Fox Proframe Full Face Helmet: Customer Review

The Fox Proframe full face helmet is designed to offer ample protection while keeping you cool. Ride in the Proframe all day long. Here in this review, our customer Chris Alleaume says his new Proframe helmet is quality, lightweight, and instills a level of confidence in you out on the trail. Read more below!

Fox ProFrame Full Face Helmet Review

Urgent Delivery

“Bang bang bang bang! Ding dong ding dong ding dong!”

That’s the sound of the guy who delivers some of the packages to my house. I call him “Rick”. He appears to be afraid that the zombies creeping out from everywhere since the zombie apocalypse started last year have now suddenly developed a taste for my mail packages. Well, thank you, Rick, now if you wouldn’t mind coming back and putting my children back to sleep, that would be great.

I opened the door and, to my surprise, there were no zombies eating my incredibly-urgently-delivered parcel. But I looked at the size of it and knew: “Ah-hah! My new full face helmet has arrived!”. I was calm and collected about it, you know, like we all are when our new bike stuff arrives, and solemnly resolved to opening it after the kids were in bed.

Well, that didn’t work. Note: The size “M” may be a little loose on a growing Hulk.

Fox ProFrame Helmet Review
First Post-Ride Impressions

I went with some buddies to a trail nearby and cased a few jumps, dead-soldiered a few others, and just had a good time. Because, you know, that was all deliberate and I’m normally much better. The first thing that I noticed was the mass – it’s light. It’s downhill-rated but feels like it weighs just about as much as my regular helmet. The point is that I didn’t notice a difference while I was riding and jumping. I think that speaks for itself in so many ways.

Of course, the vents are big and do allow for a good amount of airflow, but, let’s be honest – wearing a full-face helmet in hot and humid conditions is still like wrapping your head in a very-light-but-snug polar bear. With that said, the helmet comes on and off relatively easily. The magnetic clip is super easy to use with one hand once you get the hang of it.

Final Thoughts

Be sure to measure your melon in a straight horizontal line right around, just above your ears and check the sizing chart. My measurements came in at the top of the M scale and it fits like a glove. As far as safety goes, it’s downhill-rated as mentioned before and it also features MIPS technology which further protects the contents of your cranium. I have to say, I’ve worn my Fox Proframe for a few rides now and I love it. I’m very happy with my purchase.

The helmet has a feel of quality, as does all of the Fox Racing stuff I’ve bought over the years. It’s comfortable and light and inspires a level of confidence knowing that if I get another pedal strike on a vicious downhill, I probably won’t be eating my handlebars as easily.

Shop Fox ProFrame Helmet

April 28, 2018

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