Dropper Seatpost

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The dropper seatpost on the mountain bike might be one of the most significant improvements you will find on most mountain bikes that is now standard. You no longer need to manually drop your post and guess where your pedaling saddle height is. With the push of a remote, you can now drop your post and get it out of the way for the downhill and easily raise it back up in a second to start pedaling again. Some of our favorite brands that make dropper posts are Fox, RockShox, PNW, OneUp, KS, Raceface, Bike Yoke, and SDG. These brands have made many variations of the dropper post and now have it figured out. Some are easily serviceable like the OneUp V2, PNW Rainier and SDG Tellis, while some others offer reliable options like the Fox Transfer Post and Raceface Turbine dropper post. Rockshox even makes a wireless dropper post called the Reverb AXS so you can ditch a cable and have a clean look. There are so many sizes and fit issues with droppers, so to best know what dropper post works for your bike check out our article on how to choose the correct size dropper seatpost. If you still have more questions contact our expert customer support team.
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