads the
attention to detail was stunning their follow-up email was like listening to the Deep meditative throat warbling of
Tibetan Monks high up in the Himalayas while sitting next to a stream it brought me to this acute sense of Zen
that allowed me to not only replace my breake pads but bleed my brakes as well thank you worldwide Cyclery because of
you I have breaks someone actually that someone wrote that yeah chat gbt it
could be how old was that review a couple months on our Google oh yeah so it could have been chat gbt Google month or Google Maps like you know you look at
the location shows all the all the reviews of our location business business location that was one of them
okay yeah I really like that one some people definitely put their best foot forward to write some comedic reviews
which which we def we certainly appreciate so serious ones or comedic
ones we we'll take them all thank you yeah this one was good yeah definitely brought a smile to my face yeah throat
warbling of Tibetan Monks is that the correct word for that I mean who knows meditative throat warbling I haven't
heard I would imagine it yeah it would be something like that
like yeah like digy do from we Australia further research in meditative throat
warbling I would love to rip a dig my buddy had one we used to rip it no way do those huge things that they
austral oh that's what that's called tube yeah our Australian listeners can
canfam all right on you I thought you said canfam and then I realized you said
confirm a somewhat Australian exit that's pretty good speaking of
things that put a smile on our face bikes and rides we've been enjoying lately Jeff why don't you tell us about some bikes you've been riding lately
well I have uh been riding two of my bikes recently my Yeti ASR as well as my
Revel L Hefe which is rigid and we'll talk a little bit more about that later cuz we made a video about it recently
but yeah uh I guess the most recent memorable ride was we rode a friend of ours we call him formerly Big Mike
because he used to be big and now he's not so we call him formerly Big Mike and
uh he's in much better shape than he ever ever was he came down he lives in Petaluma NorCal came down to SoCal to
ride some bikes with us and we did what about 22 mies something like that all
around the Cano Valley here Santa Monica Mountain Sycamore Canyon M and we actually got some clouds and a little
bit of rain and it rained on us and we rode a portion of the backbone Trail when it was all slick and little muddy
and raining out and very ominous it was it was very rare it's not like that very often and yeah that was a ton of fun and
Mike had a great time and um yeah it was it was amazing you also rode an ASR our
demo bike right yeah mhm I love that bike yeah Jared's in love I Jared's was
love at first ride and uh just you know count down the days maybe one day I'll have one I don't know trying to sell
sell bikes and like slim down the the stable and then bet you you'll have one in like six weeks it's the cycle you
know life is cyclical in itself and so is our bike Stables they shrink they grow it's just a mattering fact they
just change you have a lot of bikes right now or a few I don't know yeah yeah I leave and then I come back and
this guy's guy well I sold that but I built this I sold that but I you're on your second ASR already how does that
make any sense my second came out less than a year ago and you already have a second one he's probably the only guy in
the world who St probably yeah yeah it could be yeah I like my second one more
too I think just cuz it's what the paint's different it's custom painted that one the paint it's a more simple
it's just more simple um a little bit better for everyday writing uh yeah I don't know I just I got set up
really well so I've been really enjoying writing that lately I got Fox suspension on it with just normal Crown adjust you
know lockout so no cables no less batteries kind of as a whole across the whole bike um just pretty simple build
man it's really cuz your last one had a sid on it full flight attendant Sid luux flight attendant yeah it's full flight
attendant had like nine batteries on it um super great for racing and like the
best bike I could have for that but for everyday riding I just feel like this one's a little more enjoyable it's more
simple weighs about the same cuz a fly tant had some weight and the suspension is lighter but I've got like a little
bit heavier Parts here and there yeah I just really enjoy riding it it's more tailored exactly to the things you like
to do on a bike yeah exactly it's nice just to grab it and go out the garage um
so I've been enjoying that so now you have that and you have the rail 29 that
you're selling rail 29 that I'm selling or trying to sell 29 currently for sale so if anyone is interested in a very
dialed rail 29 very dial slide in the DMS yeah um or shoot us an email yep
podcast at worldwide Cy or you can just email info at worldwide Cy say yo looking for Liams rail 29 for sale which
currently it's it's posted on the pink bike byell form yeah I think I'm going to get all the used bikes back onto the
main website oh yeah yeah it's a good call yeah we did that at one point when we had a lot of demo bikes and stuff and
um I think I might do that again cuz a lot of people ask oh what about use bikes and it's like well we have some on this pink bike for the California store
some from the store some store yeah so I'd be like put in one place for put it all in one place yeah um yeah no I have
a revel Rascal V2 that's right I forgot about that that I've been riding um sick
really enjoying that I kind of been dialing that into changed out a bunch of parts and made it 150 fork and tires and
now it's like I put a 50 mil stem on it it's just perfect honestly that bike normally has 144 CR 144 came with a 40
mil stem so good with a 15 yeah I had the linear super Lux air can I put the progressive on there so just just like a
bunch of little stuff little Tweaky little tweaks here and there and stuff and it's really enjoyable so sick yeah
that is a fun bike to have 130 mil travel 29 in Wheels 150 mil fork good
tires yeah I got some a little bit over tired I guess for it but yeah we've been
doing this sick Loop out in like the uh east side of the Santa Monica Mountains from where we live um and it's super
good there's like four proper steep down Hills out there that you can make in one big like 20 mile loop on a trail bike
nice super fun that sounds pretty sick great bike for that Loop that does that does you know what you've been riding
Jared ebikes yeah EES lots of E I know a little bit too much little bit too much
uh eik you get ebike legs yet you know the first ride back from an ebike is
always like brutal well especially I mean like I was riding my sp140 that has
like you know d double down tires Max grip and [ __ ] like that pardon my French but um uh you know and then I jump on
the ASR and I'm like my God like this thing is fast and so I'm like okay um
but yes I have been riding the ebike a lot the DJI Ando PL carbon Pro
well and yeah that bike is absolutely uh mental getting mental on rental mate
mental the rental for those of you that don't know DJI the the company most
known for their drones made a ebike system they say so ebike system is their
battery and motor am flow is sort of their brand bike brand and uh not really
for sale yet but they've given it to a handful of different reviewers us included and we made a video about it
okay not for sale in the US apparently people have taken orders uh overseas
and some people might have even already got them already but um a little bit you know just some uh legislative gymnastics
I guess because the the I guess apparently the max wattage for a ebike
like is 750 watts of assistance oh in the DJ so that bike is literally too fast to be sold in the US apparently so
they probably just have to have like a region code or you know some sort of software update just for the US or who
knows people want fast man who knows if they even I guess that's to be class one right because then you have all the
class twos with throttles that rip dude some of my friends have those and they go so fast insane it's basically just
electric dirt bike yeah um but you know hopefully eventually we get them uh State side but I guess the long-term
play for them is probably just to sell their motor battery system to the
battery motor manufacturers so what what was crazy was you took the time to look
at all of the latest and greatest ebikes out there and uh the out the size of the
battery the power of the motor and the weight of the overall bike and DJI Just Smokes everyone on the specs for all
that pretty much yeah I would say the next closest bike in power would be that Rocky Mountain has like 105 Newton met
750 watt is that their own motor it is yeah which that's kind of crazy but cool
it's yeah it has its own but it's like a full fat of own full fat e it is full
fat and it's yeah the way it dries is off so like the driver is off the hard
true huh yeah not and it runs a normal bottom bracket so it kind of has its own little quirks of it's you know but how
heavy is that bike that's a 50 plus yeah so that's way heavier than this DJI totally different class in so yeah if
you take the 600w hour battery DJI which is 42 lbs with the power I mean that's
insane that's almost 10 lb lighter than the Rocky and you have so much power so
yeah that bike is pretty uh pretty sweet um I got to say it's pretty cool just to see the trajectory that ebike technology
is headed um I can't even imagine 5 years down the line I mean you remember what a ebike looked like you know those
High bikes like with the battery slapped on the tever giant bolted on batteries and it just like is a bucket of bolts
riding down the trail yeah um so yeah I was pretty impressed with the DJI and like yeah like I said looking forward to
seeing what is uh you know what comes in the future it's pretty cool if you're
curious hop on to the old YouTubes and type in Old wde Cyclery DJI ebike I'm
sure that'll bring it up yeah it'll pop her up I did Trevor wrote it and I was on a bike with it the Uno with a TQ
motor MH and then I was full sprinting like pegging my heart rate
zone 4 to try to keep up and he was like seat bouncing like rocks uphill on it
just having a blast like literally smiling like looking back and I'm like full XE race mode trying to keep up with
him and I'm like all right this isn't even fun it's nuts yeah um speaking of e
bikes we are riding the new Crestline uh ls60 and rs180 and we're going to have a
video coming out on those pretty soon so those areow coming out this month coming
out this month yeah Bosch performance stuff from Thanksgiving hop on YouTube and watch some e bike videos about
Crestline there you go yeah it has uh the new Bosch update motor on it um it's
pretty cool is like a minor update nothing crazy but it's quieter and a few
other things and yeah yeah as always with Crestline dial Bill Kip very dialed like grab it no don't need to change a
single part on it hop on yeah that's what I love about troyan's attention to detail with these bikes he's like what
parts would I put on my bike I'm going to put them on the crest line like do I want it lighter do I want it more Burly
and durable like boom done Tran's going to be on the next podcast right is that the next one I think that is the next
one yeah something like that weeks so if you have ebike questions or questions for Crestline email those to podcast at
worldwide cycl great idea plug wow love that um so yeah looking forward to
riding those bikes it's just it's very interesting right cuz like there's all these different Motors and it's like
who's going to have the best one and like who's going to fall off I think we
know you that's just very interesting to see like right because uh one is going to excel in one area and one's going to
excel in another area like one's going to be super quiet like when you're riding and going downhill and one maybe has more power like or one it's lighter
so they're all going to be it's like the technology Wars all over again well since we've been talking about ebikes we
now know that Steve Moen of chasing epic has dropped this pod and gone on to another
podcast uh we we can say that we have some we
have a tentative trip with Steve uh in Whistler still very still tentative still still tentative first week of June
uh something like that y uh if you guys want to ride some bikes with us in Whistler and we have a confirmed trip
with Phil Ki Phil kiwi Phil Phil which uh longtime podcast listeners will
remember he was on it was not that long ago year ago maybe yeah something like that he's the one who helped us uh piece
together that epic Italy trip truly and yeah we're going to do Tasmania so all three of us are going to go ride bikes
in Tasmania down under worldwide down under worldwide down under so if you want to
ride with us that's going to be an amazing trip Phil really knows what he's doing and I think he said it's his
wife's brother that like works and runs the shuttle company or something out there so he's got some family
Connections in tazzy technically that's his brother-in-law oh yeah that would that's how it all pans out
right I couldn't remember if he said his wife's brother or his wife's uncle or
his Uncle I can't remember what he told me um a relative of Phils yeah is gonna
help so link below in the video description I'm so used to saying that for YouTube videos Link in the podcast
description depending on where you're watching this uh if you want to check out that Tasmania trip good call um we invite you all to come ride bikes with
us in Tasmania and yeah that's going to be R that's pretty cool I've never been to Tasmania or Australia so you haven't
been Australia no but you been to newand yeah I did New Zealand with Phil in 2019 and that was one of the cooler
trips ever yeah that was the first time I met Phil and his whole gig and went to New Zealand and yeah that was that was
Unreal so so and before this trip sorry little segue you're going to Papa guini I'm going to
Papa guini that's crazy yeah are you doing one of those wayfinder trips there yeah yeah so my my buddy Mike bersick uh
who who puts on these Adventure travel trips for entrepreneurs he's doing a he always does these crazy remote locations
which I've been fortunate enough to go to a handful of these things which is why I've been to these weird obscure places and the next obscure place I'm
going to is poing Guinea nice going to go roast some coffee that's the only thing I know about that there's a lot of
Cofe roting that's what people say coffee roasting or cannibalism unfortunately it's got a reputation for cannibalism yeah that's that's the main
thing it's got a reputation for Yang huh tribal Warfare It's got some odd reputations out there so would you like
a would you like a rib with your French Press that's crazy it is it is nuts um
be safe I mean I it's apparently that's long in the history I mean come on look back at the history of any country it's
all effed up big time Big Time big one way or another so we all got some skeletons in our closet yeah everybody
does if you go back a few hundred years or a few thousand um so yeah popping into Guinea for a little bit and then
yeah straight from there I'll spend a few days in Australia and then go to tazzy for for the trip epic so wow that
should be good I'm looking forward to that not bad the other thing I'm looking forward to um that I would that I would
like to mention is so uh many of you know we have a a shipping option on on
the worldwide cycler website and on the kettle website that's called hand delivery by Jeff and it's $1,000 and
essentially you can buy that and I will actually hand deliver your package I've done this a handful of times uh the most
memorable one was the one in Rochester New York where I was really trying to think what could we do that would be
special so I can deliver all these bike parts in Rochester New York and Jared goes you should see if you could hire a
mariachi band I don't know where that came in head I don't either but it actually
worked I hunted down the only Mariachi ban in the Greater Rochester New York area and called them told them what I
was trying to do and they said yeah you want us to just do a couple songs while you deliver a box and I said yes that's
it Weir request I know it probably those guys probably still laugh at that to this day um easiest gig for them I know
seriously so somebody else uh this gentleman named Craig Engle he actually purchased the hand delivery and this was
a this was a Sly move on this guy he a smart dude he knows he knows me he know
slime move so he purchased a hand uh $1,000 hand delivery on some bird wheels
and in his note he said hey you know I request Jeff to to come out to to deliver these wheels on December 7th at
the uh Old Fort strong endurance race and i' also would like him to consider doing it it's a it was a it's a 24-hour
race um with the entire concept to raise money for uh all of the hurricane Helen
damage that happened in Western North Carolina which is as everyone knows is a incredible mountain bike area and uh I
was like I love races this looks I was like this looks cool I love racing you
know I like fundraising and customer appreciation yeah I was like this this is right up my alley so I looked into it
and you could you could do the 24 you could do 12 or 24hour and you could either do it running or riding so I said
hey can you put me in touch with the race director because I want to ask him if I could do 12 on foot and 12 on bike because that sounds the most fun and the
race director goes yeah sure no problem so let do whatever yeah I he just like
whatever dude fundraising raise money come out here you want to run for 12 ride for 12 whatever so it's two
separate courses um yeah in Old Fort North Carolina and uh yeah I'm I'm
stoked I I can't wait to go out to that um part part of that fundraiser is you get your own donation page on run signup
so that will also be a link below I would genuinely appreciate it if all of you listening could go click on that and
take a look and if there's uh some kindness in your heart chip away a little donation at my page I'm trying to
raise $5,000 all of it goes directly to the Old Fort strong fund which is put
together to help rebuild all of these homes and all this damage that happened in Western North Carolina from that hurricane so I thought it was really
cool I was like wow this is an amazing philanthropic thing that they're hosting and putting on this huge event and I'm
excited to be a part of it and try and try and raise some money and contribute to it and also go there and and uh
participate in the 24 hours of fun and a customer invited you yeah I know amazing
it's a trifecta it's a trifecta and he's got some air bnbs in that area they're kind of mountain bike themed with bike
stands and stuff yeah oh sweet I saw saw in the counter so no way yeah pumped and
Li Liam uh graciously offered to come and be my my mechanic mechanic support and documentation love it so Liam's
going to be there um yeah it's December 7th is the well it's the 7th into the
8th 10:00 a.m. that's awesome 10 a.m. to 10 a.m. you should totally bring uh one of those action cams and yeah idea
footage so great yeah I'll get that make for a great Vlog Vlog it up dude Vlog that up
that with some some other angles and photos and stuff it'll be sweet yeah that' be awesome yeah I'm I'm curious to
see what these courses look like it seems like they have quite a bit of elevation in them but my my tenative
plan which may totally change after I pre-ride and run the course is 35 on
foot and 50 on the bike we'll see5 minutes I thought both of those 35 miles
oh miles yeah 35 miles 12 hour yeah 35 mil running on the 12h hour block and then 50 mil riding on the I can ask
Gordon quadw worth he's doing it and he's out there so is that basically 3 miles hour on foot and then uh yeah a
little bit faster ex yeah mhm ni oh you could do that well it be four on foot yeah it just depends on the the terrain
really there's a ton of elevation slippery Andes pretty achievable yeah in
12 hours 35 sounds long yeah 50 sounds short in my opinion but yeah it all
depends on the the trick is I mean you can totally just Bonk yourself out on the Run leg and then be useless on the
bike for 12 hours so you start with run yeah start with run yeah speaking of which how you're talking about changing
bikes when you go from a light bike to a heavy bike or heavy bike to a light bike if you ever do a really long run and
then you hop on a bicycle it is mindblowing how nice that feels like why
haven't I been doing this yeah you you put in such little effort and you're just soaring and you you can coast and
you can coast and I mean if anyone who's done a longdistance run you know on a long distance run you know hour or two
into it you just start feeling like you're putting in everything you have and you're just slogging and you're just not going that far and you feel like
that and then you hop on a bike immediately and you're just like this is unbelievable so that's why I decided to
do run to ride yeah that makes sense well speaking of long distance RS we forgot to talk about how we ran the half marathon with Big Mike formerly Big Mike
oh yeah so formerly Big Mike oh yeah this is a funny story a great story formerly Big Mike coming down for the weekend to ride bikes with us uh he's
driving down on Friday and uh Jared says oh I'm going to end up doing the Santa
Barbara half marathon you know fairly last minute because another one of your friends decided to sign up and and Zach
is going to be there uh cuz cuz his fiance was running it and she runs the Cano Valley run club and a bunch of them
are going to be there so I was like man I kind of want to do that I was like I'll text Mike and see if he wants to do it so I I text Mike this is Friday at I
don't know 300 p.m. or something maybe noon on Sunday the RAC is on Sunday I go Mike so obviously we have plans to do a
Big M ride Saturday do you also want to run the Santa barar half marathon on Sunday and he replies and he says I'm
hella down for that half marathon but how long is that though I feel like he had to have known
there's no way come on you know formally Big Mike know did he think about the mileage or was he saying like how long
is that going to take type of like how long who knows both did he did yeah I I
couldn't believe I I mean what was our time 2 209 211 or something yeah I I
just treated him like my racehorse I was like I'm going to make sure he does a good job nice and I carried gels and and
stuff for him and I was like feeding him at the right time intervals and stuff you're probably better support than
anyone on that course probably oh my God yeah everybody's probably like why does this guy have some personal trainer he's like Mike you're going too fast I know
yeah yeah people were definitely giving us odd looks cuz people that were running at that pace were all out of breath and I was just chatting away with
Mike trying to like coach rate 12 yeah and then he's at one point he's he's going I'm like Mike what
the hell are you doing he's like I'm breathing through my nose you get better oxygen absorption through your nose and I go Mike you are not smarter than a
couple million years of human evolution just turn your brain off and breathe through both simultaneously like what
your body would do naturally he's like no I think I'm like no no no no just stop it it was the weirdest like people
were looking at us it was such a crowd what 5,000 people ran that it was a crowded Marathon everywhere it
was awesome and it was just hilarious man but he crushed it you ran hard he tried tried hard and did we had fun we
goofed around out there and yeah it was it was awesome what a day yeah what a day what a fun what a fun event I don't
usually ever like to run on the on the road but if I'm going to do it that's a that's a fun place to do it marching
bands and stuff it was crazy at face Valley why would I do this but then like
you go there and the whole experience is like okay this is actually kind of fun no it was a good VI it totally was yeah
it was fun I wouldn't never try and go and run it fast cuz it was just so crowded shoulder-to-shoulder people everywhere oh my God and last year uh
they had the 5K people mixed in with the half at the end and so I was like dodging all these people just walking
laughing and joking I'm like get out of the way like I'm done I'm try to
finish oh yeah that was that was a great story I thought people would appreciate that yeah that was good I couldn't join
on the ride or the run my ank blown up from running from run Club from
run Club yep Liam and and Zach are trying to really support uh Carly Zach's fiance who's doing this Cano Valley run
club and so they're going and running once a week and you went a little too hard I don't know what it is I'm still
convinced I swapped I was great all summer running you know good Pace
whatever same shoes swap shoes because of Jeff oh we didn't talk about your treasure hunt oh yeah we got talk
treasure hun after the break we got talk about that after I forgot that's a good one I was washing the washing my shoes
after that and they're still wet so I like oh I've got another pair of running shoes no big deal I've ran in them before I'll take these to the Run club
tonight yeah it's five miles you know not a big deal and yeah jacked it up
then I also crashed on my bike the next week dude like on Wednesday I had like a pretty decent slide out I didn't think
it was that bad but Cory who's behind me keeps telling me how hard I hit the ground dang he was that bad it's just a
slide out he told me last night he's like dude you hit the ground hard like whatever so then that evening I went and
ran again and that second run after the crash I don't know if the crash had anything to do with it but that's when
it blew up and it was bit swollen and you break in the new shoes or you broke them in in the FIV mile run the thing is
none of them were new oh my my take on this oh is that when you're a
aerobically fit person from something swimming cycling mountain biking whatever and you're not adapted at all
to running you start running and you're your heart and lungs and everything I'm fine I can run I can run I can run
that's what happens to me but yeah it happens everyone happened to me when I started running years ago after I I was aerobically aerobic base was there from
mountain biking but it wasn't just like all the tendons and ligaments and all those other different little muscles
like you just running is just a it's it's a different beast in terms of how it beats up on your lower body and um
you can really overdo it yourself because I just thought it was odd because I've been running all summer at
basically the sameish pace without issue and then swap the shoes and there goes
the ankle so oh no better refund those shoes and next time on the worldwide
Runners podcast yeah enough of this running stuff and now a word from our sponsors
feeling overwhelmed by endless political chatter and virtue signaling well it's time to dive into all the worldwide cyy
content nothing but pure mountain bikes with our absolute promise to keep it fun PG-13 and always always free of even a
queef of anything political we have a podcast YouTube channel and a website full of well-written in-depth articles
about all things mountain bikes and now back to the show and we're back and we
had briefly alluded to the fact that we did some sort of treasure hunt we you did where were you well I I mean like
the Royal we man like worldwide jar had his feet up on his
couch that weekend let me think uh dude you you l saw it on your garment connect you went
for a mountain bike ride like 15- M ride and you didn't participate in my treasure hun I think it was a
run remembers that stuff yeah I was trying to get some Panic miles in before the half marathon dude give me a break
you know it would have been a good way to do that and get paid at the same time participate in my treasure hunt these guys already had the whole thing locked
down what are we three ways we thought no you could have just gone for the $300 jar once you knew they were going for
the $100 and the $200 jars so to give some backstory here
story yeah yeah to give some backstory here I had I had an idea and uh I don't know where it
came from exactly or who came up with it I don't know I don't remember what it was I think I saw some guy on Tik Tok
who did something kind of funny and it made me think of this other idea he was just hiding these weird things and weird
locations in Japan or something and I thought okay you know what would be cool which got me excited like this is the
only thing I've been excited about doing social media on social media not just in
life just on social Med I just I'm so over social media I'm like you know what what actually sounds exciting to do on social media is maybe to do this
treasure hunt I'm going to hide cash uh in different places all around the world and make people search for them all
around the world the world so I had this big long drawn on idea and I was like okay I got to start small I'm going to start with uh I'm going to prototype
this idea with just the the crew here in California and see how it works and what
they do and what I learn and how they handle it and all that sort of stuff so so what I did was I hid three jars one
of them with $100 one with $200 and one with $300 uh increasing difficulty to
acquire the jars based on the amount of cash actual cash I put an air tag in them and actual $100 bills and then I
you know I wrote up my little disclaimer a little and a couple tips and I sent it out the disclaimer after he went out and
hid them all yeah I hid them all and had issues while hiding nearly killed I nearly killed myself twice I nearly
killed myself hiding some of these um but uh so I wanted to see what happened so uh so you know it was a little last
minute so not everyone could commit um but of course you know the guys who say who like to say yes committed oh as he
looks at me so so uh Liam and Zach said yes and
and they went out there on early on Saturday morning you guys started and went for the $100 jar and the $200 jar
first right yeah so so Jeff sends this out I don't know you probably sent out the chat at like 9:30 or 10 p.m. at
night with the three coordinates the three only coordinates that he gave us right so I'm I get home I'm it's like
11:00 p.m. I look up these coordinates real quick I'm like boom no problem make a quick route on my Garmin sink it I'm
like Zach we're going to be out there for four and a half hours we're good I don't know why I thought it was
going to be easy so not giv away $600 easy Z and
based on the route Zack and I headed out to the $200 one first um Jeff did to
Jeff's point he did give us a very good tip on this one he said here's the point however go to this point and head
Southeast to the next Point okay so we go there we go to the
first point he said go from here and head Southeast well it was about a 20 foot ride I don't know what you call
that Creek uh 20ft wide Creek that about 4T to 5 ft deep um and and the next
point was about 100 yards down the creek so of course Zach and I don't listen to
Jeff and we try to go on either side of the banks to try to get in it's completely jungled out super thick we
can barely get to the bank by the time we got to the bank we still couldn't get that far it was like a 15t cliff and
then I finally found the the jar floating in the middle of the creek it's like a 15 20t Cliff so we
finally get around we get kind of close to it and we're like all right we got to go full body in me and Zach rock paper
scissors for it I win Zach loses he goes all the way and gets it he's stoked holds it over his head yeah we got
number one and right we get out a sadistic man we don't even got $200 just
like that we don't even we don't even look at it we get out we get out and we're going to a little bench we knew
right near us walk you know I got a microfiber and cleaning my feet putting clothes back on I open it up and uh oh I
give Zack a Payday I brought six payday days for each time we got each time we got a a jar with money yeah I I had them
from something and they're little mini like TR trick- or- tree size yeah I'm like yeah we got payday we eat it I open
up the jar I'm like ha no we didn't this is another coordinate my God so we punch in this
coordinate we get you want me to read what was in there so in inside the floating jar inside the floating jar in
the river uh was uh was a little note that said R you thought you struck gold eh but hold fast mie looks like you've
only found yourself a clue jar the true treasure takes a bit more grit you see but don't fret just follow the paths at
top the Rocks you'll find the prize you seek I swear it on the seven C's keep your eyes sharp and you'll have your reward right he and then there's a
little scribbled piece of paper that says 34222 852 degrees North 118 9131
161 degrees west what an absolute Savage so punch that in it's on you know kind
of the other side of the Zone we were in so go over there off Trail we had to scramble up pretty good little Cliff
band and some rock faces like Zach was like not having it Zach doesn't really like doing I thought I when I climbed up
there I thought I was Zach's going to throw in the towel on this cuz it's pretty pretty exposed the rock scrambling was pretty rugged yeah and
I'm I'm pretty quick at that stuff so I like you know Jam right up there and it it was hard to find this one for a while
um so then we finally figured out okay this is what we're doing it's not easy it's going to take a while give you the
coordinates to the treasure definitely didn't get us coordinates to the treasure coordinates to the first clue and then god um yeah so you know that
was that go to the second one uh pretty similar deal uh we did I did that was
probably my main error navigation error was I went up the Ridge and I should
have yeah I should have went through the valley and up the other side I realized that once I was getting on top of the
Ridge and I could see the valley and I was like ah I should have been down there and instead I'm up here so I gave
myself an extra I don't know 800t of climb CL or something like that together um so then and and all of these we had
like stash our bikes in the bushes swap from riding shoes to hiking shoes and then get on the hiking shoes and get up
the hill you know um so get this get the $100 first clue and while I'm getting
over there meanwhile I see like a mountain Li cage or release cage or
tagging cage or some some sort of mountain lion thing with game cameras from the parks department from from the
National Park Service with like full games and the S like it looked like a release cage it looked like either a release cage or somehow they tagging
them in there I don't really know but either way I'm like where am I a little spooked you know wild these are not
marked Trails these are not marked Trails the shop oh up here this is above the shop yeah it was way up there off
the grade yeah yeah yeah I remember the point now yeah so technically still at Koo open space area yeah yeah
so I'm on top of this rock and I see the jar down there I got to get around I get down to the jar same thing this one says
uh take 100 Paces uh 45° North or something like that um so I'm up there
and searching for a while Weaver finally catches up comes around the you know finds where I'm at I'm looking for like
15 20 minutes for this jar cannot find it he finds it cool we got the $100 jar so now we're getting back to the bikes
at this point I'm riding back across newray Park um it's like we started at
7:40 in the morning it's now something like 1:40 or something like that and
Weaver's like I'm done I'm smoked dude like I'm not doing this I'm like all right cuz you're probably already at
four 5,000 FT elevation and 30 miles 20 30 miles and 6 hours you know and on
foot and bike and navigating and thinking right so it's like mentally taxing food physically taxing race yeah
no totally but a unique style of one that I invented recently yeah so I was like I was like I still got time I still
got energy I'm going to go for this next point so I drop in to Sycamore now get
all the way out to the next point it's pretty hot that day and windy I'm climbing hell Hill like six and a half
seven hours in I think I'm had to like hold my FTP up that hill to get up the
hill at this point and I'm pretty smoked dropping to La Hoya Canyon which is like
not really trafficked at all like I'd probably say it's like nobody ever goes back no one ever's back back there so
I'm back there get to the near the next Point um trying to find it trying to
look at the maps don't have great service I'm like bouncing all around trying to get a lick of service to track this down and I knew I had a feeling
once I saw this water and where the point was and I'm like oh it's like swim swimming distance in this water right
now right I was like I'm getting soaked again so I finally kind of start getting in there and I'm looking for it and um
i' I'm I'm about ankle is deep in this swamp essentially it's a swamp yeah it's a swamp yeah and it's a giant swamp
and um I finally see it and I'm like oh there it is it's like 12 feet in right
and I'm like ah okay I try to find like a Long Branch I found one long enough and I'm like I got a string and I Tred
to the and it's tied to the read you got to get all the way in there serious so
I'm like all right I'll go in there dude I I take like two or three steps then all of a sudden boom I sink all the way
down like past my knee deep and like and I fall forward like oh swamp is dangerous well yeah so then I
finally get this one get out and at this point I told friends I was going to go to his campsite up in Lake acus I'm like
all right let me just grab this clue and jam out of here let me get home I don't look at it well kind of wanted to claim
it because if you stole the first jar second one would be Trevor wouldn't be able to go do it the next day which
that's a little tweak I need to make for future treasure h no I definitely I definitely I felt a little Weaver is in
that moment yeah yeah like I definitely was like I don't really like that I'm doing kind of block it out kind kind of
blocking it you know but hey you know that that's why it's it's a test you know yeah it's a treasure hunt not a
treasure find that's exactly right that's what she said so I didn't look at it and I should have because it was
about 200 yard from where I was the next clue yeah so I go all the way home have
my night you had to ride like 12 13 miles into the canyon to get it yeah and
then and then I rode 12 13 mil and then I you know went home did my thing for the night came back the next
day wrote yeah well then I read it at home I'm like oh you're an idiot but cool no worries I know exactly where I
have to go so then next day I get down there I chat Jeff because now I'm solo I
chat Jeff I'm like here's my location I'm going in Solo and he just writes me back cuz tip you don't have to climb
anything something like that anything vertical don't climb anything don't climb anything vertical I'm like okay what does that mean cuz so on the map I
I saw it was on bathroom in La Hoya I'm like oh it's on the roof for sure but he says don't climb anything vertical
there's a pit toilet that's out in La Hoya that nobody ever uses in a structure they built God knows how long
ago yeah so oh and meanwhile when I was in the swamp I'm like after seeing this
mountain line cage I'm like spooking myself out I'm like 2 2 3 p.m. in this
Canyon by myself the only water source within 10 mile radius 15 mile radius
maybe maybe 20 yeah and here you are flailing animal just like come get me my
in Solo and I just have the weirdest feeling in my stomach like I'm being watched anything that's alive in the
Santa Monica Mountains goes to that water yeah and I'm like the only water every noise I'm like super hesitant
anyways 5 days later buddy literally had a full Mountain line jump out of him 100
yards from that Watering Hole no so I wasn't wrong with my intuition wow so yeah next day I go back down there find
this one it's but Jeff taped it on the roof of the string hanging off so good
taped that I literally was wrapping a string around my hand all of my weight on it it's just packaging tape what did
you I thought you'd be able to just grab the string and yank down on the string and it would rip the packaging tape the
jar and it just all I was like cutting off the circulation of my hand trying to pull this damn thing down dude so I have
to like it's behind the building with all this super thick bushes and Chael and I got to wedge my bike in there
climb up on my bike get this thing off then I get prototype one of I get next clue and I'm like and and I had expected
I had expected from this point I'm I'm I mentally prepared had enough food and water and everything to go on foot now
for the next what's a bony hike three hours yeah I I was like I'm doing a three-h hour hike right now I'm going to
the top of bony this is where this one is so I mentally prepared for that so then I see the location like oh it's not
and the clue says something like I promise the treasures here type of deal
and I'm like oh I don't have to go up Bon there might be another clue another clue or something like that but I don't know
so at this point I'm like super optimistic and stoked zip my bike over Overlook to the the next Point get up
there um hit a point I got to go another like 300 Paces down this Ridge Pand and
uh yeah got the $300 one and oh so there's two clues for the $300 one so he
had he went to the swamp and then on top of the bathroom and the bathroom yeah yeah the swamp the bathroom and then
there was a basically off of Overlook Trail there's a big peak and there was just a coordinate but there wasn't a
clue so there was a coordinate that said to go there then draw a bearing and then take 300 Paces from that from that
coordinate following that bearing yeah and that's where the $300 dve yeah yeah
so got got that one came home all said and done it's like 11 or 12 hours moving
probably well I made it I made it an extra probably 2 hours longer and an
extra 2,000 F feet extra than it had to be if I would have done it all in one day it would have been 2 hours shorter
and 2,000 fet less but so it's like 11 and 12 hours probably 8 or 9,000 ft um
and probably 2/3 on bike one/ thir on foot yeah so like that yeah M and I recorded everything so we have to do
something with that yeah we should yeah I think we throw it all into stories and then we can save the story as a
highlight IDE yeah it's it's a prototype one of the treasure onun for sure I mean I think people would be interested in
this especially if we extrapolate this and start putting more and more money in these things like if I put you know $500
Kettle gift card and $1,000 cash and I hid this thing and then put that on social media six points six Clues yeah I
think I could make this really fun and entertaining my my only slight worry is I I don't I need to make I need to
balance it so it's not too hard and then I also need just just in terms of liability so if anyone listening is
familiar with this odd type of legal liability I would love to talk to you
but I've looked up some other treasure hunts random like random YouTuber Mr Beast did the stupid treasure hunt before and I don't think people are
signing waivers to do these things then I read this whole story about this guy who had $2 million in the Rocky Mountains and lasted 10 years and five
people died looking for it heard about that he never got sued so I don't know it's since seems very plausible but then
you look at geocaching and geocaching you cannot access any of the locations
of geocaches until you sign up for an account on the website which doing so you have to sign up to all their terms
of service okay so which I don't know it's like I don't want to make people go through all that mess so my disclaimer
my disclaimer uh written by chat gbt slightly modified which is uh cs's legal
advice let's see I I put please note by participating in this treasure hunt you acknowledge that you were doing so at your own risk please exercise caution be
more prepared than you think you need to be carry tons of water food lights a first aid kit and wearing shanigan pants
is a smart idea most of all don't be dumb and have fun so good for for everything though I
as well prepared didn't need anything I didn't have so yeah that's pretty good
the a knife a a well I guess I had a knife I just tucked away but a quick access knife for that tap knce jeez yeah
so the kettle Mountain treasure hunt coming soon to our Instagram wow it can be really fun like I might have to do a
couple more prototypes but when we go on off this first when we go north Carolina set a day out and we shove them out
there there you that's what my thought is is just is as I travel around I can start to concoct these really expensive
ones ones that have you know5 $10,000 in them and they can be like the clue points can be in different states you
know so who's you know some people might be interested screw it I'm going to do it type stuff yeah like almost but very
outdoorsy unique take on the whole thing yeah so and the you know but I I do need to figure out cuz cuz the the whole
thing will kind of rely on a bit of an honor System people can't steal the clues you know so if you stole a clue
you kind of screwed up for you have to assume that like for instance if you're going to put one in Tasmania and or Papa
New Guinea definitely won't put one there that one isn't going to get lost or yeah
whatever is then somebody's going to be like I got a plane ticket to do this and it's not here yeah yeah well that's
that's the other thing I mean just just like in so in adventure racing if you think you're at a checkpoint and you
believe that you know Mother Nature has taken it or somebody stole it or something um you you write your team
name on this little orange tape and you put it there and then they also and you're supposed to take uh you're supposed to take a photo so you're on
the only electronic you can have like you have your phone that's in a sealed marked bag and then you're supposed to
have a digital camera and that is for taking a photo of just saying like hey our team's here look at this and then
you show that to the race director so he can have that as confirmation as well as your your GPS tracker to see like okay
you were actually there I'll give you credit for that checkpoint someone must have stolen it makes sense um so there's
that piece of the puzzle too so I have I have some more Kinks to figure out here but I have a feeling people who are adventurous will find this really fun
and entertaining and it seems like something I would love to do so I was like if I just do this on social media and see how it goes but you know my only
slight hesitation is the liability aspect and also making sure people don't steal the clues and things like that
yeah as long as you don't make them super dangerous I mean I'm sure there's yeah I not would try to make him not dangerous but I mean everything's
dangerous to some extent right yeah like he tried to go he did want to put in the swamp further and he said he got he got
in there and he went from Knee Deep like like I went from ankle deep to knee deep but he went from Knee Deep to chest deep
yeah I was panicked well I had I had my pack on me and I was trying to find an
entry point to get in there and i' had crawled through all this overgrown stuff and I was on top of all these Fallen
sort of branches and reads in the swamp and I was kind of on all fours like a cat crawling out on those things and
then I was like okay I'm going to stand up now and then walk my way to the edge of this and assuming I would be at maybe
waist deep and then I would start sort of waiting and find a spot to put this thing and I walked towards the edge and
then just very quickly just gave out on me and all of a sudden I went from standing on that thing to chest deep and
I couldn't really move so it was so the swamp has was filled with so much growth
and mud and all these twigs and branches and dead like I couldn't move like being quick sand I was like oh going I'm going
to drown in here and the sun was going down it was almost dark I was out there by myself trying to set this stupid M
laughing at I'm just like I'm going to die watching you it took me 5 minutes to
get out of that just clawing my way pulling on things robbing [ __ ] yeah yeah
literally I was like this how I'm going to die I was like zone four heart rate trying to just get out of the swamp and
that's after he fell off the roof trying to get down slam his butt cut his hand open not allowed to die bathroom Ru the
bathroom was the stupider thing I did I climbed the bathroom Hardcore Parkour
super sketchy bathroom I put my one foot on the door handle one hand on the door
frame yanked up on that grabbed onto the top then put my foot on top of the swinging door and somehow got on top of
it and then once I got on top of it I thought this is super sketchy I should not have done this and I don't want
anyone else to go up here and I have no clue how I'm getting down so that's when I came up with the idea while sitting on
top of that bathroom to to tape it there and run the string off the back and then so I set that up and then I go okay I'm
going to climb off of this thing and so I start to try and climb off of it and it's just so dusty and it's rounded it's
a pitched roof and I have one no lips on the edge it's just like metal can't climb this thing right it's probably you
know 12 or 13t tall and I have one foot on the swinging door again trying to do that move downward this time where I
squat and then move my hands from the roof roof to the lip of the door frame and somehow of course just slipped
and I go falling down and my left butt cheek nails this big metal door handle
which then just flaps me flat onto the concrete and so I have this uh if anyone wants just go ahead and email podcast
World by cycl Jared can send you the photo it looks like the Milky Way it's it's probably 6 in by 8 in dark massive
gigantic bruise which is still on my butt 3 weeks later um and also just
massive gash in my shin and my hand like casualties across the after he got
cut you went in this nasty SW was all bloody and bruised and in the swamp
yeah I wanted to make a sick treasure hunt dude yeah you did you sure did oh I'm going to change
it up a little bit for the next one but uh hopefully people that are listening to this are interested in this treasure
on idea yeah so I had a good time yeah I came out $0000 got Weaver 2 which I give
him a little $50 tip you know for coming out I'm I'm sure there's plenty of uh
adventurous people with plenty of free time that would love to you know partake I ran into my buddy Alden while doing it
and he's like let me know in the next one I mean see people are interested in this especially if there's cash out
there people do it for free people do geocaching there's nothing in geocaching trash exactly I'm going to put money in
mine Zach was like this isn't even worth it it's not even that much money like well see I would have done this for free
yeah that's a difference pay money to do adventure racing insane well what turned what was going
to be a little quick recap yeah yeah you had to go hard it's too good some rapid fire listener questions how about that
rapid fire listener questions ready queued up right here all right the most valuable questions to mountain bikers
abound yes I ride a 2017 evil Reckoning that has a 2016 Fox Factory X2 on it I
have not serviced the shock in the five or so years I've had on this bike it's making some strange noises anyway what
would you recommend one send the shock for full service two buy a new shock my concern with buying a new shock is that
I won't be tuned specifically for my bike my concern with rebuilding is that the shock is too old and might not
recover from the beating it has received thoughts and considerations on this conundrum as always love the Pod and
thanks for all you do for the MTB Community well I'm amazed your first X2 lasted 5 years Kudos on that that's
legit they don't always do that especially from that 2016 yeah I would hasn't serviced it years impressive that
is very impressive I would probably go on the side of just getting that serviced and they can replace the
internals but having a shock tune for the bike I think is it makes a makes a
decent difference sometimes so yeah it's probably only what maybe 150 or it's 170
200 probably yeah 200 bucks maybe to to do a full Factory Service depending on where you are that's what I The Lone
Ranger Noone Lone Wolf in Santa Barbara we send our stuff there or we send it to
fluid focus in San Diego y so yeah I would do that save a bunch of money wolf
not to be confused with LOM wolf LOM correct yeah that's why I get them all confused Lan like L and there's that guy
with a YouTube channel The Lone Ranger is that a YouTube channel yeah I think so yeah yeah there you go service that
bad boy if it's lasted you this long man just I agree keep it going all right
Jeff what's your most embarrassing secret Talent well I didn't think I had one but then I thought of one when you
showed me your nostril talent and it was moving uh my whole scalp W look at do a
side view wow I know you can really look at how much movement see that yeah it's
pretty good if you're watching this on YouTube you can see move my SC I was shocked when he showed us that an hour
ago I recorded it it was really good Jared can move his nostrils I can do a really good nostril flare
like mhm I could stick a diamond there Liam you had one what is it
a clover with my tongue yeah wow yeah that's impressive that tongue do you boy
I want to know I want to know what that thing the guy who asked this question
what was he expecting and what is his true like who says that question someone
who is a Super Fan Jeff yeah speaking of fans fellas I was recently gifted a
gravel bike from a friend gravel isn't my scene but I want to utilize the bike for improving my mountain bike Fitness
and cruising green belts around my local city how do I I make my gravel bike less road so my MTB friends don't make fun of
me I already know I'm putting flat bars on the bike but do you have any suggestions so that the sizing is an all
wonky by changing the drop bars to Flat bars Josh Saunders oh it's from Josh it's from Josh hey Josh hey Josh thanks
for thanks for shouting us out giving us a great question here uh Jeff flat bars
well Josh the Josh is also 65 so yeah the problem is we know Josh and we know
he's very very tall so put on some massive risers on there Josh some 90 mil R Dakota
Norton yeah that's going to look ridiculous stack we're not talking about a beach cruiser he's trying to well he
said he's going to ride around his green belts and he said he's trying to make it Fitness less more mountain bike SI the
biggest tire you can on there drop the front derailer yep and put on some massive Riser flat bars y uh and a
dropper post yeah one word of caution uh taking any gravel bike and trying to put
flat bars on it you usually have to do a pretty much a whole new drivetrain cuz almost every drop off sh is not
compatible with a flat bar rear derailer so they make a road
pull flat bar shifter for like this thing yeah yeah so you'll have to get
xx1 access be very weary of compatibility issues just yeah slap on
the the nicest Wireless Ron you can and I think Apex is like a a lower end Road
Road group set and they make it a flat bar version of that so oh there you go there there's ways around it but yeah so
would you keep the stem i' I'd most likely shorten the stem a little bit because if you're going from like let's
say 42 CM wide bars with like a 90 mil stem yeah to you know 750s you're going
out 30 mil so you got to come back at least 30 mil on youres or no that's definitely more than
30 mil 30 cm but come back like 30 mil in your stem probably yeah that makes
sense should we do the last question here about headsets rbit all right hey guys genuinely curious about this one
because I feel like I'm missing something why on Earth do people want to spend on upgraded headsets I have a mid-range headset that came on my 2020
vintage bike and is still going strong despite being put through all manner of abuse bottom brackets I sort of
understand they rotate thousands of times on every ride and there are Ries on YouTube who probably have spicy dreams about bottom brackets given the
amount of content they produce about them anyway what's the or what's the deal why would I want to spend 200 bucks
on a headset want a 51 $50 one is solid and gives no issues is there more to it
than the bling Factor as always love the podcast and keep it up well all I know is is that like you know
fancy ones like a Chris King headset they make all their bearings in house and they're designed to like actually
improve over the years like my dad has a Chris King headset on this 1991 road
bike that he gave gave me and it is still amazing like yeah so you're going
to get nicer bearings like I think this this is this pretty pretty hefty words from a guy who's I've never seen in my
life have a nice headset other than just like a good 10 or whatever yeah I mean
exactly I mean yes they're nicer do I buy them no I this this day and age I don't see the point buying Chris King
headset well yeah the cheap ones these days are really good aside from the blink factor from
great headset K Creek 40 or 70 like I like the hellbender 70 hellbender 7 but
they do have better seals a little bit better bearing a little bit longer but they already last so long to be yeah
thing a one that's not like a k Creek that's cheaper than that it like Creeks faster ORS out faster type of thing you
know don't go less than a 100 bucks when you when you pull the headset apart to service it your bearing falls apart yeah
I mean that that has happened even with some K Creek if you're really abusive with water sweat and stuff like so I
think the better the more you spend the better the seals but I think at some point it's kind of bling Factor $100 is
sort of your diminishing return I mean yeah yeah below $100 and you know you're going to sacrifice quality above $100
and you're not going to really gain much quality it's just going to look kind of cooler I mean obviously if you blindfolded a person and you had them
say or and you said hey can you tell me which one of these headsets is the $200 one this one's which one's the $40 one
it' probably be hard to tell yeah right for the most part how are they going to be putting their fingers inside of the
bearings and spinning them or how how exactly is this blind turn you say turn
one I think our uh video's turned off at this point for that too so Jeff's little
little demonstration the camera has overheated if you're watching this on YouTube you didn't see my demonstration
of how to do the headset may not have been pg-3 if you're
listening to this on Spotify or apple podcast we would genuinely appreciate if you would leave us a
review and it's also November so please expect a bunch of Epic discounts from the worldwide website the kettle
Mountain website and the trail one website o Trail one website true we go hard for November sales go so we can be
broke for December stay hard go hard stay hard David Goggins all right that's it that's all thank you very much please
check the description to make a donation to The Old Fort strong fund under my run signup page y yep
yep I think that's it that's right that's it that's all thank you Cheerio love you cheerio [Music]

November 11, 2024

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