Today on the podcast, Jeff and Liam interview our friend Troydon Murison who is the cofounder of Crestline Bikes. He gives us some insight as to what it was like starting a bike brand during COVID, the future plans of the brand, and is kind enough to field a barrage of classic listener questions that will be sure to entertain. Tune in!
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Italy Trip:
Worldwide Cyclery YouTube Channel
ladies and gentlemen welcome to the MTB
podcast episode 114 we apologize for not being consistent with our podcast as we
have been doing summertime things and also I was sick but this podcast we have a special guest because Jared is
currently in Whistler still in Whistler asking a girl to marry him so it is myself I am Jeff
I am trying Liam and Troydon here Troydon is the
co-founder of Crestline bikes uh if you've listened to the podcast for a while you've heard us talk about Crestline plenty of times uh Troydon is
the friend of ours that was the co-founder of Crestline so we're gonna ask him all sorts of various questions
that we came up with and ones we got from our audience about Crestline bikes and also hitroid with some other random
mountain bike questions just to hear his answers because he's an experienced South African mountain biker tell us
about yourself Troy well um you probably know I love riding bikes
and started kind of late in my life
um and basically felt like I had to catch up so as soon as the e-bikes came around I was
like sweet I can get more down here riding in so jumped on the wagon pretty
quickly uh yeah yeah so e-bikes I mean I just out of curiosity because I remember
the early days of Crestline it was you were kind of thinking it was going to be an e-bike only company but then you made
a downhill bike so where where are you guys going at this point so
I guess like the first bike I ever had was a downhill bike and that was sort of how I got into mountain biking
um so I you know I just fell in with a group that was really into downhill or did a bunch of shuttling
so that was sort of my entry into it and then uh actually went the opposite
direction to most people who start you know on more the sort of peddly side of things and then migrate to the gravity side I
started the gravity side and then got more into pedaling bikes as got out as I got more into bikes
um realized I wasn't that great at pedaling up the hill and [Music]
um so when e-bikes came along jumped on one of those and yeah just you know was
like okay cool I can get on board with this uh just get to have the fun and uh avoid the pain
which some people don't see the same way I do um but yeah and then uh when we started
making the e-bike uh I think it was more you know obviously we have this I have
this downhill kind of background so there's my business partner Mark and
because of how long things were taking to actually get the e-bike going we decided to do a downhill bike uh to kind
of keep us busy while we were waiting for parts and whatnot during Covid so that's kind of why we did that and we
also thought it'd be a nice cool thing to have a downhill bike which is kind of the heritage of the brand and the fact
that we love gravity riding and that's where we come from ultimately so
yeah yeah I I got the sense that you guys don't really care too much about
many things other than making really good bikes that you yourselves want to ride is that kind of a good way to look
at it yeah I think that's definitely a good way to look at it um at the time when we started
there weren't a ton of options out there as far as you know the longer travel
e-bikes they did start coming out right around when we started and you know
obviously at that point we were like cool well the trains left the station uh we still think there's some stuff that
we can add and some value we can add by doing our own bikes and yeah so we
focused on those things and and you know forged life yeah that's cool
um I'm stoked I think uh I've I've spent a small amount of time on some Crest lines but Liam has ridden them a lot
more and he can probably speak to more of of how they ride Liam you rode the the downhill bike in Whistler a lot last
season and then the e-bike quite a bit this season right you're you're somewhat in love I would say
yeah I mean the downhill bike is pretty incredible I spent pretty much most of
my bike park time on of download Bike last season so locally shuttles Big Bear Summit
um and then like four days in Whistler with Troydon last summer um on the downhill bike so it's pretty
fun to ride that just works really well it's definitely pretty purpose-built race bike
um and then yeah the the e-bike is just uh it rips like there's not much much
else to describe it it's got the Bosch motor it rides good uh it's pretty confident inspiring
um and it is a full power so it's you know 50 plus pounds but it still has pretty good maneuverability
um you know buzzwords playful Poppy and stuff for being a 50 50 pound bike so
I think I was on the e-bike when you were riding the downhill biking Whistler yeah
yeah it's actually pretty fun in the bike park some guys uh might not agree
and might think well if you're there and you go to chairlift tomorrow you know why not ride the dining white I think
um the reason I wasn't on one at that time was you were possibly riding my downhill bike right Liam and we just set
it up for you I think he only had two at the time and one might have been another Media company and then I just wrote
yours so yeah and actually what I found with the e-bikes in the in the bike park is that extra weight kind of deadens all
the breaking bumps um and yeah it's pretty stable in the the
big Like Bike Park turns and burns so they're pretty fun and then you've got like pretty big jumps so it's not like
you're trying to pop off something small like you would on like a little trail bike you're sending pretty big jumps so
that the extra weight actually is quite nice in the air bike feels pretty stable
yeah definitely and I mean on a testing side of things what's a better use than
to get what we do last week we did 17 000 feet of descending in one day like yeah as far as testing durability and
and feeling in different parts go like that's probably the best case you could do so yeah definitely a good way to test
the e-box man yeah nothing eats bikes and bike parts more than Whistler bike park and just Whistler in general yeah
so and and I think last year I must have done like
a couple trips up there and you know like the entire trip with you Liam was on the e-bike and definitely a good few
trips back afterwards or so on the e-bike and just yeah went through some rear wheels but
um everything else seemed to hang together all right so yeah yeah Troy and you you spent a lot of
time riding Rocky Peak which is fairly local to us and used to be local to you
back when you lived in SoCal now you're in Bellingham but Rocky Peak seems like it was one of those areas to me that
enlightened a lot of people to how much fun e-bikes could be and full power e-bikes because the well Liam you can
probably describe it better it's like there's a what is it like eight mile climb and then a two mile descent or how does the layout work yeah I don't know
the mileage is exactly but it's roughly like three to four hundred feet of a road climb and then like five to eight
hundred feet of a pretty steep Fire Road and not very many miles um so on a normal bike I would do three
maybe four laps when I was pedaling Enduro bikes quite a bit and like you'd be pretty smoked on that third fourth lap like I think I actually had my two
biggest crashes at Rocky Peak like on a fourth lap day um Trojan would probably only make maybe
two maybe three of those Laps on a pedal bike and I'd probably be whining and asking you guys to shuttle me on the
road section yeah pretty much um so yeah I mean the e-box just open up
options right you can basically kill a battery and you're pretty smoked as far as your arms go but like you know you're
you're still with it on the downhill you're not delirious and like so tired from pedaling basically a thousand feet
of lap um with you know 34 pound bike because you need downhill tires you need you
know 160 170 180 milk travel Forks up there so yeah because that I mean after you do
the the climbing you have uh what five plus different downhill trails to ride
that are all super well built and really fun and people absolutely love and like that's the motivation for kind of doing
laps at this place yeah the thing is maybe even like eight now um nice but they're all quite proper
downhill Trails like we we have a joke like from riding other local places on
the bikes you go to Rocky Peak and you gotta add five PSI to your fork and 10 year shock like right away you have
rocky Peak pressures just because the compressions are so hard and uh the rock drops and stuff so pretty chunky Trails
for sure yeah you know yeah that and I mean that I'm assuming that area
um kind of was part of the inspiration right of of the longer travel full power e-bike for you Jordan I think so I think
um I think the key for us was if you're gonna have a bike that you can pedal to the top
and you have a bike that has the right characteristics while still having long travel
there's no downside really right to having that extra travel if you've got a bike that's got all this travel but then
feels wallowy and feels cumbersome and and then you're kind of getting all these downsides to that and then then
you can sort of see like well you know is it worth having all that travel but if you can get the platform to work in a
way that doesn't have those downsides but yet you have the extra travel there's no sense not having it because
you're climbing up the mountain with with a motor right so and
um yeah that was a a big reason why we went that route but also
it just depends on on where you ride right and so I actually have my bike set
up in a weird in between mode that anyone can do and that is if you take
our bike you use the full length stroke and you you flip the chip into the short
travel setting it reduces the travel from 175 to 163. and you can pair that
with like a 170 fork and have a 170 163 bike and where I ride now that's kind of
my sweet spot um so just depends say say you used to live
near Rocky Peak and then you moved to another area where you just don't have
those kinds of trails the nice thing is to be able to you know cater to that and change your bike and
not have to go out and buy another bike also people that are starting out and are not necessarily someone who thinks
they need a ton of travel nice to start at a 150 level right 150 160 is still a
decent amount of travel um you know progress as a rider and then be able to bump that up without being in
a position where you have to go out and get another bike you know um so I think that was all of those things
were taken into account when we designed the bike and worked on the bike um obviously for us you know we're and what
I'm seeing too is the long travel version is just the most popular there's there's no disputing that you know
um and I think it's because the bike's still feels very similar in either setting
yeah yeah totally so just for for clarity the RS 205 that's the full-blown
downhill bike not an e-bike and then the RS 7550 and then the RS 5075 give us
give us the little rundown of like how those the longer travel and the less less travel work on the e-bike models
so um in hindsight I've also realized that this the the model names and stuff are a
little confusing um not the first or last person on the bike industry to make confusing model names yeah so but the reason we did it
went like that was literally like um it is the travel setting right so the the 205 is the downhill bike comes with 205
mils of travel that box got some flexibility as well Liam knows um there's like a short stroke option which
drops it at 190. we do have a link that um Cascade have been working on actually get it all the way down to 180
um and people some people have set those up as Enduro bikes I've actually seen a couple with transmission on them we've
got an idler pulley that um uh Cascade are working on that's set up for the new
flat top chain and everything so that'll really help those guys that want to have that as like a Burly Enduro bike and
then when it comes to the e-bike um the way we did the model number was just the way it was uh set up from the
factory so uh if it was built as a long travel version in the long travel settings the
75 comes first that's 175 rear travel right and then you can adjust it all the
way down to 150. so that's why we did 75.50 and then vice versa for the shorter travel one so if it left the
factory as a 150 bike then it's a 5075 you still have the opportunity to bump
it up to a 175. um so yeah definitely uh seen much more
people wanting the long travel I think what we'll probably do in future is spec
most of the bikes if not all of them as the long travel version and then we can always do the change or facilitate what
needs to happen to change it to either the slightly shorter travel or the 150 travel if someone wants to go that route
uh I think it's going to be simpler for us then uh changing as many as we had to change
from the short travel to the long travel if that makes sense yeah yeah so the RS
7550 uh is 175 of your travel stock with a 184. yeah correct the RS 50 75 is 150
rear travel stock of the 164. yeah cool and then how do you adjust the
travel ranges so uh there's a flip chip on the lower link
and on the 150 travel version you're running a 230 by 57.5 inch shock
with the flip chip set in the short travel setting so in St and to get the full amount of travel
you're running a 230 by 65 shock and you have the flip chipset in the LT
setting long travel yep nice so do you think just this is
just out of my own curiosity um do you think that it's a little confusing for some Riders who are kind
of I guess if you're buying a bike as high end as a Crestline you're you're pretty into it but it is it is slightly
confusing and it's have you run into problems just like explaining how all this works because even telling someone what a flip chip is definitely know what
that is it's kind of kind of hard it is it it is definitely a bit confusing I
think like you said we've been pretty fortunate with a lot of customers that are really into biking really into e-biking
specifically know what they're looking for and
so the majority of the customers we've had kind of know what what's happening with
all that stuff flip tips have been around for quite a while so especially on this kind of a
platform sometimes just for a geometry change or a BB height change
so it's not too difficult but I think for definitely some some confusion and
yeah it is it is something that maybe I need to clarify a bit more make a little
bit simpler on the website and I think that's also kind of why we've been LED
down the shroud of you know just doing the focusing on the long travel one um but making it clear to people that we
can adjust it to a shorter travel bike if they would like us to and then you know having that as something we would
do for them yep yeah that's cool and it seems like I mean a lot of that stuff from what I've seen has been explained
quite well and a lot of the press you guys have gotten so um pink bikes done a full ride up
obviously we have it worldwide and then uh Rob rides emtb he did a really good video on the bike so there's some
there's some people that are already creating some pretty cool content on the thing any other media that you're you're
stoked on you guys have gotten in the last year yeah so I I think um you've definitely mentioned uh the main ones we
do have vital uh who's going to be releasing one fairly soon they had uh
have had a bike for a while um and then uh Rob rides is going to do
a ride review fairly soon as well I think a lot of those guys are busy with Euro bike and then obviously all the
World Cup races that have just happened you know all the media sites have been pretty swamped with that kind of stuff
um so yeah we'll you'll definitely see a couple more coming out fairly soon and it has been really good to to have
people like that expanding things as well because um someone like Rob for example is
when we watch this video we were like you know he really does a good job at you know making his point
um as far as all the little features and how they work and so it is actually
really nice having people like that out there to help you get get that information across to people because
what we're also trying to do is is provide something with some flexibility
to people you know we're we're a small company um we're focused on a very specific
bracket and we want to provide a really cool experience to people you know and
we could be looking at it differently and be like well if we did this way we could sell more bikes or we but we just
want to provide something really cool for people and give them a bunch of options right and really have someone give someone the ability to really dial
in their bike and have something that they're really happy with and then also the ability to change and tweak things
right sometimes writing the same thing gets a bit boring after a while and it's kind of fun to trust anything different
even if it's just different um and you can kind of be like oh cool I can feel how different that is or you
know that improves this but then you know this is not as great and it's kind of nice to have that
um because that's part of writing as well right and you can get to like experience that without having to go out
and have all these different bikes so to speak so I think that also just adds to the experience of of being able to get
out there and enjoy you know what our sport it has to offer yep yeah I agree I
definitely agree I uh I like to change up random things on my bike not not as
often as Liam or as often as Liam tries different disciplines um but but to some extent I I'm always
perplexed that Liam can be you'll you'll be on a road bike one one day and then a
downhill bike and then it's lightweight and then a full power you bike and yeah how do you manage this Liam the hardest
part is the maintenance on the bikes themselves the easy part is riding them [Laughter]
uh yeah yeah it's pretty funny well this this runs slightly into some Lister questions but
um yeah what are what are kind of future plans I mean you're with with Crestline uh what do you what are you guys trying
to boil the ocean with with premium level e-bikes or or whatever what's kind of like the ethos of where you guys are
driving forward with the bikes you're making in the future so I mean that's definitely our Focus right we we want to
make sure we're we want to make sure we keep having like the best uh full power e-bike experience
and I think that will always be our Focus this might lead into some questions as well
but um we have really looked at the lighter power bikes as well and
in a perfect world for me there would be a bike that's tailored to the person
purchasing the bike and I might get different kinds of pushback
on this um but in a perfect world for me is like say you're a 130 pound guy on uh either
a small or a medium I feel like your bike shouldn't have as much power output as the guy on the full the the sort of
guy on the XL who's 220 um because that way you could potentially have a smaller motor you
could potentially have a smaller battery your bike would be somewhat lighter and the weight of that bike would be
relative to your weight so you would still have the same experience as somebody on a higher powered bike that's
heavier that's a bigger person and I think there's something to be said about that I think you will get pushback where
the other guys were like well whatever I'm smaller but that's cool I want the more you know all the power and all the
range and all about I don't care about the weight um so you know we'll have to explore
that a little bit more but I think there's going to be a lot of really cool options that you know are presented to
to people in the future and you know you'll be able to really choose what you want to get out of this if you're into
e-biking um what I have what we also did notice when
we were considering you know where we would start and where we want to go is um
there's just more full power e-bikes out there right there were just you know they were the ones that came out first
more people have them a lot of people want to ride with their friends you know
um so when they decide to get an e-bike they look around and see what their friends have right and you know if you
want to go ride with your friends and you have a half power bike and then you know certain people might be able to to
get away with it um if you're a smaller guy pretty fit you might be able to hang with some guys
on football but I said are bigger guys um but if you're a bigger guy and you're trying to get on the
horsepower bike go ride with a bunch of dudes on full power bikes you're probably going to be killing yourself you're not going to have the range that
you need so again like we just felt like there was more of a uh a need for full
power bikes and that's not to say we'll never do a half power or a lighter lighter weight bike we just think that
that's like the real Focus for us but now it's just having the best in that category and then building from that
yeah nice how many how many bikes do you imagine you'll have in five years
how many different bikes yeah it's hard to say I mean uh as you know
it takes quite some time to develop a bike yeah so so five years is actually
not that far away um in in those terms um
I'd like to think we'll always have at least two to three different
suspension level full power e-bikes so from a fairly
short travel to like a long travel maybe we end up bumping up our travel even more on the longer travel side of things
so it depends on how you look at that like what you know there might be a company out there who has two e-bikes
but we pretty much have the same you know even though it's one frame uh
config different configurations I remember when uh I can't remember who it was but they did
like um is it Yeti they did like a lunch ride or they did different configurations of a certain bike that
almost made it another bike even though it was you know something else pretty
specific so when I look at it like that um you know two or three full power
models maybe a lightweight model or two uh
you know we we did this downhill frame which was kind of cool because
we were in a position where it was really hard to get parts um and so we were quite far along with
the e-bike but actually getting parts to put them together to bring them into country was what was holding us up and
that's when I decided to do the downhill frame uh actually kind of uh you uh prompting
that as well because I remember you talking about Nico putting me in touch with Nico started turning to him he had
been talking to um uh Jimmy and Cascade and they had been
working a bit with each other and then like we were working with Cascade because they helped us with our kinematics and you know and then you
know one thing led to another and we decided to make the this like limited edition down here by
um and it came about quite quickly because of the way we did it and I think there's an opportunity for us to
potentially do something else like that um you know which could also be cool and
kind of bridge a gap between uh how quickly technology moves and what we
want to do on our next e-bike because I think what is important for us too is to make sure that when we do that
um we choose the right partners and we do the right bike at the right time and
that our bike comes out with all the right stuff as opposed to just you know
feeling like we have to do something quickly or do something different or you know there's like two years have passed
by we need a new bike like I'd rather spend a little bit more time making sure that the next thing we do is the right thing
um rather than just doing something to do something you know yep
I like it man it's it's an it's an answer of many words and a lot of
passion and attention to detail and thoughtfulness um and not not a typical politician uh
lack of clarity answer but in one way it is but it's good it's like you you're not it's funny
because if you know one way to answer that question could have been a very concise like oh we have this dialed in
product roadmap and here's what we're gonna do and here's what we promised our sales teams the product team would produce it's like nah you answered the
question as a true mountain biker who's designing bikes that you really care about um and not as like a uh you know I think
that's what helps us too though Jeff is that we're we're we're small right so we don't have
those kind of constraints where you have those pressures where you have to make those decisions and you have to make them so far ahead and you know like when
we did the downhill bike we started in December of 2021. we were selling them in
I want to say August or September of 22. you know that's like an eight months and
that's not to say we didn't test them and we didn't like do what we needed to do it's just that we did it in a
slightly different way that was a little bit outside of the box right we used a prototype mold was made in the r d
Center they can do it quicker we could get them back to test quicker like everything was quicker but then we were
limited to the number that we could make so yeah so I think you know it does give
us a bit of freedom to do things like that and um yeah it's like you said too we just want to try and make the best bike we
can because we're riding these bikes as well right and I want to ride a cool buy
so I want to make sure that we make the best thing and so yeah I'm yeah
definitely like paying attention to what's happening looking at the new like Solid State Battery tech that's being
charted everywhere and waiting to see what different manufacturers start using
um you know and just do the best to make the best decision we can to provide you
know customers with something cool yep yeah it's rad I love it man well cool before I ask too many of the listener
questions let's take a quick break and then we will get into some more of these rapid fire listener questions in just a
moment and now a word from our sponsors hello everyone Jeff again just a quick
note to let you know that we have actually had just a couple cancellations on this crazy Italian mountain bike trip
that we are taking with the tour company all Mountain rides this September 3rd to the 10th it's going to be incredible
myself Liam and Jared are going uh eight days riding in the dolomites in Italy I
cannot wait for this trip it's being put on by a gentleman Phil Borman who put together a amazing mountain bike trip in
New Zealand in 2019 that I went on and it was probably one of the best weeks of my life and I can't wait to do this
Italy trip if you're interested at all and going on this trip with us like I mentioned we've got a couple spots open right now now check out the show notes
or if you just Google worldwide Cyclery ultimate dolomites Italy mountain bike trip you will find it as well but Link
in the show notes if you want to check out the details and uh yeah let us know if you're interested in joining us on that trip we would love to ride some
bikes with you guys and now back to the show and we are back with some listener
questions most of these are tailored for you Troydon uh Liam why don't you go ahead and read the first one all right
so trodin how did you come up with the name Crestline so you guys are from Cali and you're
probably familiar with the area and you've also come up with brand names and probably no it's not the easiest
thing to do right it's like nearly impossible in the 2020s yeah so I did
have a book um that probably had like 15 pages of ideas that were not great
a book that you made yeah a book that I was writing names in and then um
yeah uh we started thinking about location-based names uh and the fact
that we were from California and that's where Mark and I were and that's where I started writing and um
and uh Crestline is a zone that we love going to it's not somewhere we went all
the time it's a little bit of a drive to get there and there's some really cool pretty
well-known um downhill tracks there and it's actually somewhere where we did a bunch
of the testing as well so yeah it was it was an appropriate name and we just felt it it was like it's a cool name it like
it it's not like um it doesn't alienate anyone it's not like a super young name that only sort
of young people can really relate to it's not a super old name it's just it just worked so
um yeah uh when that came up we were like cool this is this is the name yeah Crestline which is what closest to
Big Bear Lake Arrowhead area yeah it's kind of on the back back side of um Big Bear
yeah yeah right cool cool yeah the next question is on the more technical side
why did you choose to use the Bosch system in your bikes so I think um this was something we
considered uh for quite a while like what to do and what was the right answer and we had obviously written a bunch of
e-bikes um with a number of different systems uh from you know the Bros to the Yamaha
to the uh Shimano Bosch uh and we just had
our best experience writing experience was with the Boston there were certain things about the
Bosch that we didn't like uh the integration wasn't that great that was one of them and
um tunability like you got sort of X number of modes and that's what you got and you couldn't do anything to it and
so those things were things that weren't the best on that system but when we
started looking into them we started seeing that they were making changes to those things and the things that were
the good things kind of remained and the things that we felt they needed to work on they were actually working on the
other nice thing about that system is it's a fully cohesive system provided by
a very established company so has a new brand we also want to offer good support
to customers and you know have them have a good experience and when you're bigger you can probably take
more chances with using different uh um vendors for different things so you
might get a battery from someone because you can get a bigger battery or you can get something that maybe that vendor who
provides the motor doesn't offer but then you have this issue that you might run into where if you have something
that happens people start pointing fingers at each other and you know as the person who made the
batteries like no the battery's working fine and then the person who who made the motor is like no the motor's working fine but these things are not talking to
each other now now what do you do so for us um it was important to have a system that was cohesive uh if we have an issue
with it it's Bosch we go to Bosch and we get it sorted out as simple as that and
and it's arguably you know one of the best on the market right now so I think that all lined up nicely for us and uh
yeah we're pretty happy with that choice yeah they seem to be having like just a
really good reputation that they're holding on to that good reputation thus far in the e-bike space and also seem to
be coming out with a lot of new stuff at a pretty fast pace that looks really well and you know just like well done
and refined which I'm pretty impressed which seems like they they're they're just competitive when it comes to trying
to be in this market and be a leader in it which is killer good to see that yeah
yeah and if I'm not mistaken your Crestline was the first bike with both the wireless motor
and integrated screen in the top tube right with the wireless remote yeah yeah
so I mean I don't know if we were but I feel like we were one of the first if
not the first to have the race motor in the US and then like you say the
Bluetooth mini remote and the system controller and the screen and everything basically all the bells and whistles of
the new stuff um also the um the valve stem magnets are no wire and
cable running to your rear wheel um and you know like magnet on your uh
disc or anything like that so all those cool little things that they came out with um we managed to kind of be there
I mean as those came out it's just cool yeah nice work worked out good
definitely uh next question is how was the
reception for a brand that mainly makes only e-bikes I guess it's slightly
confused because when you guys originally started talking about in launching Crestline you were going to do e-bikes and then you're like oh no check
out this super cool downhill bike and now it's like well what's Crestline gonna make is it you buy company because he told us it was but now it's not well
I mean at the end of the day what do you need bro down here back in the e-bike there's nothing else you really need right
so you can do pretty much everything on that you got your bike to go on trips go ride parks go ride chair lifts have a
bunch of fun and you get your e-bike to do whatever you want go ride with your cross-country mates go obviously
downhill guys you know what I mean so weird I guess I have four too many bikes
then yeah exactly yeah but I can go right I can go ride with you on any of your bikes
so yeah I mean the reception's been pretty good uh I think
uh maybe part of it is because of you know where it comes from you know and
the fact that we're focused on this sort of gravity side of the sport and that's what we love and that's what we want to
be our thing and our heritage heritage and so that's why the dh bike worked and
if you go and actually look at the downhill Riders you're going to like follow a bunch of the guys that race World Cups and like 90 of them love
e-bikes because they're they're cut from the same cloth you know they want to ride down the mountain they want to get
as many laps as they can and they want a bike that's capable to do that and so those are the things we
focused on so the reception's been pretty good yep has anyone been like oh you guys
need to make a trail bike or an Enduro bike kind of thing we have had like a little bit of like
okay it would be nice to have like a like a shorter travel actually what we have had is guys have ridden the e-bike
and been like damn this would be a really cool Enduro bike you know like it would be sick to have this without a
motor so that is definitely something we've heard and you know it makes you think a little bit I think for us coming
in as a brand late to the game like this or a new brand uh when so many brands
are so established and it's the sport is pretty refined right now like it's hard to buy a really a really bad bike right
um so for us it was like firstly we're being true to what we love
uh which is what we're making and secondly it works because it is one
segment that is still not as old as the rest of the
um segments are with these guys that have all these bikes that span across all these sort of different genres
within our sport um so yeah I don't know you never know like
Never Say Never we didn't know we were going to do the downhill bike who knows maybe we're doing Enduro bike at some point do like a limited thing might be
cool I don't know uh I like it nothing in stone just kind
of doing whatever you want yeah that's a good way to operate yeah
what was the hardest part of Designing the bike
so it's kind of weird but I think the hardest part was not actually designing
it it was getting parts to put on that
um yeah I think that was the most challenging part was I remember it was 20 20
21 like January when Mark and I said to each other okay cool you know like let's do this so we like formed the company
and we were like okay we're doing it and I believe that within my first two
months we had ordered parts for the bikes for delivery of
September of 2022 so it's about an 18 month ground an 18
monthly time and I and I was like okay cool I think I think we're safe you know like that should be good
um I still don't have confirmation for delivery on some of those parts that went in
in August of 20 I mean sorry in January or February of 2021 but
um yeah so there was some scrambling that happened um I ended up getting some North
American OE accounts set up because I couldn't get Taiwan OE account set up I
had to order some parts for the first batch of bikes that I ordered here in the US in aftermarket packaging and then
had to ship to Taiwan to get assembled so yeah they've definitely been uh
definitely been some challenges the designing part uh I think we actually got a little bit Lucky in one or two
senses because uh firstly we got in at a really good Factory um people have reminded us this a couple
times you know and I didn't maybe realize in the beginning but uh other people in the industry
have made it clear and you know I'm so grateful that we got in and at the time they were going through covert uh
the factories were shut down a lot of the workers were sent home but a lot of the engineers and the 3D surfacing guys
and uh were kept at the factory and they had a lot of capacity and I
remember when we were working on our bike we actually got a ton of support on that side of things that I don't think
you normally get and so you know at one point we had you know you designed one
size first and then from there you break out and do the other sizes and then they start making those other malts and I
remember them saying to us hey do you want our 3D guys to start doing your um your sort of like rh2 in your rh4 uh
while you guys finalize and we were like uh sure like that would be amazing and I
think it's because they were there they had the time you know so and it was pretty helpful for us too because these
are the guys that check your work um so we've we had already like got the aesthetic and stuff down on the frame
but then when it comes to clearances tolerances all that kind of stuff uh you know was actually super helpful having
having them uh looking over the frame and and doing things because that's what
they do you know they check you know all the manufacturers or submit their drawings and stuff and they'll check them so yes I think we've got a bit
lucky with that so um yeah it's I think the hardest part of Designing is
like is it being like okay cool it's finished you know let's make this thing and get it out
because you can always change little things you can always make things better you can always so it's that's kind of hard to let go and I think uh coming
from a music background was very similar you know a song's never finished because you can always change something
um and it's very hard especially in a creative thing to actually be like okay I'm cool with that let's let's roll with
it never done yeah it's never done but the nice thing is you can always make another song you can
always make another bike right you can always improve on so I think a key is like you also have to you have to let
those things go at some point otherwise you will never have anything come out right yep so yeah that's some good life
advice right there Troy yeah this is now a live podcast it's no
longer the mountain bike podcast well it doesn't apply to many facets of life right it does it really does yeah uh I
think uh this next question I'll let Liam ask since it's another thing that'll be full of life advice it's
super yeah we need an answer right away okay uh what is your favorite mountain bike component to use when eating soup
I feel like I read these questions and for some reason I didn't read this question
this is this is the when we ask the worldwide Cyclery audience for questions yes
hilarious combination of business related questions in the bike industry
to super technical uh mountain bike specific questions and geometry to
component preferences to things like you know have you ever [ __ ] in your shammy
like there's just it's just all it spans the gamut of yeah funny mountain bikers
just depending on when they happen to see the Instagram story and reply whether they were you know two beers
deep or mid-ride or bored at work or whatever I'm not sure there is a good component
I'm trying to think of the best component to eat soup with and
I mean I think I'm gonna go with the brake hose
because you can cut the brake hose and use it as a straw and actually eat the soup
I would go with a grip because if you take a just a grip it's like a spoon you
could sort of stop doing this soup you could spoon it in there you could put the broth in there and then just use your finger to kind of jam in some of
the noodles and then pour it in it's my what what's your answer I think I'd take
the saddle and I'd put a soup in a tire and like the combo would kind of worked pretty well
especially if it's like a more hearty soup you know
somebody yeah I wouldn't be getting any of the like goodies I'd just be getting like a very strange version yeah
some somebody told us just recently actually um a guy who was on the chasing epic
trip with us he was he was commenting how he thought it was hilarious that we would read these these questions and
then uh actually answer them like you know I think I think most people would probably hear you it's like oh what's
your favorite component to eat with the soup and then you would just like go on with your life and go to the next question but we actually would we would
answer them like every one of us would have a thought out answer and and give it to you
we got a compliment on that so I'm we're gonna we're gonna continue to answer the questions keep it going yeah we'll keep
it going um this next question is never never heard this one before there's also a
pink bike comment I'm pretty sure this hasn't come up like since we
started quote unquote this is never ever come up that's great well anything to do with
this quote unquote looks like a Santa Cruz uh was there inspiration from Santa
Cruz VPP platform how does Crestline differ I I think okay so for starters
you know there there was just for historical reference for people who don't remember there was that sort of
hilarious thing on pink bike for seemingly five years where everyone just said looks like a session and any
horselink bike that people would say that and like it was funny but then it wasn't funny and it got overused and then everyone just likes to say that and
and to the untrained eye everything can look the same but uh yeah I mean I think
you probably actually have some you know you got a high pivot VPP let's yeah
elaborate on this one for us sure so firstly I think that what your your
first comment is pretty poignant and I think there's definitely a lot more bikes that
have that kind of a layout and look like that right yeah and I feel like that might just be
because that's been around for longer I could be wrong um I think it's a fairly easy platform
to tune which is another reason why I think a lot of people use it
um the reason why we went with what we went was was uh we've always liked the way that
platform right and um so we've always liked the dual link platform with a with a fixed one-piece
triangle I don't know if it's because we're heavy heavier riders or
um I've always just felt that the rear end when it's done properly just feels a bit stiffer and
um yeah I just like the way it works and then you know we thought for a long time
um we've worked with a couple different people in the beginning one of them was Caesar from
um Sarah designs also like behind you know and uh went through a couple
platform options and just felt like we didn't want to do
something different for the sake of being different um and rather felt like we wanted to use
something that we knew was tested proven worked well was available to be used
and that we could make sure was done correctly and so that's why we
ultimately ended up using someone like Cascade who have been you know tuning
that platform since the start of their business and worked with them to do ours and the
nice thing about um about VPP is you get pretty drastic changes with
pretty small movements which is not the case with a lot of the other platforms so this can work in your
favor can also work against you it's quite easy to screw it up but then it is also quite easy to change things and get
different outcomes and have different options so even once we had you know
decided on the bike decided on the Geo decided on some main points we can still mess with one or two points that are
left over that are available to be messed with and continued testing and doing different stuff
so we felt that that was really a nice feature plus we've had really good
experiences with a lot of bikes set up like this and especially with Cascade
links on them so that's kind of why we decided to go that route and then the downhill bike
um is almost an extension of that where you know we did the kind of mid-high pivot thing hadn't been done yet with
BPP I know Santa Cruz have experimented With It ultimately I don't think Greg
really liked the way that road for him he's been riding you know the current bike for so long
um so yeah so I think that's why we went with what we went with
yeah so when it comes to bikes that have that VPP layout
um even small changes in the link and the placement of the pivots can make a
pretty substantial difference so even if they have somewhat of a similar look they can still ride quite differently am
I understand that correctly 100 yeah yeah so ultimately the look is is the
look right like you said to it it's like looks like a session and looks look those boxes do not all ride the same
right yeah and and the the changes on those need to be actually bigger than
the changes are now so as Outlook is kind of and and we try to consider that
and you know that's why you'll see our top link has a certain shape to it and you know something that we try to make
that will probably become like a thing for us um as opposed to just doing it like you
know some of the other guys have done it uh yeah I mean we wanted something that works we knew this worked and
it also eliminates um you know as if you think about it like a user coming in to purchase a new
bike from a new brand that's unknown we need to eliminate as many of those unknowns as possible Right
um so they can see the platform they know the people who have tuned the platform so there's a good chance that
it's going to work well or a better chance than some random thing that just you know we threw together and it's made
in a factory that makes all the other bikes that everybody else makes so you know you're just like eliminating
these these questions along the way while making the best thing you can make and that was that was the way we looked
at it yeah I like it it's good well and when you start refining something and
you refine it and you refine it over time uh you kind of like Get down to this
point right like if you look at Vehicles if you look at cars yeah there's a reason why I last 20 30 years they've
all kind of followed the same suit doesn't mean they'll drive the same it doesn't mean all bikes ride the same but like once you continue to refine
something like it's gonna end up at this point where it's going to be pretty much similar as far as aesthetically goes
because that's just going to be the best you know the best best way to do it yeah the best way to do it so yeah look at
dirt bikes you know yeah it's like no one's fighting about what they look like they all look the same
they have like a different color seat you know yeah unbelievably the same yeah so yeah yeah
that is funny that's a whole that's a hilarious like analogy to draw yeah
um what is what's your prediction for the next innovation in e-bikes
so I mean I think the the obvious one is like is like batteries you know it seems like it's
gonna be a race to like who gets who gets to use the new battery Tech first kind of thing and what what that
is or maybe it's not a battery but something else that powers the thing that's lighter and smaller right
um that seems to be the I feel like that will be the biggest thing I do also like
some of the other stuff that's popping up uh Liam and I were talking about it today we saw uh opinion with a gearbox
internal gearbox motor um I think that's really cool you know and
I think there's some really cool stuff that can come from that um I love the idea of like a belt drive
uh to eliminate noise and potentially maintenance and then you know having all
your your gears internal so you're moving that weight off the rear wheel
um the new transmission stuff is good works really well a little bit heavier
so maybe some people will see that in the wrong thing in the wrong direction I've been running it for a while I don't
feel like it's overly noticeable if at all I might not be in tune enough to
pick that up but I do feel like there's a lot of um there's definitely a lot of room for
cool stuff you know and I think it's going to take time for the right things
to emerge as what that cool stuff is and some guys are going to get it right
and get lucky and get on early and um yeah so we just have to kind of you know
look at everything properly and try to make those decisions appropriately
yep yeah nice I like it I'm looking forward to it yeah
Liam next question will mid-power e-bikes become the norm
I would I would also like to ask what exactly is a mid-power e-bike yeah I'll
let Liam wants to the midpower Eli question and then I'll I mean I I guess you could kind of say something like a
forest also almost a Manpower e-bike because you do have the specialized uh SL range which is
like a 35 Newton meter power and then you have the Forest Auto 60 or 65
um fazua and TQ are also maybe more in that mid power versus like the SL motor
I honestly have no clue yeah I mean I I think I think the funny
enough is the industry has very very sort of decided on what you know what
the travel range is for a cross-country bike and a trail bike and an Enduro bike and a downhill bike maybe that will be
how this plays out with e-bikes like eventually we'll sort of say like oh you know light light e-bike mid Power full
power like well I think I think you've tested the range in our head when people say those words I think you touched on a
day I think I think a med power e-bike is simply a lighter weight yeah it has a little bit less power I mean that that's
what it is that's what it boils down to is some people you know are against the weight
um I think the more you ride them the more you start to appreciate it and actually somewhat enjoy it
um but again depends you know like I must say like I'm I'm over six foot I'm 220
like so maybe that doesn't affect me as much so you know I don't want to be uh
what's the right word like selfish and not pay attention to what other people are experiencing
I think weight is definitely a thing and I think there's there's definitely a space for those bikes I do also think
those bikes are helping e-bikes in general almost as a little bit of a gateway drug where you know guys that
are purists that are real analog Riders not really interested in e-bikes it's
much easier to get them on a mid power bike like a half power bike that's you know not that much heavier than their
full-blown Enduro bike with downhill tires whatever whatever and then they
actually get to see how much fun they can be you know and before you know it they're like oh maybe I will try a full
power but I can see what it's like like so uh gateway drug yeah yeah so it
totally is kind of like that like it totally happened with our riding group down here they're almost all on SL bikes
and now they're almost all on full Powers yeah and so I think
but I do think that the gap between the full Powers I guess
you're probably thinking of it in two ways right like the the half power bikes might get
slightly lighter slightly smaller as the full power bikes get slightly lighter as well so they're both going to be heading
in that direction because that's that's kind of the trajectory everybody's chasing that how do we make these things
more efficient same amount of power slightly lighter um a little bit Slimmer looking all
those kinds of things that's that's what everyone's chasing so those two those two like segments are going to go in the
same direction I don't know if they go far enough to the point where the mid power one just disappears and then the
full power one is is so close to what the mid power ones were when they started that it doesn't really matter
anymore you don't need that red Power one I can't really say you know what's going to happen I'm a little worried
about the bikes below that you know the the old the older day bikes that don't
have any batteries or Motors or anything like where do those go
tell me like driving vintage cars people still driving just for the Nostalgia you know [Music]
no I'm just I think there'll always be plays for real real bikes and Arena especially in racing environments stuff
like everywhere yeah people are being tested physically so for me I I do feel
the weight sometimes if I go from riding my you know short travel bike to a Crestline I mean yeah that's you know
it's almost double the weight yeah um however if I'm on the Crestline for three or four days in a row I stop
noticing the weight right yeah um so it just kind of depends what Your Arsenal is what your goal is
um you know so and and like you said batteries will start getting lighter as
far as the wattage goes and the range goes Motors will get lighter so like that Gap will probably close over time
um and then you'll kind of just you might even just be able to pick your battery size and then that'll be a five ten pound difference even yeah so
yeah it'd be cool to see where it goes you know I think it's just there's so many cool things available that can happen you know as
people spend more time on this stuff yeah I mean just in the way that the industry's evolved so far with the
existing bikes we have it's like not not one new bike cannibalized another I mean
I guess you could kind of say that wheel sizes have had some you know effects over the years is the way they've
evolved but in in terms of different travel ranges and weight ranges of bikes like just because Enduro bikes are fun
does not mean that XC bikes will disappear and just because you know a trail bike is fun doesn't mean that
downhill bikes will disappear like it's all there's space for all of them at different times and different preferences and different use cases and
I don't know to me that's what makes the industry fun is that there's all these different things to try and ride and
enjoy exactly and now we've just got some more right we've just got a few more options yeah so yeah it's awesome
and I think it's just a pendulum right like I mean I've been in the industry pretty heavy for a decade now and it's
just it swings back and forth Enduro bikes are super sweet for two years and then it's kind of you know short travel
bikes and it's trail bikes now it's e-bikes you know and then my swing back my short travel bikes again but you know
people still ride where they want to ride it's just kind of like that that kind of popular pendulum is going to
swing so yeah that's a good way to think about it well the last question we have for you
Jordan um which actually this is this is pretty interesting for people that do ride e-bikes a lot which is is it do you feel
it's beneficial to have the SRAM transmission drivetrain on an e-bike I do think it's uh it's definitely a um
a drivetrain that caters really nicely to e-bikes and
you know first and foremost it's because of how they've managed to get it to shift under
load it's much it's much harder to be conscious of that on an e-bike
um and it is nice to just forget about it and just kind of like crank through when you need to and just keep going and
honestly some of the times your motor is pushing you know and you might not
necessarily want to be like if you're in kind of boost mode or race mode on a
Bosch motor and the the overdrive kicks in and you change gears like
I think transmission is definitely good good for that you know so I've been
running it for a little while now and yes it's pretty sick yep yeah it makes sense to me and man
just just for a lot of reasons especially shifting under load but even I mean even just with the added weight
of an e-bike you imagine the thing kind of in a crash scenario and the bike tumbling down a hill and it's just the
durability and the lack thereof of a derailleur hanger yeah it's like a good call the heavier the bike gets yeah I
took a pretty decent spoke where I hit a tree and then the bike like shot over the other way and like I scuffed up the
rear triangle a bit I think them so and I think the derailer took a pretty decent like hit to it and yeah it's it's
fine like I didn't even really think about it when it happened you know and then afterwards I saw what
like the frame took a hindi's net right there and I was like so uh yeah I think they've done a good
job yeah nice good stuff well we appreciate the time man uh I hopefully
that people who are interested in Crestline uh enjoy this episode and if we want to if anyone wants to contact
you you're obviously you can just Google Crestline bikes that's your guy's website Instagram
um it sounds like you're the the main guy answering the emails and all the DMS right now so yeah yeah shoot us a
message definitely happy to answer the questions and Shout to guys about bikes and thanks
for having me on the podcast guys yeah absolutely thank you Jordan appreciate it thanks thank everyone for listening
and if you guys uh yeah want to hear more from us don't hesitate to email podcast and we will
do our best to try and get back on consistent podcasts here um albeit we put the quality of life and
vacations and bike trips ahead of recording podcasts but we'll we'll worry about that at some point in the future
all right good stuff see you guys later
© 2025 Worldwide Cyclery